MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor...

By Greyninja27

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Verdant Emperor by TheHinokami is one of my favorite stories of all time so I decided to write the reaction f... More

Setting up the stage.
The Divergence
Interlude: Friends and New Watchers
Finding Shelter & First Steps
Results & Giran
Interlude- Broken Flames
Physical Conditioning, New Home & Two New Members
Verdant Guards & Training
UA Exam & All Might's Regrets
Expanding & New Bases
Heroes & Villains & Anti-Heroes!?
Sports Festival & Verdant Movements
Hosu Aftermath
Verdant Expansion & Advamcenets & Unkown Enemy!?
Heroes Vs Meta Liberation Army
Prelude to Summer Break
Summer Camp
Kamino Incident
Shock & The Sealment of Fate
Saying Goodbye
Interlude: Confession!
Advancing Plans & Growing
Growth & Overhaul!?
Save Eri!
Aftermath of the raid
Battle Aftermath
The fall of Aichi
Prelude to Meeting
Meeting Pt. 1
Meeting Pt. 2
Large Scale Combat!
Interlude-Troubled Hearts.
UA's Surrender & Effects
Meeting & Ackowlegements
The Future Within Reach!
Japan's Fall!
The Verdant Emperor's Will!
Meeting the Emperor!

Military Line Assault!

4.4K 131 99
By Greyninja27

Narrator:- Grey

It's been about four weeks since Izuku's little trip out to the park and everyone from all sides is wondering why the Verdant group hasn't done anything in the entire two weeks as there have been no movements on their side at all.

"Maybe they are taking a break," Mina suggested.

"No, it can't be that simple," Aizawa narrowed his eyes, "there is something fishy going on here."

People were wondering if they hit the limit on how much land they could gain and control which had started to give the government a boost as they reinforced the defense lines on both sides but what no one knew was that Izuku Midoriya aka the Verdant Emperor was about to initiate his plans for one of his larger-scale battles that were about to happen.

"I knew it," Aizawa sighed, "Verdant is not the type of person to take a break in the middle of something so big."

Now you might wonder where this battle will take place but he's made it clear to his side what they were doing.

Izuku planned to wipe out the military defense line that was set up in Tottori and Okayama as they had now gained and stabilized their control of the underworld in all of the orange areas on their map of Japan.

"Two prefectures at once," Nezu rubbed his chin, "it will be difficult but with the resources, Verdant has it is quite possible."

As such, it was time to make their move and the moment they did would be large as Izuku was planning to reveal more of his member count which would draw more attention to them but also be a display of their power since some criminal organizations in other areas of japan like in Tokyo were thinking they were at their limit in how far they could go.

"Naive fools," Dabi smirked, "still trying to resist the inevitable."

"Not surprising tho," Izuku said, "think from their perspective. We are not villains, well technically we are but we are not spreading terror either, so they are not sure where we stand."

As such, this would be a demonstration of power over them as well which would force them to submit or be wiped out.

"From my experience as a hero I surely say that there are people who will happily accept the latter but won't yield to anyone," All Might said.

As such, early in the morning before the sun had even risen the Verdant organization was completely awake and on the move.

"Waking up so early in the morning," Dabi groaned, "I didn't sign up for that."

"Wow, I didn't think you know how to sign," Himiko said with an amused smile, "you know that whole homeless thing and all."

"I told you, I was not homeless since I was born," Dabi said with annoyed snark.

It was the start of week five when Izuku had been last seen in public and now he was about to make a large statement as he looked over all of his men in the hangar.

"Oh boy, I am always excited for little listener's speeches," Mic said, "they are quite motivating for me as well."

"Good morning my men! Today we will be launching an assault on the military line that is currently being held on the borders of the Tottori and Okayama prefectures. The government has supplied their military with all of their equipment which is highly destructive and will result in high death counts on our side if we fail to break their line. This isn't like fighting the heroes where we get up close and personal and then break their line. No, this is going to require strategy as we are fighting men of war who have trained to deal with hostile forces and kill no matter what. If we are able to break their line we will push our control completely down towards Yamaguchi before stopping unless our lines can't hold." Izuku said as everyone started to cheer since they have been itching to get out and fight.

"You know Midoriya if this entire revolution thing didn't work out you can easily start your own Mercenary band," Compress said.

"Good Idea, I think I will name it Phoenix Corp," Izuku said, "and my quirk analysis can be used while disposing of dangerous quirks."

Izuku waited for them to calm down and then explained that they would be sending cloned versions of them as the first few waves before the third wave would include real individuals.

"Good tactic," Nezu said, "make enemy waste resources without giving them any real win."

The first two waves would be used to gain ground in the deadman zone that had been created between both sides and attempt to reduce the military's numbers as best as they could. Izuku knew the military was gearing up for an assault on the Verdant-controlled land as well since they had been spying on the Japanese military.

"This is going to get ugly," Aizawa said, "this won't be like past incidents where the government was caught off guard. This time they are ready for Verdant to attack."

It's also why they are attacking now since they can't allow the military to bring the fight into Verdant-controlled land.

"Yeah, can't let civilians in our lands get harmed," Izuku said, "not only it is our job to protect them but it will be really bad if people find our rule to be more dangerous than the current government."

As such, they needed to take the fight to them before they expect one. The verdant would also be showing off their military-grade weapons as well with their aircraft and tanks that they had acquired through contacts that Izuku had made in other countries that weren't as stable as more modern countries in this day and age.

"And they were able to import all of that stuff into our country because of the teleporter," Mina said, "you know what teleportation is a broken ability and you can't change my mind."

Soon they all split into the divisions that they were assigned to and Izuku was ready with his guards.

"For someone who wanted to become a hero without a quirk doesn't he rely on his guards too much," Nighteye remarked.

"I rely on them because they are reliable people," Izuku defended, "besides if I had really achieved my dream of becoming a quirkless hero, I won't be jumping into something like the Kamino incident without any plan of action or good backup."

They also had sent a large number of men to the northern front as well in the event that the government attempted to push them on that side while they attacked the south defense line. This way they wouldn't need to worry about their backs as there was a sheer number of clones on that side with many quirked individuals from who they were copied off.

"Hmm, even tho Verdant doesn't want to split his forces, it is inevitable at this point," Momo said.

Izuku looked at the clock and nodded his head as it was time to start the battle as such he ordered all of the men to their designated portal spots as the portal quirk user started up each portal which would drop the divisions off in certain locations.

"Police raids will be much easier if we had this kind of technology," Naomasa said, "but I also cannot be sure that no one will use this technology for their own benefit so it's better that we don't have that."

Once the portals opened the battle was a green light and they were ordered to kill if needed if they couldn't secure the enemy side. Izuku wanted to limit the deaths but he wasn't going to let his men die just to capture people when it was impossible in some cases as these were military-trained individuals.

"Isn't it kind of hypocritical that he doesn't want his people to die but he is okay with killing these soldiers who have families at home?" Mina asked.

"Is it hypocritical? Yes, it is but at the end of the day, it is all about choice and responsibility," Aizawa explained, "the soldiers on the government's side have chosen to fight this war despite knowing the risks. The same applies to Verdant's men as well but in his case, he is taking responsibility for all the deaths and trying to minimize casualties on both sides."

As this was starting, the sirens in the border towers of the Hyogo prefecture went off to give their citizens a chance to flee as cloned members of the Verdant guard and other members were all telling people to flee as far as they could into the prefecture since the battle was breaking out on the border.

"Good work young Izuku, evacuating them early will not make them casualties of war," All Might said while Nighteye grumbled 'the war he caused,' in the background.

This alerted the news media that was stationed almost full-time in the prefectures under the Verdant control as they began a live broadcast cutting into whatever was on tv.

"Of course," Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Verdant is their biggest breadwinner right now."

As such, we switch over to UA where Principal Nezu sent out an emergency alert telling everyone to get to their common rooms in their individual buildings and turn the TV on to the news as something was happing with the Verdant group.

"Is it really all right for students to watch something so gruesome live on the Tv?" Nemuri asked.

"Nemuri, what Verdant is doing right now is going to change the world... the world that these kids will live in and it is their right to watch the change that is happing in their world," Nezu explained.

Nezu himself ran over to 1-A dorms from his office since he knew Aizawa was there since the homeroom teachers lived in their class dorms.

"Hey, why are you coming over to us?" Aizawa asked with an annoyed scowl, "watch it in your office or something."

"Aww Aizawa stop acting so grumpy," Nezu said, "besides students enjoy spending time with me and so do you."

"The only thing I enjoy is my sleep and strong coffee," Aizawa grumbled under his breath.

Once he arrived he found everyone in their PJ's looking at the TV as it showed a reporter talking about sirens going off and verdant members warning citizens to flee deep into the prefecture as a battle was breaking out. "The problem is that we hear no signs of battle though so we don't know if this is a test or---" the reporter said but got cut off by sounds of explosions which they turned their camera towards and saw it came from the dead man zone that was between the prefectures.

"Wait! It already started?" Ochako said, "I thought they will let civilians walk out first."

They could hear the reporter talking about how the conflict had broken out but they didn't know which side started it and as they were talking a military convert of trucks carrying Verdant members passed by the tv crew which stunned everyone as they didn't know they had trucks like that on the Verdant side.

"Ohh! Trucks are the last things you should be worried about," Dabi smirked.

The TV crew got as close as they could and zoomed in since they didn't want to get caught in the conflict but you could see out in the distance as military tanks were on both sides as each side was shooting at the other.

Suddenly Kaminari felt a sting in his arm. He looked to his side and saw Mina and Sero glaring at him, "you jinxed it."

"What did I do?" Kaminari asked with teary eyes.

There were bodies everywhere as a lot of soldiers on the government side had been caught off guard by the sudden attack.

Many in the audience grimaced including pro heroes as seeing dead people is never easy even for heroes.

Nezu spoke up at that point. "It seems the Verdant was smarter as they likely learned of the governments impending attack and decided to catch them off guard. Regardless, the Verdant military has the clones to cut down their death count and increase the governments. I wonder how many of the 50,000 troops on the government side will walk away from this alive?" Nezu said and everyone tensed even harder at his statement and question as they wondered about it as well.

"All this could be avoided if Verdant had found a peaceful solution instead of all of this," Mirio said.

"And that would be?" Dabi asked.

"I..." Mirio stopped and then quickly, "Verdant is supposed to be a genius right? Ask him to find one."

They contained to just watch the news report as it went but back on the battlefront we could find Izuku Midoriya with his guards in a command post near the front lines. They had used the construction team to quickly build a deep underground command post that was reinforced quickly by other quirks so they could be near the front lines if they were needed but not directly in the line of fire for the government military to land explosive rounds on their location.

"It really amazes me how many intricate tasks can be easily managed when people use their quirks to their full potential," Momo said.

Izuku asked how the battle was going as it had now been an hour into the battle and the start of the third wave had begun. Izuku knew most of the first and second-wave clones were already destroyed based on reports but they had made it up to the direct military lines with those clones so it was up to the third wave to keep it close combat and to break the defense line that the government had established.

"Wait! The third wave already!" Dabi said, "I thought we could stall them for much longer."

"To be fair my clones do break with a decent amount of damage/ They are strongest," Twice said.

"Overall, we are close to breaking the line. As it stands Tottori will break first which will allow us to come into the side and rear of the forces at Okayama. We have hundreds of twice clones on the battle line that is making clones left and right of our soldiers. We are also using clones to retrieve our wounded. Within the next half an hour we should break it and the moment we do we can use the military transport helicopters we have to get a lot of forces deep into the prefectures and push down to Yamaguchi as we can prevent a new defense line from being made in the orange marked land." Said Dabi as he was the head of the military troops overall with Stain as the second-in-command.

"Well look at that," Dabi said with a smug smile, "I am commanding the same man I once looked up to."

"Don't test your luck," Stain growled, "I can beat the shit out of you even with these cuffs."

Now talking about Stain, that man has been doing amazing work as he was sent in ahead of time deep into the lands and was assigned with some clones of his to take our corrupt government officials across the orange-marked land. This way they didn't need to deal with corrupted officials later that were still around and get accused of ruling with an iron fist if they wanted to get rid of them.

"Well... that's one way to do it," Nezu said adding one more bullet point to his diary.

Soon another half of an hour passed and reports came in from multiple places. One the defense line was broken in Tottori but also in some places of Okayama which would speed up the battle quickly.

'Good,' Izuku sighed, 'sooner this ends, the fewer people die.'

They also received reports from the northern line as the government attempted to have heroes push south but it ended up failing due to the forces they had placed up there.

"To think that Verdant has better foresight than the person with that quirk," Himiko said which earned her a glare from Nighteye.

One special quirk user from an advanced team was called explosive Vision. This allowed the user to focus on one point with eye contact and if they turned their quirk on then they could cause explosives to go off at that point.

"Do you think that this is Bakugo's cousin?" Mina asked.

"Possibly? I mean both have explosion-based quirks," Kirishima said.

"Stop running your brains," Bakugo said annoyed, "and I don't have any cousins with this quirk."

Now the explosives weren't big in any regard as it would be compared to half of a grenade going off but combined multiple clones of the said user using the quirk at the same time and they become a problem for others. As such, a large number of these quirked individuals were made and spread across all of the prefectures in the north as they used their quirk to stop the advancement of the northern government forces which were mostly heroes with a lacking of military members.

"You know it is also a talent to find someone with a particularly useful quirk in an organization with over 100 thousand people," Nemuri said.

As such, the attack by the northern government defense line failed as they couldn't get past the explosives that kept going off.

"Heh," Bakugo smirked, "explosions are best."

This made Izuku smile as his plans were going well and only small problems had risen across the entire battlefronts as some people with flight quirks did cause problems on the north battlefront but were killed when they got too close. "When this is all over I want as good as a death count as we can get," Izuku said and they all nodded their heads.

"What are you going to do with that? Prade it around with pride and add them to your achievements," Nighteye said but Izuku decided to ignore him.

They had the military transport helicopters lift off from their position which was a bit deeper in the Hyogo prefecture and advanced. They had to be careful to fly low enough to not get on the radar of the navy ships from the government that was in the waters between Kagawa and Okayama as well.

"Come to think about it, why didn't Verdant buy battleships as well?" Toru asked.

"Well, I think hiding it would have been a bigger problem," Momo replied.

Overall, the navy was the largest issue for Izuku since they kept sending damn missiles toward the battlefield which without a doubt cost them a lot of lost men. "We need to figure out how to deal with the damn navy!" Izuku said as he slammed his fist on the table.

"Finally something good happened," Nighteye said.

"You think the death of my men is a good thing," Izuku said as he glared at Nighteye.

"It's better than Heroes dying," Nighteye replied.

Everyone agreed but no one really had a good idea since they didn't have any ground to ship missiles nor any viable plans to get a quirked user close enough to the ships to take them out. Though Stain came up with a long-term plan and suggested sending a large number of Toga clones in to take over the ships.

"Once we are done with taking the orange land over. We can spend time having Toga clones take the positions of sailors that are in the docks of Kagawa or other places. This way we could slowly replace them. We would do this by getting a few clones of Toga on a ship that carries a few marbles of Twice clones and Mr. Compress. This way, twice could make more clones of Toga on board and Mr. Compress could hide the bodies in marbles as well so they don't get found. Once that happens Toga can lure victims in to get captured and transform into them until an entire ship is taken over. Once that happens we replace it with our members and have them use the ship on the other naval ships as we should only use clones on the ship so we don't lose any members since it would get destroyed by the other ships." Stain suggested

"Great idea!" Himiko exclaimed, "Stainy, I didn't know you can use anything other than your blade as well."

"You think I survived in the world just with my sword alone," Stain growled under his breath.

Everyone looked at him in shock and he asked them what was wrong. "Nothing! That was an amazing plan stain! Toga go get some clones as he said in the prefectures that have any naval forces and start the plan since we really don't need to wait!" Izuku said and Toga nodded her head and had clones of her, twice, and Mr. Compressor made as they headed back to the main base and would get the clones teleported to a small base they had hidden in Kechi.

"Great! Thanks to Himiiko we can now decrease our losses," Izuku looked at Himiko and beamed, "thank you, you are really a lifesaver."

"Go on keep praising me," Himiko giggled, "jokes aside. I am always there for you."

Meanwhile, Ochako looked at the interaction with an awkward smile.

Another hour went by and the defense lines in Tottori and Okayama were completely shattered and Verdant forces had moved completely into the prefectures and were pushing further south.

"Finally, we are in," Dabi said.

"Can you please add context to that, it sounded pretty weird to me," Hawks said.

"Is that so," Dabi raised his brow, "and here I thought you liked hearing that," Dabi smirked while Hawk's face started resembling his feathers.

The transport helicopters went south further before the lines were completely broken and had dropped forces off in Hiroshima to cut off the retreat of the military forces and in Yamaguchi. As such, battles were raging in those prefectures as Verdant forces from Tottori pushed into Shimane and met some resistance but not enough to stop them since more forces were focused in Okayama and the military had attempted to retreat via Hiroshima since their navy was providing cover but it didn't help them in the grand scheme of things since they had already been cut off by the Verdant before they fully started their retreat. As such, the naval forces of Japan could only watch from afar as their ground forces were taken prisoner over the next few hours.

"Man, I don't think there is any hope for government at all," Kamianri said, "all they can do now is pray for good luck or bring someone like All Might to their side."

"Someone like All Might, hmm?" Mina placed a hand under her chin, "maybe his cousin but not from here... how about America? He lived there before."

"Yeah, that works. He would be All Might's twin and..." Kaminari's eyes landed on Snipe, "and he could wear a hat like Snipe sensei and will talk in a weird accent."

"Young Ashido, Young Kamianri please calm down," All Might said with a sweat drop, "and why would I have an American cousin? That sounds... Hysterical."

"Hey guys," Izuku called them out, "we can name him Y'all Might, what do you say?"

Mina. Kmainari and Izuku stared at each other for a moment and burst out laughing.

"Young Izuku, not you too," All Might sighed.

This brought an end to the south defense line and allowed Verdant to take control of all orange-marked land on their maps which meant they now publicly controlled all of the purple and orange lands.

'One more step closer to success,' Izuku thought to himself.

They held control of the underworld in the pink land, light blue land, and portions of the green land.

Then the screen turned black and the words appeared on the screen. Ep.25 'Military Line Assault!'

To be continued...

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