Riptide (Chicago PD)

By KNeill006

23.7K 458 152

Sandrelly Santos packs up and leaves Brazil abruptly. She's happy to leave her friends and family so whatever... More

Meet Sandrelly
Surf's Up
Neon Paint
Broken Arm
Home Sweet Home
Team VS Team
The Streets
I miss mom
The Man In Black
Punch Ups
The Chase
I say it's him
Gone wrong
Resting time
Who is Ava?
Home for the Holidays


428 9 5
By KNeill006

When I woke up, everything felt strange. I remember San telling me about the colours of the doctor's clothes but these were not it. They were in red and the nurses were in blue. No one was rushing around and tripping over things, which means I'm not in Maceió. I don't remember much but I do remember being with San.

I went to get out of bed when I felt a warm hand on my chest push me back down.

"Jay, you need to rest."

"Why are you in Brazil?"

*Sandrelly's Pov*

Slowly, I opened my eyes and adjusted to the light. I looked around the room to see doctors in red and nurses in green. It was strange because the last time I was at hospital in Brazil, doctors were in green and nurses were in brown.

I looked around and tapped my legs and arms to make sure everything of me was there. I looked up to see a familiar ginger guy stood by my door.

"Will, what are you doing in Brazil?"

"We're in Chicago. This is med. What do you remember?"

"No. Thats not possible. I was was in Maceió. You're lying, Will."

"I'm not. I promise I'm not. San, I need you to trust me. What do you remember?"

"Not much. Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone is okay but they aren't awake yet."

"What did happen?"

"He said that there some kind of explosion." Explained Will as he looked through my chart.

"There was some type of gas that knocked you guys out and kind of paralysed you. You'll be fine though. Jay's awake and so is Kim but the others aren't yet."


"Jay, my brother and Kim has brow-"

"No. I know them. I mean, who told you that?"

"Some dude named Peter."

"He's bad." I said as I tried to sit up.

"That's what I said." Said Jay as he came into the room with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, you've already told me, Jay. When did this happen?" Asked Will as he pointed towards us.

"When did what happen?"

"This. Every five minutes, Jay has been asking about you."

"And he didn't tell me you were awake. I had to find out myself."

He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You shouldn't be up, Jay."

"I wanted to see my girl."

"How did you know she was awake?"

"I can read minds."

"Hilarious, Jay."

"Nah, I actually just heard you talking. Plus San's room is opposite mine."

"Who wrapped up his fingers?" I asked as I looked down at the better bandage that was around Jay's fingers.

"I did. What happened?"

"San asked me to do a press up challenge where you clap between them and then land on one less finger than last time. I fell and broke them."

"I thought it was something dodgy. Well, you guys rest up. I'll check on you in an hour."

"Okay. See you then, Will."

I rested my head on Jay's chest as he slid into bed next to me. He kissed my head and we cuddled for a bit.

Towards the end of the day, my memory of what had happened had came back except for some parts that were still blurry.

I walked towards Hank's room with Jay and some coffee. I stopped in my tracks as my head felt dizzy. Jay looked down at me to see me clasping the desk. He held my waist in case I was to fall or pass out.

"Sammy? Where's Sammy?"

"I don't know. I can't remember much. What happened to him?"

"We were looking for him."

"I remember. He was in the middle of the room when the bomb went off. He was strapped to a chair." Said Jay as he held me.

"Oh my god. Where's Will?" Asked Kim as she ran up to a nurse.

"What's wrong, guys?" Asked Will as he stepped into the room.

There was one big brown desk in the middle that was a round shape. It was like the main one in the ER except slightly smaller. The ward that we were on was a light blue colour and all the rooms were in a circle. The entrance cut off the circle at the top and it was a straight corridor to the elevators.

"Where's Sammy?" I asked.


"The guy in the chair. Tall, blonde." Explained Jay.

"A few others were affected in the bombing. It caused a house to collapse and it killed a woman and her husband."

"Not to be rude but I couldn't care less. Where's Sammy?" I asked again as I stepped towards Will but Jay held onto my shoulders to try and calm me.

"Police found him and transported him to here. I'm sorry San, he didn't make it."

I felt like my whole world had just crumbled. My trembling hand covered my mouth as I let out painful gasps and cried my eyes out. Jay caught me before my knees hit the hard floor but he lowered me down so I wouldn't fall. I leant over as I screamed in pain.

He's gone. I just lost my bestfriend. Oh my god, Ava. I have to call her and tell her what happened. Tell her how I failed her, I broke my promise. Did I promise her?

"No. No. Please, Will. Tell me he's not dead." I asked as I wiped my eyes and looked up at him.

"I'm so sorry. We couldn't save him."

"No! J-Jay, I can't. I-I have to call Ava, I have to tell her I failed. I can't do it. I d-d...I didn't get to say goodbye. He's my bestfriend. N-no. Please don't be true."

"I'm so sorry."

"Stop saying sorry! It wasn't your fault. It was that bastard, Peter. That is your fault. You listened to him and didn't even question him. That is on you!" I shouted towards Will as I stood up and pointed a finger at him.

"Shh, baby. You need to breathe. We'll get Peter, I promise. Even if it means we go back to Brazil or we spend every single hour of every day looking for him, we'll get him."

My body fell onto Jay's as I let out pained sobs. He wrapped my body in his arms and held me tight while he kissed my head.

"Have you got a body?" Asked Kevin.

"No. He was sent back to Brazil. I'm sorry."

"Hey, shh. I got you."

"I n-need to call Ava."

"Do it later."

"I can't. She'll find out from someone else. I can't do that."

"I'll call her."

*Jay's Pov*

"Ellie, I'm so glad you guys are okay. What happened?" Asked Helena as she walked in and hugged Sandrelly.

"He's gone, ma. They killed him." San cried into her chest.

I looked towards the ward entrance as Diego jogged in with Roberto. Diego came straight to me and hugged me as Roberto checked on everyone.

Everyone went silent as Ava walked through the door. She looked so pale as her hands shook and she fought to keep tears in.

"San, where's Sammy? I was told everyone was brought here. We followed the Rangers to a safe house. Is he okay?"

"H-he um..."

"San, what is it?" Ava asked, her voice stern.

"He's gone. Peter killed him."

She looked at me before she walked towards San and slapped her around the face. San took it and nodded as a tear escaped. Ava lifted her fist and got close to San's face but stopped before she hit her.

"This is your fault. You should have left it but because of your personal vendetta against Peter, he took the only man I've ever loved. I don't see Peter taking Jay, do you?"

"No. That's because he knew if he took Sammy, it would hurt me. It would make me want to kill him. But I won't. It won't bring him back."

"Sammy's death is on you. You should have left it."

We all drove to the safe house and once we were inside and had made hot drinks, we started planning. We inspected the place thoroughly and found no bugs so we began talking.

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