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A:Are you still not talking to Larry?
S: no. he's been pissing me off lately
A: I understand that, Sal. But he's your best friend
S:sure, but when do best friends not get into fights?
A: You're right, but he doesn't even know what he did, Sal.
S: when im ready to tell him, i will.
A: Alright.. Goodnight Sal :)
S: night

Sal turned off his phone and stared up at the ceiling. Gizmo squeezed his fat ass through Sal's basically closed door and jumped up on his bed.

Sal smiled and pet Gizmo. He purred in response. "Cmere, Giz." Sal gently picked up Gizmo and put him on his lap. Sal continued to pet Gizmo while he listened and felt the vibrations of his purring. Before Sal even realized it he was drifting off to sleep.


Sal shot up as sweat fell down his face. Gizmo was sleeping on his pillow and he raised his head in response. Sal brushed a hand through his hair trying to calm himself down. There was banging on his door. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!" Sal shot his head to the door and listened to his father scream at him from the other side. Sal didn't even realize he was bleeding and tears were falling down his face. He thought he was dreaming, but he wasn't.

Sal gasped for air as he shot up and stared at his wall. Gizmo wasn't on his bed anymore and Sal looked at the clock. 4. He covered his face with his hands as he remembered his dream. He woke up from a dream, in his dream. Sal was mostly confused because his nightmare didn't make much sense but he brushed it off and stood up.

He walked out of his room and Henry was passed out on the couch. Sal shook his head and walked out of his apartment. He felt like just walking. Sal didn't know where he was going to walk to but he just walked.

Before Sal knew it he was outside Addison Apartments and sitting against the wall. His hair was a mess, and he was a mess. Sal forgot his prosthetic so he covered his face with his hands and sat there for quite awhile.

Sal listened to the trees blowing in the wind and occasionally hitting each other. He also listened to the sound of some birds chirping. Sal listened and thought for quite awhile.

By the time Sal got back into his room it was 5 am. Sal laughed at himself for being outside for so long without even noticing. Sal grabbed his phone and just scrolled on it until he decided he should get ready for school.


"Morning Sal!" Ash waved to Sal while she dug into her locker for her stuff.

"Morning." Sal grabbed his books and walked over to Ash.

"Didn't sleep well?" Ash looked at Sal and he nodded.

"Yeah.. I woke up and ended up outside for an hour." Ash looked at him with worry.

"Larry said he thought he saw someone walk outside but he didn't know who, sorry Sal." Ash hugged her best friend and Sal smiled into the hug and hugged her back.

"It's fine Ash. I should get going to class. See you later?" Ash nodded and they walked in different directions.


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