Fate Brought Us Together (a 1...

By NiallsPotato

13.9K 202 37

Kayla Bynre is in for a tough year. Now that her mother is being transferred to Columbia for a whole year, sh... More

Fate Brought Us Together
Uhh... Directions? (1)
Sorry, Do I Know You? (2)
Let's Get This Party Started! (3)
I'm Not Ready, Just Yet. (4)
The Beginning of Something Indescribable (5)
'Cause You've Got That One Thing (6)
I Can't Believe It (7)
A Helping Hand (8)
Alone (9)
The Talk (10)
Perry the Platypus? (11)
Butterflies (12)
Mixed Messages (13)
Party Time! (14)
Relationships (15)
Ireland and America (17)
Promises and Goodbyes (18)
Welcome to Ireland (19)
She's a Keeper (20)
Welcome to America (21)
Friends with Benefits (22)
Kayla's Palace Tour (23)

The Sheet of Paper (16)

342 3 0
By NiallsPotato



Stupid memories. Stupid emotions. Stupid relationships.

I finally had the courage to move on from Josh to Niall, and now everything comes back. Everyone always says that the chase is the only fun part in a relationship. What if that's right? What if Niall doesn't find any fun in our relationship? I'm already doubting myself even though we have gone out for a matter of hours.

No. No, Kayla, you have to forget the past. Forget the past, remember the present. Niall.

Oh shit! Niall! I must've been in the bathroom for nearly 20 minutes now. I locked myself in a stall crying my eyes out.

Niall POV

"Kayla, love, come on out!" Eleanor was knocking softly at the stall that the source of the sobbing came from "Honey, Niall's here, do you want to talk to him?" She gestured me to get to where she was. El and Dani got up from the floor and got out of the restroom. Dani gave me a pat of encouragement on my back.

The cries that came out from the toilet stall literally tore my heart apart. To see her in pain, in sadness, she was in pain, emotional pain. "Babe, come out from there. It's just me" Slowly by slowly, the volume of her sobbing calmed down to just sniffles. She unlocked the door and came walking out with her head down.

I held her head in the palms of my hands, tilting it towards me. Her bloodshot eyes made contact with mine. A teardrop rolled down my cheek and I sniffled.

"No Niall, please don't cry. You're going to make me feel really bad," Kayla began to say "If you stop, I'll promise to stop. Please, just don't cry." And with that being said, she wiped off the lingering tear off my face. Her fingers sent a tingly feeling at the contact with my skin.

"Princess," I said "I know what you're thinking about, why you're crying, I know"

"What is it then?"

"Lucky guess? Josh?"

"How'd you know?"

"I know because I was watching you. Your every move, every step. May he rest in peace, it Josh, your ex boyfriend is the past," her face stiffened "I know it'll be hard, but you'll just have to slowly by slowly forget about him."

"But it's just so hard! I've been trying to isolate myself from everyone else ever since Josh passed away and it's just so damn hard."

I shook my head, "I know it's fucking hard, but I'll help you through it! I'll always be here for you; I won't ever let you leave me like you did six years ago. Never again"

"We've been going out for only a couple of hours, how are you so sure that you know you want me?"

That question hit me.

But I had an answer, "Because you're special. You're not like any other girl out there. The first time I saw you, I knew that you were different, good different. I knew that the moment our gaze met, you meant the world to me"

"Why-" her cheeks turned to a deep shade of rosy pink. Heat admitted from under my fingers.

"Why? I don't know, Kayla, your my weakness. Ever since you came to Britain last month, I felt as if my entire world change, because of you," I grasped her hands tightly, not wanting to let her go.

"Positively or negatively?"

"What do you think? Clearly positive right?" I took in a deep breath "Kayla, every time I look into your eyes, it seems like there's a whole new universe in there. Something hidden, yet mysterious. I like it. I really like you, Kayla" This may seem quite cheesy, but boy was that nerve wrecking to say.


"Yes?" We stared into each others eyes in silence for a few moments. I broke our gaze as my vision shifted from her defining brown eyes down to her red lips. I wanted to kiss her, but Not like how we did in the corner before. This seemed different.

I slowly leaned my head towards her and she responded action by repeating my moves. I felt her lips tremble as I gently brushed her lips with my bottom lip. We were only a few nanometers apart before-

"AWWH FUCKING CRAP. DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHERE THE LOO FOR THE GENTLEMEN-" the nanometers turned into actual meters as we jumped from the sudden outburst of sound. We both snapped our heads to face the clueless man staring at us, snickering.

Harry Edward Styles.

I am going to slaughter this bloke. He ruined a perfectly good moment between Kayla and I. Harry Styles, you're getting payback.

"Fuck. Continue with your intimate actions. Don't mind me. Just pretend I was never here" he said with a pedophile like smile on his face. That silly man.

"Well we really can't do that, can we now Harry" I saw Kayla smile. Yes, a real smile, the one I love. She buried her head into my neck before I helped the both of us up onto our feet.

I took a step back and absorbed her appearance. Her eyeliner waterfalled over her face, "Even with your eyeliner all messed up, your still beautiful" I smiled.

"What are you talking about?" She covered her face "I look so ugly right now. Don't look at me!" I yanked her fingers apart to reveal her face.

"Yeah, so I'm just gonna go into the stall because I really have to pee" Harry said behind us.

"HARRY, I thought you left already you rascal!" if it weren't for the loud music pounding outside of the loo, it would of been so awkward with Harry's peeing sound.

She walked towards the mirror as Harry came out of the stall he disappeared into. She stared at herself in the mirror and had a disgusted expression on her face, so did Harry. I smacked his head before Kayla saw his face, what an idiot. "Can one of you call either Dani or El to see if they have makeup?"

"I'll call them!" Was the last thing Harry had said before running out of the toilet like a little kid.

I extended my arms and wrapped it around her small waist. We stayed in that position for a couple of moments before Harry literally busted the door down with a panting Dani and El behind him, with Louis and Liam following closely behind their girlfriends.

Louis worryingly asked "What's wrong Kayla?"

"Yeah, what'd you do now Niall?" Liam said towards me.

"Wha- what- nothing!" I replied. Kayla shook her head to confirm my words. "See! Told you!"

"Now, now, you three fine gentlemen will have to get out of the ladies room so we can work our magic" El shood us out the room. Before I went through the door, I planted one last kiss on Kayla's soft cheek.

Dani pointed to the door, "Out Irish!"


Kayla POV

"... I would like to thank four of my best friends, Harry, Zayn, Nialler, and Liam. They had helped me throughout the years and I cannot wish for anyone, anything, to replace these four rascals. And El, I love you, there is no say in that," everyone whooped and aww'd at Louis's comment "Danielle, thank you. Thank you for acting like an older sister for the past year. Oh, and one last thing before we leave, I want you all to meet our new best friend, all the way from America, Kayla Byrne!" Awh fuck you Louis. I hate attention, especially when a whole room full of people staring at you. My hands gripped tighter at Niall's fingers as the spotlight directed to me.

Well, at least I don't look like a fool anymore like before, which is good. But everyone's eyes, everyone's just staring at me while the entire room fell silent.

Louis was given his birthday speech before we were all supposed to leave. I eyed him furiously and he just chuckled. Way to embarrass me, fool.

"Thank you for the wonderful present! I didn't get to thank you before, for you disappeared earlier in the night. Thank you! You are the best!" He must have been talking about the soccer ball I had given to him. I flashed him a genuine smile before he continued his speech.

"Alright! So I guess this is it! Thank you all for showing up, thanks for everything! You all gave me a wonderful birthday party and it was definitely one of the best nights I've ever had in a long time!" He pretended to tear and wipe it away. Everyone laughed, how silly. "Well, good night everyone! Stay safe! And stay warm! Thanks everyone!" Everyone cheered and hollered for the last time before filing out of the club.

Louis is honestly really sweet sometimes. Even though its his birthday party, he even cares about other people's health. What a lovely person.

Just like everyone else, I grabbed my jacket and waited for all of the boys to gather together before leaving.


The chilly winter air bit my skin as I walked out the door. The cameras flashed and the paparazzi yelled. I was standing next to Harry rather than Niall because he had to talk to Josh about my little episode before.

Harry wrapped his long arm around my back to protect me from the paparazzi's from clawing me, as they did earlier in the night. I covered my face with my hand to block out the cameras from seeing my face.

"Go, go get on the car. Niall said he'll meet you back at the flat" Harry scooted me into the car by giving me a slight push on the bottom of my back. "Go on! Are you a slug?" We both piled into the black car.


"HARRRRRREHHH! GET OFF OF ME!" I heard Liam's voice scream from downstairs. I just finished stripping off my dress and hopping into my t-shirt and pink fuzzy sweatpants.

Niall hasn't came back yet, maybe he's getting drunk or something. I don't mind though because he was so busy watching over me all night long. Every time he said he was going to a party, he would always come back wasted. I can't really blame him can I? After all, he is Irish. And man do they get drunk. A few years ago, before my dad isolated himself from us to be the next big thing, he would always come home drunk, and when I say drunk, I mean drunk as in I need to help my mom drag him back into their room.

I didn't really expect Niall to come back early, so I decided to video chat Jenni. We've been video chatting for as often as possible, and since they're on holiday break right now, I was able to talk to her every day.

"HEY SEXUAL." I attempted to say seductively.

"What's up Kay? Ooooh fancy! Hair curled and makeup! What'd you do tonight?" She said picking at her fingers.

"Louis's birthday party, remember?"

"Oh! That's right! How was it? Did you say happy birthday to him for me?"

"It was pretty good actually. I haven't seen so many people in a while, you know, like how I always stay home or don't go to their concerts and stuff. Yeah..."

"You know, you're gonna have to face the crowd sooner or later. You can't just stay in the corner forever if you wanna hang out with the boys," she rolled her eyes on me.

Yeah, just hand out. "Mmmh, about that..."

"What are you hiding from me, missy?" Damn it. She always knew when I was hiding something, based on the tone of my voice.



"Okay fine...so you know how I said I started liking Niall a little, like a mini crush on him?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, he..." I went silent for a moment and Jenni waited for my answer "he asked me out today"

"NO. FUCKING. WAY. OH EM GEE" I heard Jenni's parents scream very very faintly for using foul language.

"Shut up! They'll hear you! And yes, yes way"

"Oh my god. My best friend not only live with a famous British boyband, but dating one of them?"

"Correction: British-Irish boyband"

"Shut up. That's not important right now. Wait, so now there's three of the boys of One Direction is taken?"

"Yeah, pretty much" it suddenly felt warm in the room as pinkness crawled onto my face.

I've basically told Jenni about everything. The fact that Danielle is really Liam's girlfriend. The fact that Louis has a girlfriend named Eleanor, even though they haven't confirmed it with everyone yet. And now, the fact that I, Kayla Byrne, am now dating Niall Horan.

I swear, Jenni knows more about our inside relationships more than anyone in the boys' management. She can technically tell the whole world about the things I tell her and get 1,000,000 dollars but she won't because she knows that I trust her and she trusts me.

"No flipping way! I knew it. I need to call Jake right now. Gimme a second" she picked up her phone and dialed a few numbers 'I was right! Who was right? I was right' she put the phone onto loud speaker 'about what?' Jake said curiously, sounding slightly annoyed.

"They're going out!" Jenni said.

"WHO?!" Jake responded, sounding a bit woken up.

"Kayla! You dipshit. Kayla and Niall!" Jenni said. The other end of the call fell silent for a good 10 seconds. "Jake? You there?"

"Oh my god! Really?" Sounding a little too enthusiastically.

"Are you serious? You made bets too? The boys made bets! Why?!" Slamming my hand onto my forehead. Face palm. "Hey Jake! I'll chat you in a bit alright? After I get Jenni settled alright?"

'Kayla! Hey what's up? Alright! Yeah, good luck calming her down though!' He said.

"Shut the fuck up Jake," Jenni hung up the phone without Jake saying another word.

She took a deep breathe before hiding a snicker behind the camera.

BOOOOOO! A hand creeped up to my face and covered my eyes. -snapshot- Jenni must've taken a picture of what was going on. I stretched my arms behind me and reached to the waist of the person behind me. But before I can dig my fingers into their sensitive waist, he, I'm guessing, tilted my head back and planted a kiss on the corner of my mouth. -snapshot-

My hands retreated from my target and yanked the fingers apart and saw Niall's beautiful blonde locks.

"Haha, I'll just leave you two love birds together then!" Jenni said, interupting our moment.

"She knows?" Niall looked at me "Well we'll talk to you later okay Jenni? Good night love" Jenni went offline. WOOOWWWWWW.

"When'd you come back? I didn't even hear you come through the door!" He strugged his shoulders innocently.

Niall spun me around in my wheelie chair and picked me up, bridal style, to plop me down onto my bed. He was so strong, lifting me up like I was a feather. Oh, how I adored him.

"I have something to show you," I spread my legs apart for Niall to stand perfectly in between. He pulled out a long piece of paper from his back pocket "Here, for you babe"

I looked down at the writing on the sheet of paper, "NO. WAY."


TMH TOUR. HELLZ YAHHHHH lol i'm a year behind... this is bad. x

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