Chapter 4: The Great Naval Battle (Massacre) of Rodenius

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Eshas, Elysia 
January 12th, 2400 / January 31st, 1639

In the days following the Qua-Toyne delegation's visit to The Terran Federal Republic's settlement things were going well. The treaties and agreements between the two were hammered out and everything regarding diplomatic relations had been sorted out. However, this time of peace would not last for long. However, Qua-Toyne got what they wanted out of the treaty. When Louria invades the Terrans will come to their aid. However, what they don't know is when Louria will invade. That day is approaching and fast.

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 
2400 / February 1st, 1639
Kingdom of Louria
Qua-Toyne Border

Thousands of Lourian troops can be seen all over standing at the border of Qua-Toyne. In front of all of them stands General Adem. He can be seen giving a speech to his men.

Adem: MEN! We will now rid this land of the filth! Take the land that is rightfully ours! kill all the filth you see!

Random Soldier 1: Sir Adem. What about the women?

Adem: Have your fun! But make sure to dispose of them Afterwards! Now, let us clear the filth from the ear-!

He would have finished what he said but before he could his head exploded.

Random Soldier 2: General Adem!?!? 

Random Soldier 3: General Adem!

Random Soldier 1: The General is Dead!

Random Soldier 4: Quick we must report this to lord Pandor!

???: <<Target neutralized. Returning to base.>>

 While the soldiers were in panic the mysterious person left the scene. 

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 2400 / February 1st, 1639
Great East
Light Carrier FSS Midway

On the bridge of FSS Midway Capitan Ralph Chaffin is taking in all the reports of what is going on, on the ground in Qua-Toyne.

Officer 1: Sir, Delta 576 has succeeded in his assignment to assassinate the Louria General.

Ralph: It seems that we will buy ourselves enough time to get there. It's unfortunate that these ships can't move any faster in a median. 

Runic 576 is not just a code name, it's the person's real name. In the Terran Federal Republic, Runics are the elite, of the elite when it comes to skill and power on the battlefield. They are super soldiers, more so than any other soldier in the country or even the galaxy. They are born to kill, quite literally. When they are still a fetus in the womb, they are genetically modified to be stronger and faster. This is different from normal genetic engineering for people in the country as normally it occurs after birth. However, in the case of Runics, it happens before and after birth. One does not choose to be a Runic. A Runic is decided by the Department of Defense before they are even born. Runics serve two purposes. The first is elite military operations or low-capacity operations. In this, they are known to be one-man armies and ruthless. Since their creation, not one has died in battle. Second, they are propaganda tools. This doesn't have as much effect as the other, but it is still a useful tool. Many children often look up to the Runics and want to be like them one day. As a result, many more people are willing to join the military when they come of age. So, for the government, it's a win-win. 

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