Forever United |A MahiRohiRat...


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Three brothers living the same dream..tied by beautiful relation of utmost respect, selfless love and trust... Еще

Cover Credit
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Important Notice


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Sakshi didn't remember, how long she was sitting on the couch...!! She tried to make him open the door...but she got no answer in return.

Finally, she sat on the couch and covers her face with her hands, sobbing silently.
She didn't realise how things turned so ugly.

Her mind travels back to few weeks ago, when she followed Mahi, as she saw him leaving silently from the house. She knew instantly something is wrong with him as he seemed in hurry as well as worried at that moment.

Flashback Starts

Mahi reached the cafe where Manini has called him, unknown to the fact that Sakshi has been following him all the while.

Sakshi saw Mahi stopping in front of one of the table. However, before she could confront him, she saw Manini..and hence choose to be beside his husband at that moment.

She sat few tables away from him from where their voices were clearly audible.

"Mom!! You called me!?", After a long silence, Mahi asked.

For some reason, he wasn't feeling nice about the meeting.

Manini sighed.!! "Want to order your breakfast...I am going to order!!", She if ired his words in monotonous voice and ordered the food.

After years, he was feeling uncomfortable in her presence. Still, he started eating silently...waiting for her to say something.

"Take little more of it!! You must have a healthy breakfast", she said adding more Chapati to his plate.

"No Mom!! It's okay!!", He tried to stop her.

"Nope!! that I also have my breakfast in a proper manner!! Haven't eaten well in few days...umm...most probably after you left the home!!", She said, and Mahi couldn't stop but notice the sarcasm in her voice.

"Uhuh!! Eat Mahi!!", She said breaking his stupor who doesn't feel like taking a bite more.

He gulped his lump and drinks the water. They finished their breakfast silently.

They sat in silence until Manini broke it.

"Mom!!", He called her in a hesitating voice.

"What about your case?!!", She asked again cutting him in between.

Mahi was now sure that something was extremely wrong..!!

"They...they are still investigating!! They something!!", he replied.

His hand were tightly clutched on the table.

" will be..back to home..soon!!?", She asked him.

Mahi, somehow can't help but smile a little in reply.

"Don't come back.......!!!", Her words were like a thunder striking on him.

"This time....forever", she added in low voice, making him numb.

Sakshi who heard this, just cupped her face. However, she couldn't confront her or his husband at that moment.

Manini looked at his neutral expression and herself got teary. But she couldn't do anything of her insecurity, which was killing her everyday. However, she was ignorant of the fact that, she killed another innocent soul that day..once again!!

She killed him first time asking him to leave her house for time being, but still he was hopeful that he will be back. Those days were hard, more than he thought to be...but still he stood strong, with the hope that he will be back one day!!

But today, she killed that hope of him as well, brutally.

But he can't say a word... nothing came out of his mouth.

"When...years ago Yami told me everything, I didn't believe!!", She initiated making Mahi understand where everything is heading to!!

"I still don't....but now I understood her feelings!!", She completed and wiped her tears.

"She was.. insecure!! And so am I now!!", She looks at Mahi to understand what's going on his mind...but for the first time, Mahi gave nothing away from his expression.

"The difference is that...she was insecure of your success...and I am insecure of yours position in my son's life!!", She ended in whisper and started sobbing... feeling distraught and pathetic at the same time.

"I..tried to make myself understand...but I can't help Mahi!! When...when I brought you for the first time, in my home, u become my reason to survive!!

But..I don't know Mahi!! I feel pathetic for thinking so....but...I can't help it!! From the time, u have left home, I haven't have a proper talk with my sons!! And even if we did, it always ends in yelling or fight!!

For the first time, Even your Dad yelled at me...!! We have a serious fight where we haven't talked to each other for days now!! It never happened...but it's happening now...just... just because I asked you to-----", she stops feeling a lump in her throat. She drinks the water forwarded by Mahi whose expression were neutral.

She was not able to understand him for the first time ever....but what she didn't realised it that...she has crushed his heart today, gave him the guilt of something he haven't committed ever...just the way Dada and his Masi did, few years ago!!

She didn't understand that she has pushed Mahi into so much darkness today, that even if he want, he would never be able to come back from there.

It never pained so much to Mahi before...he didn't knew about his lineage, but it never affected him.
At every stage of his life, he has been it his childhood where he was harrassed...his school or college days, where he was reminded everyday about what his real identity is..his career where he was again accused by everyone..for something he never did!!
He never asked his parents, why it was needed to tell his real identity to everyone...if they have accepted him as his own, but somehow, he never find the courage to!! At one corner of heart, he always knew, no matter what, noone stays always!! No matter how much you give someone to, you can..never take someone's place.

Those words, once, have haunted him in past...but...he always pushed them to the farthest corner. And today, he was regretting it...maybe if he had accepted that as well, just like every other truth, it wouldn't have pained so much that you feel every breath to be heavy. Where you feel like... running away from each and everything, just so that you can breathe!!

"I am sorry!!", He heard her apologizing and he wanted to ask...what was his fault?!! He never wanted her to adopt him!! He..never asked for sympathy!! He was learning to live alone, then why did she took him in her shelter..and now she is throwing him away..!!

Why did she..gave him hold his two precious lifelines...!! And now, she was snatching them away from him!! She right to...snatch away his Cheeku...his Ro...!! Noone has that right!!

"I....never thought that giving you stay here will...snatch my own value in their life!! Vi is not talking to me....and Ro!! He never misbehaved with me, but now all that he do is... disrespecting me in every manner possible!!", She said and he just looked at her.

"In my own home, I have become a stranger...and I can't help....but blame myself!!", She said and didn't meet his eyes.

But he understood her unsaid words...."Because you bought me in their life", he asked more than stated for the first time. She nodded, a little ashamed.

Mahi chuckled internally at his fate.

He clearly remembered, he never wanted to become a part of their family. But, she forced him. She brought him to his home, shower him with love.. unconditional love.

He was so scared at that time. What can you expect from a little child, who was still learning to adapt to challenges life was throwing at him, every now and then.

But...when he holder Virat for the first time, his eyes urns misty. He knew, he got a reason to live. He wanted to protect that little bundle with everything..maybe because he has faced his own battle which..he never wanted others to face.

But, the moment Virat eyes met him, and the toothless grin Mahi saw..he knew..he got a purpose in his life. The moment he hold his little fingers, Mahi suddenly felt that he is a big brother and he has a responsibility now. He was happy but scared at the same time.

He was so scared by the thought because.... somewhere a voice always mocked him...that humans are selfish.
They use you as their needs...he had seen it so many times in his orphanage life. But..still he wanted to take risk...for the little bundle he was holding in his arms at that time...!! And now, he regret it...and at the same time feel guilty for regretting as well.

He gulps...and looks at his mother, who was looking broken. But for the first time, he didn't find it in him to console him. He was not in that condition himself.

"I...have always tried that..I never disappoint you!! But, unknowingly, I did...hurt you!! For that, I am sorry!! I will rectify my mistake Mo....Mrs. Randh.. Randhawa!!", He couldn't help and choked. Without his hold, tears fell down his eyes...however he turned around before Manini could see his face.

"I...I will go away...from...from..Chee...from your son's life!!", He said and went away from there.

Sakshi was crying but wiped her tears harshly..and ran to follow his husband.

However, she couldn't follow him, as he drove away faster and traffic didn't help her.

Flashback Over

From that day, Mahi didn't left a stone unturned to keep his brothers away from him...and those moments, he have killed himself thousand times.

Maybe noone can understand their bond, neither Manini nor anyone else.

For Mahi, when his life was submerged in darkness, they both came as a light of source...!! More than an elder brother, he took care of them as a father.

And Virat and Rohit....gave them a reason to live happily!! To expect that, he deserves respect and much love..!! He have survived phases just because they were there always, standing strong beside a pillar.

Noone even dared to say a word to them, when they were there..!!Virat- Rohit were best defender of Mahi!!

He... doesn't lost only his brother that day due to her mother's wish, but...he lost his reasons to live, anymore!!

How..will he live without them, who have learnt to walk holding his hand and in the process, make Mahi learnt, how to walk with head held high with them beside him.

In order to protect them from harsh world, he himself become strong that people now forgot, that...he have a heart as well...which is getting broken repeatedly and mercilessly!!

He have slapped them and nurse them as well!! They have took care of him, when he was ill. They have cried together on his shoulder so many times....and at the same time, made him come out of his every nightmare since childhood.

They were his peace in all those chaos when teams were bent to tear him apart with their accusation.

They were the reason.....when his heart for the first time, never, wanted to go back to that orphanage where in between all those children, he felt lonely.

They, three have grown together..!! They have healed him in the process. Their hugs make him believe that...he can fight everything if they are there.

And look at his fate mocking him...when he got habituated to breathe in the same air as them, he was again left alone.

The room was submerged in darkness....and Mahi..was sitting on the floor, resting his head on the edge.. looking nowhere.

Tears slide down from the corner of his eyes.

"Mahi!! Please open the door...I am scared!!", He heard her broken yet sobbing voice.

He sat straight...and stood up while wobbling. Taking stumbling steps, he opens the door only to find Sakshi standing teary eyed there.

She was shivering and ultimately hugged him. Watching her shivering figure, he understood that she must have watched a nightmare and hence ruffled her hair, saying nothing.

Once she calms down, he separate her from the hug..and move inside.

"Just...wait for me in the hall!!", He said and brought the suitcase.

"Your...retirement!!", He stopped packing and looks at her.

"I have decided it Sakshi!!",he gave her a small smile, which never reached his eyes.

"I...I will pack my bags!!", She said after sometime and leave from there.

After packing, Mahi moves to the hall...only to find Sakshi sitting there.

Sakshi who was waiting for him, found him standing with the luggage.

"Sakshi!! I have given you choice...!! If you choose to live here, then also.. it's okay!!", He asks her.

"And why should I?",she asked in return.

"Sak...Sakshi!! The situation is not same...not anymore!! I..I am not a cricketer now.. neither do i want to go near that game anymore!! I..have nothing at this moment!! Neither this luxurious life, nor a penny for our survival..!! All my life, cricket has been everything for me..I have never seen myself at any other place...but now..I... don't know what I am going to do now...!! I am.just going away from here, without anything with me!! You have a well settled career...a family!! you want to come with me even!!?",he asked her.

"I... don't have answer Mahi!! And even if I have....I don't want to say it!!", Mahi looks at her...and for the infinite time, saw the same thing in her eyes, which was there in his eyes for Priya.

He avert his eyes from her. He can't reciprocate her feelings, he is too messed up now...!!

Sakshi smile and start..."Because...I didn't married your status...but you!! And for the oath I have taken, I will be always with you, only".

Mahi knew he can't win from her and hence just nodded. For now, he can just let her accompany him... because she will ultimately give up on him, just like everyone does..or so he thought!!

"Let's go!!", he moves ahead but stops hearing Sakshi's voice.

"Can...can we meet them..for the last time?", He was rooted at his place...but ultimately shakes his head in negative. He can't be weak...not anymore!! He strides fast to move away from everything.

But it seems destiny was never in his favour.
As soon as he comes out, he found not only Virat and Rohit, but also Anushka, Ritika, Sourabh, Yamini, Manini and his father Vijayendra. Soon, few more cars arrived, and the people comes out of it were noone else other than his teammates, the one whom he considered as his second family..always..!!



So tell me how is it...!! I hope I made u cry..just like I did at some places.

But but but!!! My MahiRat was missing here, and u will see next one...which will be end of half part of the story!! The story after leap, will continue in second next chapter!!

Till then, Vote🌟 Comment 💬 and add it to your reading list!!

Bleed Blue💙

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