Twenty Four

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S:You get to leave the hosp?
T:Yeah. They said I'm good to go
S:That's good! Can I come over w Philly this Sat?
T:Sure, since when was he named Philly?
S: Since I decided 2 call him Philly ;)
T:Goodbye Fisher
S: Travisssss come backkk

S: Pls
S:fuck u

Travis scoffed and turned his phone off.

His mother looked at him. "Travis, dear.. You know we have to go to court tomorrow... Right?"

Travis looked at her and nodded. She only now decided to fucking speak up because her son tried to kill himself. Fucking hilarious.

Travis leaned his head back and mentally groaned. He's never had to be face to face with a fucking judge.

Travis couldn't help but wonder if Sal and Phillip would be there. He hoped they would be.

Speaking of, Travis looked at his phone and he had another notification.

S:Btw, me and Philly will be there 2 cheer for u 😚

Travis couldn't help but smile.

T:Seriously, shut the fuck up
T:Stupid fuck
S:Love you 2 😪
S:Never showing love to you again

S:come bakc
S:I'll go bother Philly then.

Travis rolled his eyes and put his phone in his pocket. He knew it was stupid to make a joke like that since he just tried to do it.. But, he's a teenager, so he says fuck it.


Sal hasn't talked to his Larry since what happened at school. He had a lot of texts from Larry though. But he also had a lot of texts from literally everyone else but Travis and Phillip.

He groaned and looked at Todd's messages.

T:Hey, Larry wanted us to all text you to say he's sorry.
T:Don't know why he couldn't do it himself though.
T:I know you're probably not in the mood to talk to any of us, but I'm here for you
T:So is Neil.
T:Well, I'll leave you alone. Sorry about what happened. Tell Travis I said I hope he's doing well.

Sal smiled, knowing that out of all of them Todd was the most understanding. His friends were great, but out of all of them he could only rely on Todd to be there.

Sal didn't exactly want to look at the other texts because he knew they would be more boring than Todd's, but he didn't want to look at the 50+ notifications when he opens his messages.


Sal looked up at the ceiling and pet Gizmo. They were both getting ready to sleep while Sal played music in the background.

Sanitys fall played too often and wasn't very calming, so he asked Travis for songs that he listened to.

Surprisingly to Sal, they weren't Christian songs. But they weren't bad, like he thought they would be, either.

Sal continued to let Gizmo as he started drifting off to sleep.


Travis glared at himself in the mirror. A fucking suit. His mother wanted him to wear a fucking suit.

Travis actually had on a sweatshirt, and some plain jeans. It wasn't anything fancy, but at least it wasn't a fucking suit.

Travis rubbed his eyes and walked down the stairs. His mother glared at him.

"Where's the outfit I picked out?!" She sighed and Travis glared back.

"I'm not wearing a fucking suit to court. It's not a business meeting, or a Sunday, it's fucking court." Travis scoffed and walked out the door.

He already had shoes on because he didn't want to stare at his mother the whole time he said all of that.

A bit later she followed him out the door and awkwardly got in the car.

They drove the whole way in complete silence. Not even music was playing in the background.

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