By KritiTaeKook

541K 37K 6.7K

COMPLETED Some call it a legendary story and some call it a myth... This story is said to be happened before... More

1.Jeon Jungkook.
2.The School
3.The town.
4. Room mate
5.The Prophecy
Intro 1
Intro 2
10.Kim Taehyung
12. Avoid
15.Royal spy
16.Run Run!
17. Dirty teens
18.V hyung
19. Entertainment.
21. Invite
22.Mystery room.
24. Straw house
25. Jealousy
26. Remember me
27. Attack
28.Life of Tiger
29. Love
30. Tempting
31. Inviting looks
32. All lives.
33. Unexpected
34. Tiger falls!
35. Archery
36. Book reading
37. Crazy facts
38. Surprise!!
39. Falling for you
40. No more secret.
41. Enemy close..
42.Other side..
43. King and Tiger
44. Stripped off
45. Selfish Hyung
46. Gifts
47. Beautiful moment
48. Pleasure and Pain
49. Mountain cat
50.August D
51. Fake love
52.Gguk or me
53. Kiss Kookie!
54. Biological Parents..
55. Rightful prince
56. Conspiracy
57. Stunned tiger
58. Kookie wants you Hyung!
59. My memories
60. Ocean Eyes
61. Accept the change
Thank you!!
62. Purple eyes
63. First born son.
64. The crowns
65. Gguk's chamber!!!
66. My Hyung..Just mine..
67. King of Niva
68. Death sentence
70. Origin of The Book
71. Hungry cubs
72. Sleeping Tygee
73. Dethroned
74. Dear my friend
75. Taming Choker
76. Festival
77. Crowning!
78. Mighty Tygee
79. Real Problem
80. Possessive Cubs
81. Nine lives
82.The New Beginning..
83.Origin of a new race..

69. The Queen

4.8K 338 87
By KritiTaeKook

Johanna Nova Hope
Daughter of a great english scholar
Sister of Johansson Noah Hope
Kind, righteous and honest girl
Beautiful English girl.

Jeon Johanna
Niva Kingdom's Queen.
Gguk's mother
TaeYoung's God mother
Accused for adultery
Awaiting death sentence

A day before the death sentence..

TaeYoung teleported straight to concubine's chamber. He reached IU 's room in stealthy way. At first IU mistakes Tae for a warrior and was about to yell at him for entering concubines chamber, because it's a prohibited place for any males.

After identifying Tae, IU hid him inside her private chamber. She enquiries about the wellness of Gguk. But she doesn't know any details about Queen's were abouts. She slightly peeked through the crack of window to explain Tae about the warriors position.

" I don't even know...that our Queen is here... I never saw her after she was taken to the secret prison. " IU said..

" Guess?? where could she be... Tell me where are the warriors??!! "

" King's chamber is guarded by usual two guards, same for Queen's chamber.. But I saw some one took food to Queen's chamber.. "

" Queen could be there??!! "

" No... After the trial Queen was only given half bowl of porridge.. Whereas King is usually served with big plate of feast with turkeys and many delights... I saw someone took big plate inside.."

" So King and Queen is in Queen's chamber?! "

" Could be... "

" Who is in Gguk's chamber?! "

" No one...All the arts and ebony frames were stacked inside Gguk's chamber last month. It's just a storage place for all Gguk's things.. No one is there and no person can stay there.. "

" I guess Queen is in Gguk's chamber, because every room have guards, but Gguk's room is not guarded and I saw candle glowing on Gguk's chandlier. Queen is there... All warriors are protecting King and Queen's chamber to miss guide me.. " Tae said..

" There are chances... But don't take risk.. They will kill you the minute you get caught... Transform in to your tiger form.. "

" Many innocent warriors will die if I go in to my tiger form... They were once my friends, I have to take this risk. I can transform the second if I get caught.. "

" Careful TaeYoung nim.. " IU said and first guard noticed IU standing near her window and peeking..* First guard is Bam's father

" Yea!!!! What are you looking at... ? You are ordered to stay inside until tomorrow evening. Are you planning something.. Aren't you the prince's friend??!! " First guard yelled at IU..

" No ajhusi... Just I wanted some air.. I'll close it sorry...."

" Stay inside... Close the window.. " First guard commands and he called his warriors to guard the concubines chambers too....

" Assign one warrior for every private chamber... But remember... You should not touch or look at any concubines... " First guard ordered his warrior head.

" Go go... Tae nim... Go save Queen... "IU rushed Tae..

" IU?? Now they noticed you... If something bad happens try to run away from the castle.. They will come for you after me.... I can't take two at a time.."

" I can manage... Tae nim... " IU said..

As guessed Tae teleported to Gguk's room to see four guards guarding Queen all the sides. They tried to make noise when Tae appeared magically, they took their swords and stood in front of Queen.

" Shhhh!!! If I had to transform.... Your death will be bloody gore... Even your wife's can't see your face.. Just tell your first guard that I appeared and vanished with Queen, before you make a move... "

Tae threatened them with the base growling voice and they shivered at the sight of Tae's glowing blue eyes. They looked at each other and one said..

" Together in this??? " A warrior said and extend his hand and other three joined their hands and let Tae go near the Queen.

" Eomma!!! Let's go to our Gguk??! "

" Tae!!! Head concubine?? Her life is in danger... "

" I'll come again for her... " Tae said and hugged Queen. Together they vanished.

The guards who were guarding the Queen started screaming after Tae vanished along with Queen

" He took Queen!!! He took Queen...!! " They screamed and ran to first guard..

" How!!? "

" He appeared, he vanished... Queen was gone... " A warrior said with panickee face..

" Idiots!! Worthless warriors!! " First guard sighs..

Tae safely brought Queen to Gguk. He left her there with Gguk and came back to castle . This time he appeared behind concubines chamber where there are lush trees. Then he slowly moved to underground prison, but he couldn't find head concubine anywhere.

When he heard IU screaming, he appeared back to IU's chamber, but he can see IU running to the castle gate and some warriors are following, IU was stopped by first guard and four warriors who came from Gguk's chamber, in the castle front gate.

" I knew, you were upto some things... You are going to hang instead of your Queen... Did you thought you can run to your little prince that easily?? Oh sorry... He is now little princess of that disgusting tiger.. Take her.. " First guard said and dragged IU along with the four warriors.

They walked back to the center ground of the castle that's when Tae appeared just before First guard, he panicked and left the hold of IU then he pulled his sword and swing it to to cut IU's head .

Just when first guard took his hand to sword... within the blink of eyes Tae turned in to majestic Tiger and bit away first guard's head from his body. He chewed a little and spit the deformed head out with a disgust growl..

Tiger looked at the warriors with deadly glare.. and one warrior said...

" We are together in this... Again!! " That one warrior extended his hand and all the other guards joined their hands , they let Tae and IU go away.

The tiger changed in to human form, IU shuts her eyes to avoid seeing him naked, Tae tore the cape of first guard and tied it around his hips..

" Friends!!! You know the drill... and... When you are terrified to work against me... Come join my army and work with me... If you want to live...!!" Tae said that to warriors, then he hugged IU and teleported back to his tribal place..

" Incompetent.... Worth less warriors..." King yelled at the warriors and one amoung them thought..

First Guard said the same thing...

I think you are next to go...

"How did you let go of Queen and let my first guard die??!! "

" Tiger appeared, killed and vanished...wangnim!!" One warrior said...

" Incorrigible!!! You are not real warriors... Bring my best man from sea... and...

Tomorrow!! Bring that head concubine who raised that bastard, dress her like Queen and hang her instead of Queen"

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