Taste (BangChan) 18+

By ChansFlow3r

156K 3.9K 3.9K

Being high up in the Mafia world was no joke to someone like Alicia Morelli. Forever putting business before... More

Chapter 1 - Be Careful Morelli
Chapter 3 - Mafia Rebellion
Chapter 4 - Promises can't be broken
Chapter 5 - All Fun and Games
Chapter 6 - Oops
Chapter 7 - Heated Mess
Chapter 8 - Secret Secret
Chapter 9 - Old Flames
Chapter 10 - Alls fair in Love and War
Chapter 11 - New Beginnings
Chapter 12 - Red, White or Black?
Chapter 13 - You're Mine
Chapter 14 - Connected
Chapter 15 - Why?
Chapter 16 - Memory Lane
Chapter 17 - Pick a Fight
Chapter 18 - No more secrets
Chapter 19 - New Plan
Chapter 20 - Action Time
Chapter 21 - Take Down
Chapter 22 - All's Well that ends well
Chapter 23 - My Knight in Satin Armour
Chapter 24 - Time for a Vacation
Questions and Answers
Chapter 25 - Sight See
Chapter 26 - First Dates
Chapter 27 - I'm all yours
Chapter 28 - SURPRISE
5- Star β˜†
Chapter 29 - Oh f*ck
Chapter 30 - No Labels?
Chapter 31 - I Love You
Chapter 32 - Moving On
Chapter 33 - Kiss me like you mean it
Chapter 34 - Wait, What?
Chapter 35 - Now or Never
Chapter 36 - Traitor
Chapter 37 - I'll kill them, I'll kill them all.
Chapter 38 - πŸ’”
Chapter 39 - Oh no you didn't
Chapter 40 - She's back
Chapter 41 - Let it burn
Chapter 42 - Torn between Two worlds
Chapter 43 - The Final Stance
Chapter 44 - A Greater Sacrifice
β˜†one year laterβ˜†

Chapter 2 - Sleeping with the enemy

5.5K 139 236
By ChansFlow3r

A/N; Hi! This Chapter will contain violence, gun shots and a scene containing a little smut ✌️

Also, what's your favourite song from the new album?

Mine is obviously taste 🥴 but I do love Superboard too 💗

Anyways, here's chapter 2 - B x



I held onto the wooden tray of champagne and glasses as I made my way over to Bang Chan and his group in the VIP area.

My plan had actually worked... not that i doubted it for a second. I'm used to getting what i want. Now I just needed to focus on getting him away from the rest of his group, and carrying out my mission. I had a pocket knife tucked away in the back of my bra, swift and easy for when I needed to make the move.

The bouncer guarding the V.I.P booth removed the rope to let me through as I strutted towards them, game face on again, I wasn't going to let my plan fail, this was going to be a piece of cake. (Cake, cake, cake)

One of Chans friends was the first to see me, extremely cute guy, mid length blonde hair, freckles across his nose and cheeks, the cheekiest grin and the brightest eyes. He smiled eagerly over at me as he nudged his other friend, muscly, arms you could melt in and again very cute, who then nudged Bang Chan. Soon enough all their eyes were on me. The girls from earlier had left, leaving me the only girl with 3 handsome men, I mean, who could complain. Not me! Although the situation here was very different to one I was currently picturing in my head with these three.

"Hey, I brought your drinks guys, thanks for inviting me up here, happy to be promoted on my first night" I spoke, smiling confidently as I placed the tray on the table.

Chan stayed silent at first, patting the space next to him motioning for me to sit. As I sat down I got a whiff of his cologne, it was intoxicating. He smelt so good.

"I've not see you here before...Lola" the guy with the freckles spoke as he leaned forward, reading my name badge with a smirk playing at his lips.

"My first shift actually, I just moved here from London"

"Big move" Chan spoke almost bluntly  as he took a sip from his whisky, his eyes on me, like a predator watching his prey.

Everything the man did was hot. Sitting close to him I finally got a good look. His messy dark hair all pushed back, the small dimples when he smiled. His sultry eyes, His sexy jawline...

I have to stop. He's the enemy.

"Well, you know my name. What are yours?" I asked quickly snapping myself out of it, if I wanted my plan to work I had to just play along.

"I'm Felix" again the freckled cheeky guy spoke.

"Changbin" the muscly guy next to him said with a small wave.

"And this is-"

"Chris" Chan spoke catching Felix off guard as I raised an eyebrow.

Chris? Did he have another name I didn't know about or was he trying to fool me?

"So Lola, want to drink with us? I couldn't help but watch how you moved over there... didn't want to miss out on all the fun" Chan winked as he looked back at me.

Confidently I leaned closer to him and spoke softly into his ear.

"Oh yeah? You could always get a private show if you wanted"

He smirked as he slipped his arm around my waist, making a small wave of butterflies erupt in my stomach. This man only wanted one thing, but I was willing to play along if that meant getting him alone.

"Felix, Changbin, we'll be back" He announced as he took my hand in his, leading me out the booth and towards a large metal door at the back.

Opening the door I quickly realised this was his territory. I could tell this Mafia boss came here often. The room dimly lit with coloured lights, almost like the red room from fifty shades, just without the sex toys hanging from the wall.

I noticed the big four poster bed in front of us, silk sheets and all, that Chan was leading me to. This was the perfect way to make my move.

"Lola..." He started to talk as I pulled his hand towards me, turning him around and pushing him backwards onto the bed. He smirked, clearly amused by my sudden burst of confidence as I straddled his hips, placing my hand on his chest.

His hands instantly went behind me as I lowered them down to my ass, distracting him from the fact there was a knife hidden in the back of my bra.

He instantly squeezed with his large hands as I bit my lip looking down at him, brushing my finger over his lips before leaning down.

Don't let his attractiveness distract you from the mission. I reminded myself.

Our lips melted together in an extremely heated kiss, his hands pulling and squeezing me closer to him as before I could help it I was grinding against him. Feeling him him grow bigger beneath me as a wave of pleasure rushed through my core. I was getting so lost in the moment but I had to quickly remember why I was here.

I pushed my hands further onto his chest, lowering him back down onto the bed whilst still distracting him with a kiss, moving from his lips, across his jaw and down to his neck.

This was it, time to finish the assignment.

With one swift move I quickly reached behind me and grabbed the knife from my bra and held it up towards his throat. But before I did anything else he chuckled, stopping me in my tracks.

"You took your time Morelli"

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking down at his smug face as he didn't seem at all worried that his life was literally in my hands.

"You- you know who I am?" I asked, holding onto the knife. I was shocked that he did in fact know me, but I had to shake off any signs of weakness.

I couldn't let him see how vulnerable and somewhat scared I actually was in this moment.

"How could I forget a pretty face like that?" He asked as his hands moved onto my hips, circling them slightly as he only seemed more relaxed. Even if the knife was pressed tightly against his throat.

I thought hard about it, but there was no way we had met before. Trust me, with a face like his I would've definitely remembered.

"Then you know I was sent here to kill you" I spoke coldly once more.

Suddenly gun shots erupted outside in the club as people began to scream. My head snapping to the door to make sure no one was making their way inside here to ruin this.

"Oh love, this wasn't my assassination. It was yours. Now I suggest you lower that thing from my neck and let me help you out of here?"

What did he mean my assassination?

I looked over at the door, hearing the gun shots sounds closer and closer. I only had a mere few seconds to determine my next move. But clearly there was only one option.

I removed the knife and stood up, looking around for the nearest exit.

"Get me out of here" I spoke as Chan raised his hands in defence. He walked over to the wardrobe, opening up the doors to reveal a secret exit.

Of course the place is full of secrets. His hand raised and motioned for me to follow him as we quickly ran through the doors and down the stairs.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked nervously as we continued to run down the long dark hallway that seemed to be under the club itself.

"Trust me, I'll explain everything. But right now you need to focus on keeping up and following me. We're not safe until you get back to my place"

I paused.

"Your place?!"

He turned round, noticing I had stopped, an annoyed look plastered across his face.

"You do know I'm Alicia Morelli? Next in line after my father, Ricardo Morelli? The biggest baddest Mafia boss there is. Who by the way you stole from and took down some of his best men, hence why I'm the one that's here to kill you"

"Alicia...you weren't sent here to kill me. You were sent here so they could kill you"

He took my hand and continued to pull me along the corridor as I was forced to run once again.

"They??" I asked again. But in return Chan gave me no answer.

We finally came towards another door, which leaded out to the back of the club where a car was conveniently waiting for us. I noticed Felix and Changbin in the driver and passenger seat.

Chan quickly opened up the back door, ushering for me to climb in as I somehow obeyed with him following closely behind.

"Chan who's they!?" I asked again as he quickly shut the door and tapped on the seats motioning for Changbin to drive. My heart pounding so har against my chest I felt as though it could burst.

He sighed as he finally turned to face me, giving me the answer I desperately needed to hear.

"Your father, he wants you dead"

And with that a hand was placed over my mouth from behind and I slipped into darkness with Chans hand resting on my shoulder.

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