The Pentacle Chronicles: Litt...

By enigmatical

7K 267 46

Every witch and wizard in the kingdom of Nottingham has been murdered by Prince John's werewolf men; except o... More

1: Red
2: Robin
4: Little John
5: Red
6: Robin
7: Red
8: Little John
9: Red
10: Robin
11: Little John
12: Robin
13: Red
14: Little John
15: Robin
16: Red
17: Little John
18: Red
19: Little John
20: Robin
21: Red
22: Little John
23: Red
24: Prince John
25: Robin
26: Red
27: Little John
28: Red
29: Robin
30: Red
31: Little John

3: Red

362 11 0
By enigmatical

Pulling the reins I had Thorn stop just outside an Inn. Climbing down I tied Thorn up next the trough tightly. There is no way someone is taking back my stolen horse.

"I will be right back, anyone who comes near you kick them," I whispered.

Going up to the Inn I opened the door finding the Inn small, maybe if things go well I will stay the night. Making my way over to the counter I ordered my food. They looked at me funny when I asked for water instead of Rum, but complied anyway. Sitting down I bit into my meat mmm...delicious hog. People where arguing behind me, but I didn't care I was just happy to not be running any more. Took me over nine days to get rid of those werewolves. Turns out their where four instead of three so I was caught off guard when I attacked them. Things didn't go as planned the first attack all I had was a rock and I ended up throwing it at the back of one of their heads making them bleed to death. In other words it made things worse for me. Eventually though after some rolling around in the dirt I was able to take out one of my knives I kept in my brown boots out and wounded them enough to escape.

"Give me my money now," I heard someone spat at someone else.

I ignored it, no fighting Red. Unfortunately the guy threw the one guy who owed him money at my table. I jumped back in time, but not in time to save my plate of food. Potatoes and hog flew over onto my red vest, my white shirt underneath it, but my black pants with my red hood never getting a splash as my hood lay over my head. I never take off my cloak. I wiped off all the food that had splashed onto me. All eyes were on the other two guys, none of them expecting me to intervene. I am Red Riding Hood, and if you mess with me your lucky to make it out with a bloody nose. Only a few knew to stay away from me, but word was spreading fast to stay away from the girl in the red hood.

"Now give me-"

"Hey tough guy!" I shouted at him to get his attention.

He turned his head.

"Are you going to pay for my ruined supper?" It wasn't really a question it was more of a command.

"What?" He asked stupidly.

"Do I need to spell it out for you? You ruined my supper so you better pay up," I crossed my arms.

He stared at me then started to laugh. Laughing at me only makes me want to fight even more.

Stepping forward I got up in his face, "pay me back or else."

The guy chuckled, "you're kidding right? You're just a girl."

"That's where your wrong mate," A stranger's voice said out of nowhere.

This time I turned, leaning against the door stood no other than, Little John. Even though it's been years I knew Little John was the only one to carry around an ax.

"In fact if the rumors are true you might want to back off," Little John suggested.

I frowned even more; ignoring him I turned back to the guy who would not shut up from laughing. Bringing my arm back I punched him in the face, the big guy stumbled back form the blow.

He sneered, "I'm going to kill you."

That's when I heard Little John step forward. Before he could intervene I brought up my leg kicking the guy in the nose. Blood spewed out; tons of his buddies around him got angry faces.

"Rosa, let's go," John whispered tugging on me.

I pulled away, "come and get me!"

Three men charged me, sliding under one of the guys I brought down his pants making the whole place laugh at him; leaving him the only option to run out the door. The next two came at me from both sides. I knew what to do except Little John had to intervene. Little John threw his ax at the other man and knowing how well Little John was the guy he hit was definitely injured. Distracted by Little John the third guy grabbed me. Struggling in his grip I bit him leaving a nasty taste in my mouth. Stomping on his toe I then pushed him into a table broken pieces flying everywhere. Everything went silent, walking over to the guy who started all this I grabbed his coin bag; taking out some coins.

Throwing the bag back at him I said, "I only took more because you messed with me."

The guy gawked at me, "who.... who.... are you?"

"Red Riding Hood," I bowed as though being polite, but I was mostly just mocking him, "good day."

With that I strolled right out of there with eyes watching me the whole time.

Using long strides I got to Thorn quickly untying him, and leading him away from the Inn, I wasn't fast enough.

"Rosa! Rosa! Rosa I know you can hear me!" Little John caught up to me, walking a long side me as I steered Thorn away from the Inn.

I did not want him here, I turned glaring at him, "go away."

"Oh come on Rosa-"

"Don't call me that," I snapped.

"It is your name, of course I can call you that," Little John stated.

Ignoring him I kept walking away.

"Stop," Little John came up in front of me blocking my path.

I stopped displeased, "move."

"No," Little John folded his arms standing his ground.

"I don't have time for you nonsense. Now what do you want?" I demanded.

"Wow you're so rosy," He said bitterly, "Robin would like to see you."

"Thanks, but no thanks," I tried walking past him instead he just pulled me back.

"Come on, it's been five years, your brother misses you," John tried.

The fact he didn't even know how long it had been since he left made me mad. I faked a sweet smile then I punched him in the stomach. Little John fell over holding his stomach.

"For your information it's been six years. Oh and if you two had really cared you wouldn't have left me," I walked right past him head held up high.

I heard shuffling then the sound of twigs, I thought he was just trying to catch up instead he tackled me to the ground.

"Let me go!" I cried out.

"Not a chance sweetheart! Your twin brother expects me to bring you to him in the next seven days that I have left, now excuse me for being ungentle men like!" Little John shouted.

Ha, you have never been a gentleman.

I rolled us over pinning him instead, "and excuse me for having no lady like manners."

"You know you're a lot stronger than when I first met you," John laughed amused.

"I was twelve and naive. Now I'm independent and strong," I declared.

"You are also prettier than I remember," Little John complimented.

I became flustered, not knowing what else to do I got off of Little John.

 "You think kind words will get me to forgive you like that?" I snapped.

"It worked when you were twelve," Little John reminded me.

"Yes, if only I had known a year later you would stab me in the back and leave," I spit in his face, took Thorn's reins, and started walking away.

Little John grabbed me, "is that why you're mad?"

I pushed him away, "you're so stupid! All men are stupid. Why do you think I travel alone?"

"Because you kick every guys behind for messing with you?" LittleJohn kidded.

"Your such a-"

"Gorgeous man?" Little John lifted his left eyebrow.

"Pain," I said continuing to walk away.

"Will you stop walking away from me?" Little John asked.

"No." I stated.

"Why?" He continued.

"Because it's getting dark and I am tired so excuse me if I would like to find a safe place to sleep tonight," I said angrily.

"I will help you find a spot," Little John replied.

"No thanks I travel and spend nights alone," I repeated.

"Yet you have a horse," Little John pointed out.

"Thorn doesn't drive me insane," I replied.

Little John laughed, "Thorn? Aren't thorns on roses and isn't that your name?"

"Shut up," I mumbled.

Little John kept laughing at me, I had a bad feeling I wouldn't be able to get rid of him tonight.


Hello fellow readers! I would like to apologize for the long wait; I've been super busy. Anyway you know what to do Vote and Comment! The more votes the more I want to write!

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