𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙄𝙄...


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After the Battle of Earth, 28-year-old Aaron O'Connor had retired from the Avengers along with Bobbi Morse as... More

OC Bio
The "New" Captain America
Meeting The Flag Smashers
Another One
Reluctant Alliance
High & Low
Grief Counseling
The World Is Watching
Getting It Back
Fixer Upper
Comeback Kid
Invited To The Cookout
Exposed & Framed
What In The Multiverse Hell?
Catching Some Multiverse Men I
Catching Some Multiverse Men II
Catching Some Multiverse Men III
Catching Some Multiverse Men IV
No Good Deed...
...Goes Unpunished
Power & Responsiblilty
Setting Up Shop
Liberty Feud I
Liberty Feud II
Déjà Vu
Same, But Different
Illuminati Confirmed
Stopping A Witch
Going Back Home
Guardians of the Multiverse I
Guardians of the Multiverse II
What happened in each episode of What If...?
Hectic Christmas
The Bros
Safe House
How NOT To Rescue Someone
Chaotic Pursuit
Meeting The Family
Saving The Holidays
Girls Night
Time To Go To Work
Rockefeller Rumble
Back In Time For Christmas
Peculiar Sightings
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Battle of Los Angeles
Outside Help
Underwater Rescue
Surface Attack
The Black Panther Lives
Oceanic Offensive
Subatomic Screw-Up
Who is the Conqueror?
Electrifying Mishaps

Being Reasonable

507 13 0


Aaron and America are in Kamar-Taj while Strange sought Wanda Maximoff for help.

He saw Wanda picking some leaves in a garden.

Strange: Apples, right?

Wanda saw Strange behind her.

Wanda: Eventually.

She gives Strange a leaf and he sniffs it.

Strange: Smells...

Wanda: Sweet.

Strange: I was gonna say "real".

Wanda: They're all real, thanks. I put the magic behind me.

Strange: So I can see.

Wanda: I knew sooner or later, you'd show up, wanting to discuss what happened at Westview. I made mistakes, and people were hurt.

Strange: But you put things right, and I was never in doubt. I'm not here to talk about Westview.

Wanda: Then what are you here for?

Strange: We need your help.

Wanda: With what?

Strange: What do you know about the multiverse?

Wanda: The multiverse? Vis had his theories, he believed it was real, and dangerous.

Strange: Well, he was right about both. We found a girl who can somehow travel across it, but she's being pursued.

Wanda: Pursued by who?

Strange: Some kind of demon, one that covets her power for itself, and wants Aaron O'Connor dead.

Wanda: Aaron? Didn't he lose his powers?

Strange: Well, against all odds, he got it back. We've taken both him and the girl to Kamar-Taj, and we've got our defenses, but we could use another Avenger.

Wanda: If Aaron has got his powers back, he's more than enough. Besides, there are other Avengers.

Strange: Yeah, but given the choice between the archer with the mohawk, and several bug-themed crime fighters, or one of the most powerful magic wielders on the planet, it's an easy call. Come to Kamar-Taj. It'll get you back on a lunchbox.

Wanda: What if you brought Aaron and America here?

Strange: (surprised) Here?

Wanda: Yeah, I know what it's like to be on your own, hunted for abilities you never wanted, and I can protect her. Besides, I owe Aaron a lot.

Wanda kept walking as Strange stopped and looked at her with a mix of surprise and disappointment on his face. Wanda stopped walking and realized what she just said.

Wanda: You never told me her name, did you?

Strange: No. No, I didn't.

Wanda: (nods, then sighs) Y'know, the Hex was the easy part. The lying...not so much.

With a wave of her hand, the environment around them changed as the sky turned red and all the trees became dead, and Wanda summoned her Scarlet Witch attire. Strange looked around until his eyes landed on a floating book that he recognized.

Strange: The Darkhold.

Wanda: You're familiar with the Darkhold?

Strange: I know it's the Book of the Damned, and that it corrupts everything and everyone that it touches. I wonder what it's done to you?

Wanda: The Darkhold only showed me the truth. Everything I lost can be mine again, and nothing will take them away from me again.

Strange: What do you want with America and Aaron? What do you want with the multiverse?

Wanda: I'm going to leave this reality, and go to one where I can be with my children. But not without killing Aaron. It's because of him that I lost the only family I had left, I won't let him take them away from me, too.

Strange: Wanda, your children aren't real. You created them using magic. And Aaron didn't kill Pietro, your brother gave his life to save him.

Wanda: That's what every mother does. And you and I both know that he is a curse to anyone who gets close to him. If you knew...there is a universe where you were happy, wouldn't you want to go there?

Strange: I am happy.

Wanda: I know better than most what self-deception looks like.

Strange: What you're doing is a flagrant violation of every natural law. If you take that child's power, she won't survive.

Wanda: I don't relish hurting anyone, Stephen. But she's not a child. She's a supernatural being, just like Aaron. Such raw power could reek havoc on this and other worlds. Their sacrifice...would be for the greater good.

Strange: Well, you can kiss the lunchbox goodbye, because that's the kind of justification our enemies use.

Wanda: Is it the one you used when you gave Thanos the Time Stone?

Strange: ...That was at war, and I did what I had to do.

Wanda: You break the rules, and become a hero. I do it, and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair.

Strange: What happens now?

Wanda: Return to Kamar-Taj, and prepare to hand over America Chavez and Aaron O'Connor by sundown...peacefully. After that...you'll never see me again.

She began walking away from Strange.

Strange: And if we don't?

Wanda: (turns around) Then it won't be Wanda who comes for them...It will be the Scarlet Witch.

She walks away as Strange then makes his way back to Kamer-Taj.


Strange had informed Wong, Aaron, America, and several other sorcerers of his discovery.

Wong: The Scarlet Witch...

Strange: Wanda's gone. She's got the Darkhold, and the Darkhold has her.

Wong: The Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. She can rewrite reality if she chooses, and is prophesied to either rule or annihilate the cosmos.

Strange: She took over a whole town using her mind. If she gets America's power and...She could enslave the entire multiverse.

America: So the person you went to ask for help, and told exactly where we are, is the person that's trying to kill us?

Strange: Yeah.

Aaron: (sighs) Shit.

Wong: (to the sorcerers) Suspend teaching at once, and arm the students. Kamar-Taj must now become a fortress.

The sorcerers began arming themselves as they called for backup. Meanwhile, a few sorcerers escorted Aaron and America to a room deep within the palace.


With the sorcerers armed and ready, and Aaron and America put in a safe room, Wong and America stood outside to confront Wanda as a dark cloud loomed over them.

Wanda emerged from the cloud.

Wong: (to Strange) Choose your words wisely. The fate of the multiverse may depend on it.

Strange: Got it. No pressure, then.

He took a deep breath before flying up towards Wanda.

Wanda: All this for a child you met yesterday and a man you barely tolerate?

Strange: Wanda, you are justifiably angry. You have to make terrible sacrifices.

Wanda: I blew a hole through the head of the man I love...and it meant nothing. Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange.

She flies closer to Strange.

Wanda: If you give me what I want, I'll send you to a world where you can be with Christine.

Strange: (flies backwards) The full might of Kamar-Taj stands against you.

Wong: (to the sorcerers) DEFENSIVE POSITIONS! NOW!

The sorcerers do as told.

Strange: (to Wanda) Do not dare to enter these sacred grounds.

Wanda: You have no idea just how reasonable I've been.

Strange: Yeah. Book of the Damned, calling yourself a witch, conjuring creatures to abduct and kill, I don't exactly call that "being reasonable ".

Wanda: Sending those creatures after them instead of myself was mercy. And in spite of you hypocrisies and insults, I have begged you to safely get out of my way. You have exhausted my patience, but I do hope you understand...that even now...what's about to happen...This is me...being...reasonable.

She fires a psionic blast as Strange, but is blocked by a defensive barrier that surrounds Kamar-Taj.

Wong: (to the sorcerers) HOLD! HOLD!

Strange then flies back down to Wong.

Strange: Nailed it.

They see Wanda about to attack.

Wong: (to the sorcerers) REINFORCE THE SHIELD!

Several sorcerers arrive and do so as Wanda flies around and delivers several psionic blast as different parts of the shield, but nothing was working.

Wanda suddenly stopped and saw the sorcerers reinforcing the shield and eyed each and everyone one of them. Strange saw this and knew what she was trying to do.

Strange: She's trying to get in their heads.

Wong: (to the sorcerers) SORCERERS! FORTFY YOUR MIND!

Unfortunately, Wanda managed to get in one of their heads and, as though she whispered in his ear, said one word.

Wanda: Run.

The sorcerer then runs, knocking several other sorcerers. This causes the shield to go down, allowing Wanda to rain fire on them.


Aaron, America, and the two sorcerers felt the entire palace shake.

Orange sparks came put of Aaron's body.

America: What are you doing?

Aaron: Look, if she gets in here, I'm getting you out of here.

Sorcerer 1: Are you mad? She'll kill you.

Aaron: She wants America's power. Her safety is the top priority. Don't worry about me.

Suddenly, they heard a whisper. They turn around, only to find nothing there.

It didn't take much of a genius to know what that meant.

Wanda knows where they are.

Aaron got closer to America, ready to run as fast and far as he could if Wanda gets close.

Suddenly, they heard the door open as Strange and Wong enter.

Strange: I'm gonna get you two outta here, now.

America: Why? What happened?

Wong: Kamar-Taj has fallen.

Aaron: Shit.

Suddenly, Strange's sling ring disappeared as the doors closed by themselves.

Suddenly, the two sorcerers were pulled into the puddles of water that they stood on.

Aaron: Reflections. We need to cover every reflective surface in this room.

He, Strange, Wong, and America grabs several carpets and tarps to cover any reflective surface that they could find.

Suddenly, America screamed as Wanda's hand emerged from the gong in the room. Aaron sped in and pulled America away and stood in front of her as Wanda came out of the gong while her bone cracked into place.

Wanda: (to Strange) You gave all those lives just to keep me from my children.

Strange: You took those lives. You cannot be allowed to cross into the multiverse.

Wanda: I'm not a monster, Stephen, I'm a mother.

Strange: Wanda, you have no children. They don't exist.

Wanda: Oh, but they do. In every other universe. I know they do, because I dream of them. Every night...

She uses her powers to display the Darkhold, from which several orbs came out of it. Within those orbs, two young boys were shown:

Wanda: Of my boys...Of our life together...

Aaron couldn't help but feel for Wanda. He sees where she's coming from, but he couldn't let her do it at the cost of a kid.

Wanda: Every night...the same dream. And every morning...

The orbs disappear as Wanda closes the Darkhold.

Wanda: The same nightmare.

Aaron: If you get what you want, what happens then? What happens to the other you? Their mother?

Wanda doesn't answer as she stares down both Strange and Wong before glaring at Aaron again.

Wanda: I'll tell what won't happen...You won't take them away from me.

Strange releases two serpent heads at Wanda. She cut off their heads, only to have two more take place of each head.

Wanda then dissipated them before levitating and throwing Strange away before knocking Wong away. She grabs America and began trying to take her power before Aaron threw a lightning bolt at her. She catches it before sending it towards Aaron, who managed to dodge it.

Suddenly, a star-shaped portal appeared behind America. Strange widens his eyes as he and Aaron run towards America and tackle her into the portal, but not before Wanda shot a psionic blast at Strange's cloak before he, Aaron, and America disappeared into the portal.

What the three went through can only be described as the craziest trip Aaron has ever been on.

(A/N: Imagine Aaron with them. I'm just too lazy to write this whole sequence, so here's a video)

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