I can't be what you need| RK9...

By androidsuperiority

80.4K 5.1K 4.8K

You're Detective Y/N L/N, you worked through the revolution with Lieutenant Hank Anderson and Connor, the And... More

I quit
Not the same
You shouldn't eat that
Stop annoying me
Sounds... boring
It's time to wake up
The same
It's not a game
Have fun
It got worse
You're safe now
Do you like her?
My name is...
So stupid
I wish you weren't here
Maybe you should
You and I
I need to see him!
He did what?
I'm here
I won't repeat myself
Take the day
Ask me anything
I fell asleep
We don't have much time!
You were too late...
Let her through!
You need to eat
Protect her
Told you so
Not mine
You look nice
I'll carry you.
You're heavily intoxicated
My head...
I really don't mind
Day off ruined
Trust me
Take it for me...
Where's Hank?
Meet Sumo
Why is this happening to me?
Are you sure about this?
I'm just happy, okay?
What the fuck...
It's a timeline
You're watching it, so shut it.
Don't even think about it!
This is new.
I should have...
Nines! Oh fuck!
He's fine... and will be fine
I promise
My eyes!
Tell me why!
I feel fine...
Let me help you
How are you feeling?
Semi good news
I... What?
We're back
I mean nothing
How many nexts must there be?
It's... beautiful
Stop talking
Don't... touch... me
Anything for you...
I can't lose you
No one will hurt you ever again.
Just not in a good mood
Yes I am!
It's okay, it's okay
Welcome back
That's enough!
I wanna leave... I wanna...
You will not eat all of that
I hope this works
They've gone quiet...
Weird feeling
I will never like you
He hasn't
I'm not ready!
I know you are brave
Stop being so difficult!
No. No. No.
You were... you were...
Put it back on
You meant it
I want to be alone...
I would advise you to back off
What? No way!
It's for us
I don't remember asking
Leave her alone!
Where did that...?
You are very clumsy
I-I can't...
We may look like idiots together
You're so boring...
So basically...
I got scared...
You are very cold
Try again
I see you're doing better...
I'm glad this is different...
Just admit what you did.
You look so stupid!
When we find them...
Could we talk... alone?
You just lied
I'm fine honestly!
Hey! Look at me!
Oh God
Just fall asleep
No, I'm good
You ass
I can't run that fast
Why didn't you say anything?!
You could have killed her!
Do not argue with me
I'm screwed
Need a hug?
I can't make any promises.
It is not my intention to ever hurt you
Carry me!
I really did that
Fuck you!
You saved my life... again
I believe I would like that
Got a new friend there
Just let me cuddle you
Almost... almost...
We're so close now, Con.
They're so cute
May I let go?
What's taking him so long?!
I am ready
You did it
Now, tell me everything
I never would have guessed
Stop it, Nines
I am not sure...
You saved me this time.
You have to dance with me
Let's dance!
That was not a threat
Be there soon
You cannot make me
I always will too
See this... yeah shut up
There is no winning with you
Jesus! Be patient!
Okay... what about this?
Why does he...
Mind your own business
I don't like this... I really don't
So, whose gonna do it?
She means something to me
Please... I need to apologise!
Why would you do that...
May I point the first one out?
Where are we going?
I-It does?
I don't know how to thank you
Shut up, Hank!
You can, it's okay...
But I did not think you liked it...
I am taking you to bed
I was angry...
Watch out!
I said stop.
It is okay, I understand...
You are so ridiculously stubborn
We really tried
I- Fuck!
You are sulking like a child
That's where you'll find them
Where is she?
No one will touch you, I will not let them
Are you still there?
You are going to lie?
You have a pretty face
No touching
You can't be serious!


781 40 57
By androidsuperiority

Normal P.O.V

You had just made it to Hanks house and began walking towards the front door ready to knock or ring the doorbell. Once making it to the front door you gave a soft knock, but no one answered. You then tried the doorbell and heard it ring throughout the house.

A few moments later the door opened and there stood Hank with a beer in one hand. "Hey, wanna come in?" He asked making you give him a pissed off look. "Of course I do, you bloody twat!" You yelled making Hank laugh and walk away back into the house. You stepped inside and closed the door behind you.

"If you want a drink help yourself, I'm sure Connor will be out in a minute." Hank said walking into his kitchen. "I'm fine, thanks though." You replied moving to sit on his sofa, Sumo was lying on the floor by the TV. "Sumo." You called out, softly. He raised his head to look at you before wagging his tail, he then got up and walked over to you.

"Hey, Connor! Hurry up!" Hank yelled down the hallway make you look over your shoulder at him, while you weren't paying attention Sumo jumped up onto the sofa.

"Ahh, Sumo!" You squealed turning back to the big dog who began licking your right cheek. "I missed you too!"

"Sorry I took so long, Hank." You heard Connors voice say apologising to Hank. "Don't apologise to me, apologise to our guest." Hank grumbled, you were too busy paying attention to Sumo who was still giving you plenty of love.

"How are you, Y/N?" Connor asked his voice getting closer to you.

"I'm great, Sumo is giving me lots of love." You mumbled as Sumo climbed on your lap to continue licking your cheek. "Sumo, you're quite heavy."

"Sumo! Down!" Hank called out, Sumo stopped what he was doing and jumped off of the sofa.

You finally turned to look at Connor who was just in his usual white shirt, without his jacket or tie. "Would you like a drink?" Connor asked looking around his LED yellow. "No I'm okay, thank you." You replied.

"So, Y/N Connor has something he wants to tell you, I'm gonna go to my room so just pretend I'm not here." Hank said making you look over your shoulder once more at him. "But I'll know you're there." You muttered, Hank just glared at you like a disappointed parent.

"Just pretend I'm not would you?" Hank grumbled. You held your hands up and in a surrender and said. "Okay, you're not here."

Hank disappears towards his bedroom and shuts the door behind himself. You turn to look at Connor who was looking anywhere but at you. "Con? What is it you wanted to tell me?" You asked but Connor still avoided making eye contact with you. "Connor..."

"I-I'm nervous... I'm sorry..." He whispers so you almost didn't hear what he said.

"Con, calm down you don't have to be nervous around me..." You reassured stepping closer to Connor placing a hand on his arm.

"I-I-I like you." Connor finally said making you smile at him, his LED went to red like he was scared.

"I like you too." You replied.

"No Y/N, I mean I like you as more than a friend..." Connor explained only making your smile grow.

"My answer is still the same." You stated, Connors face became confused as if he was trying to process what you had just said. "You like me as more than a friend?" He finally asked you, looking you straight in your eyes. "But I'm an Android... I didn't think you'd like me the same way."

"Android or human it doesn't change a thing... I don't like you for what you are, I like you for who you are." You explained and his LED began flashing between blue and yellow. "I don't know what to do now... I didn't think you'd like me back." Connor replied honestly as you heard Hanks bedroom door open and he yelled. "Use your computer brain!"

This caused you to start laughing knowing that Hank had been listening to the both of you from his bedroom as the door closed once again. "Y/N, I don't want to put you at risk, considering everything that's going on." Connor said taking ahold of your hands. "I'd hate myself if something happened to you because that group found out I like you."

"Connor, stop. What do you want?" You asked squeezing his hands, reassuringly. "I want something to happen between us... but..."

"How about this, we keep mine and your feeling's between me and you, and well Hank." You said making Connor chuckle. "Then we can see where this goes, that way they'll never find out about us. Until we've caught them all." You suggested, Connor's LED began flashing yellow in thought.

"I'd like that, but I don't know what to do. I know nothing about liking someone, I just know that I like you." Connor said nervously, you heard Hanks bedroom door open once more as he yelled. "Hug her or kiss her, stop being so scared!"

With that Hanks door closed once again while you bit your lip trying to keep your laughter in. "You don't have to do any of that." You said letting your laughter out. "I'm okay with hugging you." Connor mumbled pulling you into a hug, you'd kept your feelings for Connor very secret because he was new at emotions and you really didn't want to overload him with your feelings.

Everyday it got harder and harder for you to deny them, spending Christmas and New year with him and Hank had only made it worse for you. Then came along Nines and you thought that'd ruin everything, but now you knew it hadn't... had it?

Connor finally pulled away his LED blue and a sweet smile on his face. "I really thought you were going to tell me that you did not like me." Connor admitted and you saw his cheeks going slightly blue. "Oh my God, you blush a blue colour?" You asked with an excited tone.

"No!" He yelped pulling away from you covering his cheeks with his hands. "I mean... maybe"

"It's cute, you don't need to hide it!" You whined pulling his hands away from his face. "Con, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Isn't it usually me who asks those? But yes." Connor replied.

"How long have you liked me?" You asked, his cheeks instantly started going a deeper blue colour while he stared at you almost too nervous to answer you. "Since I Deviated, I started to like you more when we spent Christmas together... I loved every second of it." Connor finally explained. "I was going to tell you but then RK900 joined us and the human and Android couple murders started happening, I got scared because I thought something could happen to you and it would be my fault. For having feelings for you."

"So why did you decide to tell me?"

"Because I threatened to tell you if he didn't." Hanks voice called out, neither you or Connor had even heard his door open again. You both looked over at him to see him leaning against a wall.

"He did, that's why he asked you to come here tonight. So I could tell you. But I also wanted to see you anyway so did Hank." Connor said with a sheepish look on his face. "Well, now I don't have to listen to Connor drone on about you every second he's not around you." Hank confessed and Connor's face went blue again.

"Would you like to stay for awhile, Y/N?" Connor asked while you heard Hank moving around. "I'd love to." You replied as Connor grabbed your hand and guided you to the sofa, both of you sat down while Hank did the same turning the TV on.

"W-Would you like to cuddle again?" Connor asked, embarrassed. 'God, he's so adorable.' You thought before nodding your head at him, Connor pulled you towards him wrapping his left arm around you. You leant your head into his chest sighing, happily.

You spent the next two hours cuddling with Connor while talking to both him and Hank, you were so wrapped up in spending time with your best friend and the Android you fell for, you almost forgot that Nine's was sat at your house waiting for you to come back.

"What's the time?" You mumbled while Connor was sat playing with your hair. "It's currently five past ten." He replied as you look up at him wide eyed. "I should probably go home, otherwise I'll be exhausted tomorrow."

"I would offer to ask Hank if you can stay but firstly he's asleep and secondly you need to get back to RK900." Connor said nodding towards Hank who was fast asleep, you hadn't even realised he'd fallen asleep.

"How long ago did he fall asleep?" You asked confused as Connor let go of your hair he was playing with. "About fifteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds." Connor said with a small shrug you couldn't help but giggle at how specific he was about it.

"Careful Y/N, if you wake him up he'll act like a bear towards you." Connor said making you put a hand over your mouth to stop laughter from escaping. "I'm not joking, he certainly acts like a bear if you wake him up."

"I don't doubt it, you're the one who lives with him. You'd know best." You replied and started pulling away from Connor to get up. "You should be thankful you don't, you two would not get along so well." Connor stated also moving so he could say goodnight to you.

"Yeah, we'd probably butt heads a lot." You admitted just thinking about how much you and Hank bicker at work already. "I'm going to say goodbye to Sumo then it's your turn."

You move over to Sumo who was laid out on his side, once he caught sight of you approaching his tail began to wag smacking onto the ground every so often.

"I'll see you next time I come round, bye Sumo." You mumbled to the big dog while bending down to pet him, before then making your way back towards the front door.

"Let me." Connor said opening the door for you, you both step out as Connor pulls the door to behind him. "Such a gentleman..." You mumbled, Connor smiled at you before saying. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Con." You told him, looking away slightly.

"Y/N... Can I kiss you?" Connor asked out of the blue making your head snap back towards him. "You can..." You mumbled as Connor stepped towards you placing his hands on your cheeks and pulled your face to look up at him. "I'm sorry if this is bad..." He mutters.

"Con, just shut up and kiss me." You said and then Connor brings his lips down to yours kissing you instantly making you close your eyes, you felt like you were in heaven, you were finally kissing Connor. But a small part of you felt.... Guilty.

Connor pulled away after a few seconds you knew your cheeks were probably bright red, but then his had gone blue. You couldn't help the big smile that appeared on your face.

"I've wanted to do that since Hank explained to me what humans use mistletoe for..." Connor sighed his old dorky smile from before the revolution reappearing. "That must have been an awkward conversation to have..."

"Well, I actually just gave him a lecture about how dangerous mistletoe is at first." Connor said biting down on his lip causing you to chuckle. "Of course you did." You replied.

"I should let you leave now, otherwise I'll just carry you back inside." Connor chuckled stepping away from you. "I'll see you in the morning, Con." You said turning around and walking towards your car.

"Drive safe, Y/N!" Connor called out like he always did.

As soon as you stepped through your front door you noticed Nines turn to look at you his LED yellow. You give him a small smile while kicking your shoes off, then removing your jacket.

"You've been gone for a long time, did you enjoy your time?" Nines asked standing up and moving towards you. "Yeah, I really did have a good time." You said your big smile from earlier returning.

"You should go to sleep, Y/N. It's getting quite late, I'd hate for you to oversleep which would force me to come and wake you up." Nines voiced with a small tilt of his head, you move over to him and place and hand on his left arm and say. "Don't worry about me, I'm a big girl."

His LED flashed red making you retract your hand. "Sorry..." You mumbled stepping away thinking you'd offended him in some way. "Why are you apologising?" Nines asked stepping towards you. "I didn't mean to touch you..."

"It is fine, you don't need to apologise for touching me. It's not like I can be offended I'm just a machine." Said Nines staring down at you, but for some reason his usual cold stare didn't seem so... cold. "So if I hugged you, you wouldn't say anything about it?" You questioned watching his LED go yellow.

"I would ask why you're doing so, but I wouldn't feel any emotion towards it." He replied, bluntly.

"Well, I'm in a good mood." You said before wrapping your arms around Nines, this made him tense up completely as if he wasn't sure how to react.

Software Instability^

His reaction was kind of sweet to you, you were about to pull away from him so he could relax. But Nine's wrapped his arms around you as well, you couldn't help but smile.

"Goodnight, Nines." You mumbled into his jacket as he let go allowing you to move away from him. "Goodnight, Y/N. Have a pleasant sleep." Nines replied as you began to walk down the hall towards your bedroom.

Just a small A/N, I can promise you this is a Nines x Reader, but I have a plan and it involves Connor liking you! Nines will be the one you get in the end!

I'm not sure if a chapter will be out tomorrow or not it depends, but if not tomorrow I promise one will be out the day after! ❤️

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