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"Travis you better do good on the test today." His father glared down at Travis making him feel small and weak.

"Yes sir.." Travis knew he would be lucky if he could even get a D+ maybe even a C-. But he wasn't going to even dare say anything about it to his father.

"Get going to school, don't want you to miss out on anything!" Mrs. Phelps smiled and shooed her son away.


They had to take their tests in homeroom. Sal found that out from Todd, on the way to school.

Sal had Todd and Ash in his homeroom. Now that he thinks about it, he also has Phillip.

Sal couldn't help but wonder who was in Travis' homeroom. "Todd can you believe it?! I have to spend all day in a room with Travis!!!" Larry groaned.

Todd shook his head and pushed his glasses up his nose. "You aren't spending "all day" in homeroom. Plus, it's not even like Travis is the only one in the room."

For some reason when Todd said that Sal couldn't help but remember what some people have thought before they actually met Todd. They always thought from his looks he would sound like one of those geek kids from a movie.

Which, Sal can see why. But in the moment Todd really did sound like one of those geek kids from the movies.

Sal mentally chuckled and shut his locker. He looked over at Ash as she was rolling her eyes because Todd and Larry are still going.

None of us even realized the bell rang until Mrs. Packerton slowly waddled out of her room. "Got somewhere to be, boys?"

Ash poked her head over to look at Mrs. Packerton and she huffed. ".. And girl."

Mrs. Packerton shook her head and glared at all of them. "Mr. Johnson, get in here. Now, please." She looked at Larry and he rolled his eyes and went into the classroom.

She looked at the rest of us and shooed us away with her hand. "Get going!"


Sal leaned back and stared at the clock looking at what time it was. They've only been testing for maybe 50 minutes and he was already done.

A bit later Todd was finished too, maybe like 10 minutes after Sal. Some people gave both of them glares since they were already done and could do whatever they wanted for the next hour or so but Sal didn't care.


"That test was so easy!!" Todd boasted and took a bite out of his apple.

Larry groaned and shook his head. "Hell nah! That shit was so horrible I wanted to tear my hair out!"

Sal chuckled. "It really wasn't that bad."

Ash shrugged and watched Sal as he continued to play around with the food on his tray.

Sal glanced over to where Travis was and noticed he looked incredibly worried.

Sal could tell that Travis was clesrly very paranoid due to the test and his father and he felt bad.



I know I said I would be publishing this yesterday but I've been quite busy and I didn't realize I would be so busy but tomorrow I'll be less busy so I'll most likely write more so be ready for some parts :)

I'll Always Forgive You(Salvis) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ