Within The Dimenscape And Bey...

By Crusters123

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For many years, the Dimenscape has been living in prosperity. The rulers of this land have been leading with... More

Chapter 1: The Blade of Fate
Chapter 2: Beneath The Sand
Chapter 3: Secrets & Boxes
Chapter 4: Doctor's Appointment
Chapter 5: Working Objective
Chapter 6: Criminal Minds
Chapter 7: Visits
Chapter 9: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 10: Family Dramatics
Chapter 11: A Mother's Rage
Chapter 12: Caller's Intel
Chapter 13: Peeping Tom
Chapter 14: Consultations
Chapter 15: Mad Doctor
Chapter 16: Death Wish
Chapter 17: Old Combacks
Chapter 18: "I love you..."
Chapter 19: Cole?
Chapter 20: Alondra
Chapter 21: REVOLUTION! (Part 1/2)
Chapter 22: Revolting Children (Part 2/2)
Chapter 23: Reunion
Chapter 24: True Loves Kiss
Chapter 25: Song of The Battle
Chapter 26: Penemuel
Chapter 27: Elio
Chapter 28: Babysit? Babygone.
Chapter 29: Hit & Run
Chapter 30: One Last Fight

Chapter 8: Break Out

34 2 0
By Crusters123

No One's POV:

"I don't understand why I'm here. Couldn't you have gotten that dragon guy of yours to come?" The voice of Walter complains as he clumsily sneaks past a sleeping guard, almost tripping over their feet. "I'm not good at this stealth stuff and I still need to get used to my powers."

"Shhh!" Cole hushes the younger vampire. "Do you want to wake everyone up!" He whispers. "The reason Yugataro couldn't make it was because he needed to help his wife with ruler stuff." He quickly blocks Walter by placing a hand on his chest before he could walk out into the open.

Walter grunts disapprovingly at this, pushing the king's hand away. "Well what about Tabitha?"

Cole only grumbles at this. He glances around to see if no one was around so he could speak. Izuku, Adrien, and Leo were nowhere to be found. Hunter had also joined their quest to free his partner.

"Well?" Walter presses. "Why didn't you allow her to come?"

"I...," Cole gruffly sighs and relaxes his body, leaning against the cold wall. "I think... I think she might be pregnant again." He says in a softer tone with a small gaze at his friend. "I don't know how."

"Well you obviously–"

"I know what I did!" Cole hisses defensively but calms right down. "But for how long, I don't know. She might have been pregnant for months and it might almost be that time. I tried asking if she was okay but she's stubborn, and refuses to have anyone check on her."

As he spoke Walter carefully listened to him. He didn't know what advice to give because he'd never been in a stable relationship before. There had been some girls but they were only flings; nothing serious. He didn't find anything arousing about them anyway. Plus, he already had two kids to take care of and that was enough for him. Although there was the god that he had seen arrive earlier that day but he didn't know about that.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" Walter asks. "Kid number nine. Do you even want another one?"

"I don't even know anymore. We're always careful but how could this happen? Especially during this time." Cole rubs his forehead which began to ache from the stress he was under. "But that doesn't mean I won't love them. I love all my kids."

Walter nods his head.

"Hey hey hey!" Adrien's voice came from Cole's walkie as he spoke into his own. "Deku hacked into all the cameras, so you can make your way down to the 'Big Leagues'."

"Be careful you two." Leo warns the king and their friend. "There's lots of guards out tonight. I don't know why though. We almost got spotted a few times because of 'Whiskers' here."

"Hey hey hey! That was not my fault last time." Adrien hisses.

"Enough you two; don't worry we'll be fine." Cole tells them. He looks over to the second vampire with a firm expression, and nods his head. "Put the cloak on."

Walter gulps nervously before placing the Cloak of Invisibility on himself. Cole changes both their outfits into black jumpsuits with a matching hoods and masks. They both turn the corner and dash through the large cell holding area. The king had to hide in the shadows while Walter was able to rush pass out in the open.

The two of them hurry down hall and corridors to eventually make it to the Hall of Super Villains. There was a locked door in which they had to get through but it had suddenly opened when they reached it. On the other side was a miniature wolf pup the size of a small plushie with silver eyes. It happily yips when seeing the two vampires.

"Waffles," Cole exclaims while swiftly crouching down to the small creature. "Where's Hunter?"

Waffles was Hunter's palisman. The wolf yaps a little bit prior to turning around and running deep into the unlit hall. A dark figure could be seen close to one of the cells. They had on a similar outfit to what they were wearing, uncovering their mask to reveal that it was only Hunter. He was standing beside Varian's cell who in fact was sound asleep, curled into a ball under the sheet they had over their body. A silent moment passes before the castle guard spoke up.

"He's so quiet." Hunter whispers. Waffles whimpers sadly and climbs onto his shoulder. "I feel so bad that he had to go through this, but he'll be safe once he's in Corona with Rapunzel and Eugene."

The two vampires nod their heads in agreement. It had been previously decided that once Varian had been broken out of prison that he was to be sent back to his dimension for a while until the situation could be figured out. Tabitha had asked the Coronan Queen for the favor and she was more than happy to help out her friends.

"Okay..." Cole sighs through his mask. "Let's do this." He says while glancing at the others. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a graphene dagger. He then places the blades on the glass, easily cutting a large circle in it as if it was made of jello.

Cole pushes the glass in carefully and catches it before it could fall, and alert the others prisoners. Once it was set aside the three of them made their way inside the cell. Hunter hurries over to his husband and gently wakes him up by patting onto the sleeping man's shoulder.

Varian instantaneously wakes up with a jolt, yet upon seeing Hunter fills his heart with so much joy that he almost squealed. The two embrace each other in a satisfied hug; happy to be with each other again. Eventually they both let go of the other.

"What are guys doing here?" Varian quietly asks the group.

"We're busting you out of here." Cole tells his brother while reaching into his other pocket. He pulls out the magical amulet which shined in the dimly lit room. "Now put this on and let's get you out of here."

Varian quickly snatches onto the item with an unfamiliar sense of greed. He then swiftly places it around his neck, completely restoring his powers. His ram horns curled around the side of his head and his fangs poked back into place. The irises of his eyes evidently changed to its hot pink color, and the armor returned onto their body.

"Okay, let's go." Varian nods his head, letting the three know that they were ready.

Cole soon makes him a similar suit to the one that everyone else was wearing before they all could exit the cell. He said that they should make it to the roof so they could easily teleport back to the castle. He had also called the others to let them know of their plan.

Although it was difficult because of all the extra guards, they managed to make it to the roof. There they found Leo, Izuku, and Adrien waiting by the edge. When seeing Varian alongside them, they hurriedly rush over to hug their framed brother with glee.

"So we just teleport back to the castle?" Walter asks Cole while taking the cloak off.

Cole nods his head. "Yeah. I should be able to make a portal but my powers are still not working. This place is practically fully made of Vengestone."

"Vengestone? What the fuck is that?" Walter presses as he looks behind him to see if they weren't followed.

"It's a powerful stone that can stop anybody from using their powers." Adrien hurriedly explains. "We use it here so the prisoners can't escape."

"You got to be kidding me!"

"Hey! I'm trying here!" The king growls defensively.

"Well try harder!"

Leo pushes the two apart and tells them to calm down, suggesting Hunter to fly home so he could let Tabitha know that they were on their way. The soldier nods his head, agreeing with his superior about the plan. Before hopping on his staff, Hunter gives Varian a quick kiss and then flies away.

When they were nowhere in sight, the sounds of a door opening and footsteps could be heard from behind. Many lines of light illuminates the loud group as they continue to find a way out of there.

"Hey! What are you doing up here?" A gruff voice of a guard barks.

All six boys rapidly turn to see multiple guards with flashlights and Vengestone chains in their hands. This completely lowered their chases of getting out quickly with the powerful mineral right by Cole.

Varian, who had earlier taken his mask and hood off, was soon spotted by the policemen. Fearful and in shock, the small group looked to the officers like a deer in headlights, standing completely still.

"How did you get out?" One of them asks Varian. "We need to get you back in there before the Warden finds out."

But before take a step forward Varian yelps in horror. "I can't go back to jail!" He says prior to jumping off the roof.

"VARIAN!" Cole and the others shout, quickly jump after him.

Walter, however, stayed in his place. Frightened of the action and the effect it might have. Although, he accidentally slipped and tripped over the edge. He horrified screams could be heard as he made his way all the way down the enormous building. Yet before he could be splattered when hitting the ground, something grabs hold of him.

He eventually opens his eyes to find Varian, now in his giant form, staring at him; giving the poor vampire a miniature heart attack. When realizing that it was his friend Walter eventually calms down. He gazes around to find Coke flying in the air, holding onto both Leo and Adrien. Izuku had used his Black Whip to safely get down.

"Are you okay, Walter?" The giant asks his tiny friend, handing him the invisibility cloak which had fallen off of him.

Walter nods his head and grabs hold of the garment with a tight grip. Varian slowly shrinks down to his normal height after placing his comrade down onto the earthy ground. Cole, while holding both his brothers, and Izuku finally make it over to them with mocking grins on their faces.

"Why are you smiling?!" Walter shouts aggressively at them. "They know that we broke him out, and we literally had to jump off a building to lose them! If you had just teleported us back none of that would have happened!"

Cole laughs. He walks over to the upset man and pats his shoulder. "But I did." He says before walking pass him with a smug smirk.

The others snicker at this and follow the king afterward. Walter quickly turns around to find out that they were in fact in front of the castle gates. Upon noticing this change in the environment the disgruntled vampire growls angrily. He soon grumpily follows after the boys into the castle.



After entering the castle Varian changed into a regular set of clothes before he was to leave for Corona. Yet this seemed to take longer than he usually did. Artemis would be going with them while Hunter was going to stay behind in the Dimenscape. He promised to visit whenever he could though.

They all met up once again in the Portal Room. Inside there were Perillia, her brother Phillippio, Tabitha, the Royal children, and a few other friends. A couple suitcases were set to the side for both the parent and child for their adventure in the other world.

"Mama? Are we leaving home forever?" The small child asks her mom. "Are we coming back?"

Varian looks to the child with a quizzical expression but then kneels down to her height. "Don't worry owlet, we'll be back as soon as everything is safe enough."

"Is it not safe already?" She peeps with shimmering eyes.

He shakes his head. "No. Not for mommy at least." Turning to his sister, they both nod their heads and she walks them both to a door on their left.

The Queen opens the door to reveal a magical portal to the land of Corona. It lead straight to the castle courtyard, where on the other side, Queen Rapunzel, King Eugene, and many of their friends were waiting for them.

Tabitha turns to her brother and gives him a warm hug. "Be safe." She says softly. "Don't be afraid to call me."

"I will." Varian whispers. He pats Artemis's back to let her know to wish everyone goodbye. She nods and hugs her aunt.

Cole walks over to Varian with a kind smile. He hands him a small box.

"What's this?" The advisor asks his friend, holding the object carefully in one of his hand.

"Oh, just something to remember us from, if you're ever feeling down." The King remarks. "Open it."

Varian does so. Inside was a small raccoon figurine smiling happily. The tiny trinket was supposed to look like Ruddiger, his actual pet raccoon. When seeing the small toy, memories of the actual animal filled his head as he was about to start crying, yet he stops himself before doing so. Ruddiger had sadly passed away a couple months prior due to a blood clot in his left lung. They could have easily revived him, but Varian thought it best to let him have peace and finally rest. He gently laughs at this notion and places it into his sweater pocket.

"Thank you, Cole. I hope to be back soon." The alchemist tells his brother. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

Everyone laughs.

"You know us too well, V!" Tabitha giggles with a small sniffle. "I can't make any promises about that, but we'll try our best." A tiny tear slips down her cheek as her voice slightly cracks after speaking. She quickly clears her throat afterward.

Varian notices his sister's tears and the two quickly hug each other once more. Holding each other tightly to remember this moment. Cole, Leo, Izuku, Adrien, Hunter, and the others join in on this. Pretty soon they all let go of each other and it was time for both Varian and Artemis to leave.

Gruffy, the griffin, trots into the portal first with Artemis, who took one last look around before entering. Varian was the last to leave yet shared a kiss with his husband prior to leaving. He didn't know when he'd see him again, so he made sure to embrace him for as long as he could. Once they finished, Varian said one last goodbye and finally travels to through the portal. This leaves everyone silent for a while until Phillippio broke it.

"How did the break out go?" He quietly asks aloud. "Did you boys have any trouble?"

"It went well." Cole states calmly as he continued to stare at the now closed door. "Nothing bad happened."

"Yeah, don't stress it 'Big Man'." Walter tells the god with a smirk, causing Phillippio's feathered wings to fluff up. His caramel cheeks turn a light shade of red from his comment.

Tabitha gazes at her husband with a slight suspicion but doesn't say anything about it. She attempts to leave the room but a pain in her stomach causes her to trip over her heels. Although the Queen swiftly stands back up and rushes away with her embarrassed face as red as a tomato.

Max, glancing in the direction his mother hurried off to, walks over to his father worriedly. "What was that all about? She's been acting strange all day."

"I... don't know." Cole sighs.

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