I'll Always Forgive You(Salvi...

By iixkait

40K 1K 889

Travis and Sal were always neck to neck against each other. Sal never really understood why, because he never... More

Twenty One(Abuse!)
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
I feel bad
Twenty Six

Twenty Two(Suicide Attempt!)

1.1K 36 33
By iixkait

Travis couldn't do it anymore. It was Sunday, he hasn't ate for two days, he hasn't left his room for two days.

His parents left about 2 hours ago for church and they won't be back for at least another hour.

Usually after church they go out to eat then come back home.

Church only lasts an hour and a half and they've been gone for 2.

Travis knew he didn't have much time left till they got home so he got up off of his bed and walked towards his door.

Travis let out a shaky breath and unlocked his door. He walked down the stairs and before he got off the last step he fell to the floor and started sobbing.

Am I really going to do this..? Travis sobbed into his hands as he repeated that question in his head.

No matter how many times he asked himself if he was going to actually do it, he knew the answer.

He knew, no matter how hard he tried to push through, no matter how many friends he makes, no matter how good of grades he gets, no matter anything, he would always end up trying to kill himself.

Sal and Phillip are great friends to him, but he knows that's not enough to keep him going. Travis slowly got back up and walked into his parent's room.

His mother always kept her pills in her nightstand since it's easier access to her.

Travis opened her drawer and grabbed the first bottle he saw. He walked into their bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. For the last time.

He had horrible eye bags that were clearly noticeable, his hair was a mess,  his hair was greasy, his eyes were red, and his sweatshirt was stained with red spots.

Travis grabbed a plastic cup and filled it with water. He opened the bottle and poured out at least 15 pills.

He grabbed 5 and put them in his mouth, and drank the water out of the cup. Fortunately, the pills weren't very big.

5 at a time, Travis swallowed all 15 pills. He didn't know how many pills it took to overdose, but he hoped 15 was enough.

Travis continued to stare at himself in the mirror until he started feeling nauseous. His chest started hurting, it felt like he was being squeezed.

His heart started pounding so much he felt like it was pounding in his ear. Travis smiled at himself in the mirror as tears fell down his face and he fell to the ground.

He didn't even hear the car doors slam.

(End of suicide!)

Mrs. Phelps stared at her husband. "Why didn't you want to go out to eat, dear?" He looked over at her as he continued to focus on the road at the same time.

"Because, I wanted to make sure Travis didn't try anything fucking stupid while we were gone." Kenneth huffed as they pulled into their driveway.

"Why don't you trust him?" She continued to look at him and he glared at her in anger.

"TRUST him?! He's a fucking disgrace to this family Prisha!" Kenneth scoffed and got out of the car. He slammed the car door behind him.

"Get the fuck out of the car." He waited for her and she got out after a second.

"Let's go inside dear." Prisha looked down at her feet then back at him and started walking to the front door with him.


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