Summer Love That Blossomed in...

Bởi phoebesmith25

588 156 5

Eric Wilson and his siblings Michelle (older sister), James (younger brother), Micheal but everyone calls him... Xem Thêm

First Day Of Summer (Edited)
Continuation from Last Part (Edited)
First Date? (Edited)
Beach Day (Edited)
My Dad's Back? (Edited)
Last Month before School, Let's Have Some Fun! (Edited)
Tryouts For Football (Edited)
First Day Of Senior Year (Edited)
Halloween and Halloween Party (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week Part 2 (Edited)
Basketball Tryouts (Edited)
Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)
Last Full Day On Cruise (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Eric's 18th Birthday (Edited)
Valentine's Day (Edited)
Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)
First Day Back at School, Since Accident (Edited)
Prom (Edited)
Finally Done! (Edited)
Graduation Party (Edited)
August 2020 (Edited)
College Halloween Party (Edited)
Nice To Be Back Home For Thanksgiving (Edited)
Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)
Physical Therapy (Edited)
End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)
Cruise Round 2 - Couple Edition (Edited)
New Years Eve Party Round 2 (Edited)
New Year, Eric's 22nd Birthday (Edited)
Surprise! (Edited)
Eric's Family Finds Out (Edited)
What We are Having... (Edited)
Gender Reveal (Edited)
Graduation of Undergrad College (Edited)
Welcome To The World EJ (Edited)
EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)
Ellie and Arthur's Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Tessa's Bully (Edited)
EJ's First Christmas (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Baby Number 4? (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Start of Summer 2026 (Edited)
Welcome To The World Baby #4 (Edited)
Halloween/EJ's Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2026 (Edited)
New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)
Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)
1 Year Anniversary (Edited)
Carley's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Ten Year High School Reunion (Edited)
Summer 2027 (Edited)
EJ's First Day of Kindergarten (Edited)
Halloween 2027/ EJ's 6th Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2027 (Edited)
New Years Eve/Twins Are Here (Edited)
Author's Note
Sequel Is Out

Arthur and Ellie's Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)

7 2 0
Bởi phoebesmith25

(Eric's POV)

It is currently after thanksgiving. So around the last week of November. And this weekend is supposed to be filled with love. Wanna know why? Because my dear cousin Arthur Rogers is getting married to his long time love Ellie Goodman. And it's about damn time.

But this is only the start of the weekend. Tonight is the bachelor/bachelorette party. I am throwing the Bachelor party for Arthur while Carley is doing the bachelorette party for Ellie

Yes we were both announced the best man and the maid of honor. I mean Carley was always gonna be the maid of honor. Because apparently Ellie and her made another pact that if they got married to someone then the other girl will be the maid of honor

I honestly don't get why there are so many pacts between the two of them.

Now when Arthur told Alex and I that I was gonna be the best man. Alex was upset but he understood that because Carley was announced as the maid of honor for Ellie. Then I would be announced the best man because I am dating Carley. We also have a little boy together. So it would be a little weird if Carley and Alex walk down the isle when they are more like a brother and sister kind of relationship.

Tonight's party I kind of had to kid friendly it. Just because Carley said I should bring EJ. And I agreed because I love my son. And I want him to love me. Even though I know he does already but I just want him to have a special connection with me. Since he already has one with Carley.

Anyways Carley was out of bed pretty early this morning. I could hear her walking around. Then I heard EJ crying. But since I didn't want to wake up. I pretended to be asleep.

I actually got 30 more minutes of sleep in. But once Carley put EJ on my stomach I open my eyes and see Carley

"I knew you were awake" She said with annoyed face

"Hey I've been waking up early all the time for EJ" I said as I held EJ on my stomach

"Well he wanted you apparently" She said and went to her makeup

"Why are you putting on makeup?" I asked sitting up. And lowered EJ onto my lap

"Because bridal party is going out to brunch" She said

"That doesn't explain the make out part" I said

"It's to get a free meal E" She said putting makeup on

"Are all the girl doing it or just you?" I asked her

"All of us" she said

"I still don't like that" I said annoyed

She comes over and kisses me. I get makeup on my lips. But I don't mind. Only because it's Carley who is the one kissing me.

"I only love you" She said and kissed me one more time

"If a guy flirts with you I'll kick their asses" I said

"I know. But I won't let anyone touch me" She said. "I have to go. We are meeting in 10 minutes. And it takes like 5 minutes to get there" She said then kissed me one more time on the lips. "I love you E" She said. Then kissed EJ's head. "And I love you baby boy" She said. "Have a fun day!" She said walking out of the room

I looked at EJ. He just looks at me. "Your mommy is crazy" I said then started to tickle him. He laughs a little.

After getting up for the day. I put EJ on our bed so I can do my morning routine. After that I brought EJ with me downstairs. I think Carley feed him already. So thats good news.

I see my mom, Aunt Evie and Uncle Matt all down in the kitchen. I also see Jason is there

"Morning guys" I said walking into the kitchen. I waved EJ's hand to them

"Morning Eric. And EJ" They said but did a baby voice to EJ.

"Eric do you want me to get the baby chair?" My mom asked me

"Yeah can you get that mom?" I asked her

"I'll go get it Steph" Jason said then walked to where the baby chair last was. He brought it into the kitchen

"Thank you Jason" I said giving him a smile. I slowly and softly put EJ into the chair.

Arthur, James, Alex, and Mikey come down

"Where are the girls?" Alex asked confused

"Apparently brunch" I said going into the fridge to get eggs.

"Are you making breakfast?" James said going over to my son.

"No. I am making me breakfast. If you want something make it yourself" I said to my younger brother

"Wow what happened to you Eric. You used to be sweet" James said and played with my son's hand

"Leave my son alone would you?" I said after seeing EJ not looking happy

"EJ loves me doing this. Isn't that right EJ?" He asked my son

EJ just looks at James. I laugh because that answered the question

"Sure he does" I said still laughing

Arthur, James, Alex and I made breakfast for Mikey and ourselves. Once we finished making food we all ate at the table with Uncle Matt, Aunt Evie and James, Mikey's and I's mom.

"So the girls left you guys?" Uncle Matt asked

"Uh huh" We said

"Well Eric you got it worse. Your baby mamma left you with your son" Arthur said with a laugh

"Oh I forgot to tell you guys. Since EJ is going with us. It's more kid friendly bachelor party" I said drinking some coffee

"Hmm" James, Arthur and Alex said

"What did you guys want me to say? Carley asked me if i wanted to take him. I said yes" I said

"You should have said no!" They yelled at me

"Well I'm sorry I wanted to make a better connection with my son" I said annoyed

"Ok boys I know you guys wanted to have strippers but I think this will be better" Jason said

"How do you think Jason?" James asked him

"Well now Mikey can go" He said

"Yeah Mikey and EJ will have fun" I said with a smile

"EJ isn't even gonna remember this" Alex said

"That may be true but I will be taking pictures. So he will get to see pictures of this weekend" I said

"You are such a simp for Carley it's not even funny man" James said with a chuckle. Alex and Arthur laughed also

"You're such a simp for Charli bro. And Alex you're such a simp for Kendall. And you Arthur you are such a simp for Ellie you're marrying her now" I said annoyed

"Eric. They didn't mean it in a bad way" Mom said

"It sounded like that mom" I said

"James apologize to your brother now" Mom said

"But mom he is a simp!" He said to mom

"Apologize James" She said in a mother's voice

"Fine!" he said then looked at me. "I'm sorry for saying you're a simp, Eric" He said

"Thanks bro" I said patting his back

"Even though you are one" He said softly

"Thats it!" I yelled and tackled him onto the floor

"Eric! Get off!" Uncle Matt said taking me off James.

"I'll get you James!" I said pointing at my brother

"Eric calm down" Uncle Matt said and brought me into the living room to calm down.

"He's a dick Uncle Matt" I said annoyed and angry

"We don't accept that language Eric" He said with his arms crossed

"Fine he's a jerk. Better?" I asked

"Lose the sarcasm your father might have dealt with that but I won't" He said

I sigh and sit on the couch.

"Is EJ ok?" I asked about my son

"I don't know. I was the only one who could grab you quickly. I was only paying attention to you" He said sitting next to me

"I shouldn't have tackled James. Especially in front of EJ" I said

"No you shouldn't of" He said nodding

"It's just James gets me so mad!" I said annoyed. "The only two people who make me extremely happy anymore is EJ and Carley" I said softly

"Well I can go grab your son for you if you want?" He asked me

"That would be great Uncle Matt" I said

"Alright I will be right back with EJ" He said standing up from the couch. He made his way back to where EJ was

I waited on the couch. Once I smiled but I also saw my mom holding him, not Uncle Matt.

"Hi mom" i said

"Your uncle said you wanted EJ" She said handing me my son.

"Hey buddy" I said to my son.

He looks at me and slowly touches my cheek. I smile and all my worries go away.

"Eric you need to get your anger under control" My mom said coming to sit next to me

"Mom it's not my anger. It's James" I said

"Eric he didn't mean what he said. At least not in a bad way. You took it the wrong way. And that's where your anger comes from" She said

I sigh and nod. I didn't say anything because I know she's right

"What do I do mom?" I asked her

"Well we could maybe up you on your medicine?" She suggested

"Last time I talked to the doctor he said that it's too dangerous to do that" I said sighing

"Alright. Well how about anger management classes?" She asked me

"I don't know mom. Do those actually help?" I asked her

"Well when you were born your father had a very big anger problem. It took him awhile to admit it. But he started to go to classes when you were only 2 years old. Because he didn't want to take his anger out on you or James" She said

I looked at EJ. Then back at my mom. "Do you think I'm like dad?" I asked her

"No. Because you are trying to get better everyday" She said rubbing my back softly

"Mom I'm so afraid I'll be like dad" I said softly

"You won't Eric. And you have been doing all the right things for EJ. You take good care of Carley too" She said. "Just keep being you. Don't ever change" She said

"Was dad ever, nice?" I asked

"Your father was nice up until he found out you were dyslexic. He didn't know how to deal with it. So he just got mad. And thats when he would start to hit things, and sometimes me" She said

"Mom I'm sorry" I said

"Why are you sorry sweety?" She asked me confused

"If I didn't have this disability then everything would be ok" I said softly

"Hey. I am so proud of you. Do you wanna know why?" She asked me

"Honestly yes" I said

"Because even though you do have this disability, it has never stopped you from going after something you really want" She said

"Maybe actually doing sports" I said

"That was because of your accident. And the doctors don't want you to try any sports again because you may break your back. And next time it may be done for good" She said

"Well I am done with sports. I need to have a good back for EJ. And maybe more kids when Carley and I get older" I said with a smile

"How many kids do you and Carley want?" She Asked me

"We agreed to at least 4" I said with a smile

"Well then EJ will have 3 more siblings" She said smiling

The front door opens and in comes Carley with Michelle and Tessa

"There's my baby!" Carley said coming over and taking EJ out of my arms. She kisses him all over

"Did you guys get that free brunch?" I asked them

"No it was a girl" Michelle said

"So what I am hearing is that you...." i said pointing at my girlfriend. "Wore makeup for no reason" I said to her

"Yes. But I like makeup. So leave me alone" Carley said coming to sit next to me with EJ in her arms

I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"So where's the soon to be bride?" I asked

"At her house. In a couple hours we are all going to the club" Michelle said

"Wait a club? As in a strip club?" i asked freaking out

"It's for Ellie. It's her last night of freedom" Carley said looking at me

"Fine whatever. Do you wanna hear where the guys and I are going now?" I asked my girlfriend and baby momma.

"Where are you guys going to go?" Carley asked me

"To Chucky cheese" I said with an annoyed tune

"Awww EJ will love it there" She said with a smile

"The plan was a strip club" I said

"Yeah well you wanted to spend more time with EJ" She said looking at me

"That is true. But at the same time it's Arthur's last night as a free man" I said

"I can watch EJ tonight" My mom said

"Mom I can't ask you to do that" I said looking at my mom

"It's fine Eric. I can watch him" She said nodding

"Are you 100 percent mom?" I asked her

"Yes. I want to spend time with my grandson" She said

"Ok. Well I'll go tell Arthur the news then" I said and ran into the kitchen. "Guess what boys" i said to James, Arthur and Alex

"We know chucky cheese" They said with bored expression

"Actually no. Tonight we are going to the club....the strip club" I said smirking

"Fuck yes!" They yelled in excitement

"Language!" The parents said

(Later That Night)

(Carley's POV)

So it's currently 6:30 at night. And all the girls that are in Ellie's bridal shower are at her house.

"Alright ladies. We are heading out now" I said

We get into our cars. Ellie goes in my car with me. And so did Charli and Michelle.

Once at the club we walked in. I go to the front person

"Hi I reserved a table for 7 pm" I said to the person

"What name did you put?" The host asked

"Carley Levi but the person it is for is Ellie Goodman" I said to her

"Alright well follow Jessy. She will put you into your guys room. And the male stripper will be in soon" She said

"Thank you" I said. "Lets go have fun girls!" I yelled

Once we were in the back of the club. They closed the door. The music started to play and the male stripper came out

"Alright who's the lucky bride?" The guy asked

Us girls all point at Ellie. He comes and takes Ellie's hand. They go on the stage. He started to dance on her then slowly stripped

"Yeah Ell!" I said taking a video

Ellie is laughing as the guy does it.

"Ell say hi" I said pointing the camera at her

"Fuck off Carley. Just wait until you get yours one day" She said to me

"Oh Ell" I said laughing

Once the club was done we went dancing the rest of the night. All the girls were drunk. Except for me. Since I am still breastfeeding I can't consume alcohol. Which sucks but I rather keep my son healthy than in danger him. I hope Eric is having fun. And he better not be dancing with another girl. Or I swear I will kill him

(Eric's POV)

We just got done at the women's strip club. Now we were on our way to a dance club. Once we were there I saw the cutest girl in the world. I smile and walk over to her

"Would you like to dance?" I said into her ear

"Leave me alone weirdo. I have a boyfriend and a kid at home" Carley said

"Turn around pretty girl" I said into her ear again

She turns and smiles. "Hi Eric" She said

"Hi. So do you want to dance with me?" I asked her

"You shouldn't even be here" She said to me

"Hey this was the plan always" I said

"Eric they aren't supposed to see each other until the wedding" She said to me

I looked over at Arthur. He was so drunk that I don't think he noticed he was dancing with his soon to be wife

"Luckily Arth is so drunk right now I don't even think he knows he's dancing with his soon to be wife" I said to her

"Well I guess as long as they don't sleep together everything will be ok" She said

"Yeah. So lets just have one dance" I said

"Fine, one dance. Then we take both of them home got it?" she asked pointing me in the chest

"Yes ma'am" I said and dragged her onto the dance floor

We started to dance sexy. Once it was over I did do as Carley said. I rounded up the guys and took them back to the house. While Carley took the girls back to Ellie's house.

I go into EJ's room after getting home with the drunk guys. I took a picture of EJ to send to  Carley. She sent back a message just saying she misses us.

I put EJ's blanket on him loosely. Then I walked to my room and ended up falling asleep. And at a good time because tomorrow Arthur is gonna get married. Boy is that gonna be fun. I hope

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