Her Revenge on her Fake Mate

By Kicojess

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The Two Species
Recap on Bonds
Mind link of Mother Memories
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
In the Throne Room
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Next 16 years
Life in the Blue Moon pack
Life in the Blue Moon pack
Night Adventure
My Paintings
A Year Later
A Month Later
Another Month Later
Three Months Later
Freeing Father and Grandparents
One Month Later
Three Months Later
The Fairy Kingdom
A month later
Another month later
Sea Green Pack
Dealing with Vlamir
Fast Pregnancy
The Fairy Goddess and the Moon Goddess
The Announcement
Vlamir is Caught
Sunday Week 2

Meeting of Mates

56 1 0
By Kicojess

Vaness and Marcia comes barging into my room. "Jazz there are fairies outside the packhouse. We have been ordered to stay inside. Today we get a day off of chores." They both say in union. "Why would the fairies come here. Oh, my. I forgot. Which is a first. They came the day Parisa set the cabin on fire. They are probably investigating the fire. I have to go out there to see if my fairy mate is here or at least his father. I will cover my wolf scent and fairy scent. I will use Patches spell to change my face to look like Patches. At least then I could get to know what is going on in my mothers, well, my soon to be kingdom." I vent out to Vaness and Marcia. "Be careful, when we saw Parisa and Vlamir walk by us to go talk to the fairies they looked pissed." Vaness tells me. "Thanks for the warning. I'll be back and tell you guys the news." I tell them. I use my invisibility power and cover both my scents. I fly out of the packhouse. I change my face to look like Patches. I fly over the back of the packhouse and see Howie, mom's temporary warrior guard, and a few other warriors with Parisa and Vlamir.

I land just about ten feet away behind a few fairy warriors. I remove my invisibility power and stand there listening to what is going on. "Why are you in my territory?" Vlamir asks Howie. "We stopped a fire a couple of days ago on a cabin. We are investigating who sit the fire. There were two bodies in the cabin. It led us to this pack." Howie explains to Vlamir. Parisa eyes are wide and she has fear in her eyes. "We don't know what happen." Parisa chimes in. "It was a male and female. We thought it was you Parisa and Alpha Seth. I see you are alive and I don't see Alpha Seth. So, that would mean the male body is Alpha Seth. Do you to happen to know who the female was?" Howie asks. "No, we don't know who the female was. Probably the rogue that killed my father." Vlamir says. "How did you know your father was killed by a rogue?" Howie asks. Gosh, Vlamir is so stupid. He basically just confesses they lied about not knowing what happen with the cabin. Parisa slowly walks away. "My mother told us that she was on a walk with my father and was attacked by rogues, a female killed my father, and she killed the female. When she came back for his body the rogues set their bodies on fire. My mother did not mention if it was in any cabin." Vlamir explains. Oh, he is digging a hole. I'm not so interested in this back and forth. I remember I can mind link any fairy I know. I basically know all the fairies through my mother memories she shared with me. I look at the back of my mother's temporary warrior guard she had. "Hey, I need to talk to you." I mind link him. "Who is this." He says back. "My name is Jade. You don't know me. My mother was..." I start to say when he interrupts my link. "I don't know you in person but I do know your mother. I'm sure she shared her memories with you and that is why you can mind link me. I'm sure you know my son is your fairy mate and I'm sure you know who your wolf mate is. I will get in contact with your wolf mate soon, my Princess. Where are you? How are you able to be outside?" The warrior asks. "There is a hybrid wolf/witch here. Her name is Patches, she gave me spells only hybrid can use. Salene, the Moon Goddess told her to protect me and help me. Also, I use magic to make it seem like I am wearing the cuff bracelets they put on me the first day Parisa took me. I can use a spell to change my looks. Without the cuff I can use my powers. I been training my powers in the mountains. Training from my mother memories. Patches told me the Moon Goddess needs me to stay here for a couple of years until I come of age to become the fairy, Queen. She says I will do great things that my mother was suppose to achieve." I tell him. "Sounds great. Thunder will be upset to wait so long but he knows he has to. He can't wait to meet you. He carries a picture of you with your mother and Alpha Seth in his pocket all the time. He gave me a necklace with a picture of him in it to give to you if I see you. Can you summon it to you, it's in my right pocket?" He tells me. I summon the necklace. Wow! It beautiful. Two hearts connecting as one and, in the middle, a very sexy, handsome man. Oh, my, just looking at his picture I get a little damp around my legs. "Tell Thunder he is very sexy and handsome. Tell him thanks for the gift and that I love it. You know what? I can't wait to meet him. I go to the mountains every night around ten pm or elven pm. We need to get started planning what will happen when I turn eighteen." I say while I project the image to how to get to the mountain into the warrior mind. I put the necklace on with the one's mom gave me and make it invisible. "Jade, you sure do sound like your mother. She always planned ahead. Thunder will be happy to be able to see you. We have so much to talk about. Well, it looks like we are done here with Alpha Vlamir. See you tonight." The warrior says. I make myself invisible again and fly back into the packhouse. Vaness and Marcia is waiting for me for the details. "Just what I said the fairies are here to investigate the cabin fire. They know Parisa and Vlamir is lying about it all. I met my fairy mate father; he will bring my fairy mate Thunder with him tonight so we can plan for the future. I'm so excited. I'm going to have to share my memories with him. He has to know what I been through so he will understand what is going to happen in a couple of years." I speak. I take my necklace and make it visible for Vaness and Marcia to see what Thunder looks like. "Thunder gave this to his father for me as a gift." I say showing them the necklace. "Oh, dang, girl. You are lucky. He is hotter than hot." Marcia says. "Holy Goddess! Too bad I already found my mate. I would have to fight you for him." Vaness says laughing. "Vaness, Jade would bury you." Marcia says laughing. We all laugh so much our stomachs starts doing flips. I make my necklace invisible again. "Is it possible for you to show us your memories?" Vaness says while the two Omega males walks in. "Sure, you might feel a bit sick afterwards. This power is mainly to be used on other fairies." I speak. I touch Vaness temples. My memories flood into her mind, tears run down her face. "I can't believe everything you and your mom had to go through, oh, and your father." She says while running to the bathroom to throw up. I do the same thing to Marcia and the two Omega males. They too runt o the bathroom to throw up. It's kinda funny seeing males throw up. When they come back, I ask the two male Omegas if they are ready for tonight to go for a run. They both shake their heads happily. We all decide to go a head and make the food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for two days, also to make some to storage in the dumpster for the other pack members. The two males Omegas told me they been questioned by members about the dumpsters, how everything was organized and in good condition for them to take. The Omega males told them it was all because of me. The Omega males told me a lot of the wolves that get mistreated are on my side. Since we made all the food and storage it in the freezers tomorrow all we have to do is heat the food up. That will make it where we have time for ourselves. When we are done it is 10:30 pm. I tell the Omega males it is time to go. Vaness hands me a letter to give to her mate. I make us go invisible and we fly to the caves. When I land, I start to glow, notifying me my fairy mate is nearby. The oldest male Omega starts smelling the air. He growls out "Mate!" Oh my, it looks like the mother of this family get a second chance mate. How sweet is that. She runs out of the cave grinning. She hugs me and then goes to the Omega male. Right there he marks here. Wow! He must have been waiting forever to mark her right away. They walk into the cave with the young Omega behind them. I begin to look around. There they are. Thunder, his father, and could it be... I smell the air. Oh my, the sweet smell of strawberry cheesecake feels my nose. My favorite desert. It's my wolf mate. Now, I know why Jasmine is jumping up and down like a crazy mad dog. I giggle. "Mate, mine." Caspian says while scooping me up in his strong muscular arms. "Hold on, Caspian. She is my mate too." Thunder says trying to grab me away from Caspian. I giggle at them both. "Boys, Hold up. We got business to take care of first." Thunders father says. "Let us go into the cave and talk. Oh, and I have work for you guys to help me with. Warrior thanks for bring Caspian too. This is the best day of my life." I say looking at them all. "Dad, what did you get us into. We just met our mate and she is already giving us orders." Thunder says laughing and Caspian joins him. We walk into the cave. We go into a part of the cave I made into one of my offices. Yelp, gotta have one of those. I let the little girl use it to do her school work and coloring. I bring out papers, maps, and everything we need but first I have to get this cave safer. "Hold on pretty little angel. I have a gift for you." Caspian holds up a beautiful necklace. "I heard you really love necklaces. I hope you love mine more than Thunders." Caspian says with a smirk. Thunder glares at Caspian. The necklace is a wolf howling at the moon. Inside the moon was a picture of Caspian in his underwear. "I love the necklace, thanks Caspian." I speak. I put it on and make it disappear. Oh my, I don't know how I am going to keep my hands off these two. Damn, they look so hot. I can feel wetness run down my thigh. I try to ignore it. "Pretty little angel, what are you thinking about? I can smell your arousal." Caspian says. "Ugh! Really did you have to say that out load? Thunder's father is here. Why are you guys not even wearing shirts?" I say in frustration. "It was Caspian idea. He said you would be drooling all over us." Thunder says laughing with Caspian and Thunders father. I smack my forehead. I can already tell these two are going to be trouble for me. Question! Why are females more mature than males?

We make our plans for what will happen when I turn eighteen. Then I show Thunder and Caspian my memories since my mother was murdered until now. I also show Thunders father. Caspian goes to vomits his heart out and comes back to hear us laughing at him. Thunder and Caspian start toward the exit of the cave. Thunder father and I stop them. "Where are you two going?" I ask. In union they both say, "To kill these mother fuckers!"

"You can't do that yet. I swear when I turn eighteen you two will be able to kill them for me. We will have to roll with whatever happen during these couple of years." I say to them. They try walking out again. "STOP!" I yell at them. "Why am I like frozen?" Caspian askes. "Dude, she used her command on us. She is the dominate one in this relationship." Thunder says. "Damn, my dad told me how her mother dominated Micha and he loved it. It does make my cock hard." Caspian says. "I can you two." I say giggling and look down at Caspian gray sweat pants. Oh, my, he is big. I also look at Thunder and wow, when I mate with them, I'm going to be in trouble. Wetness drips down my leg. Caspian looks at me with lust. "Don't even say it Caspian." I say giggling. "We need to fortify this cave and everyone who is here except the baby and little girl is going to help." I speak. "I am enjoying being dominated by you my little angel." Caspian says with a huge grin on his face. We go into the main part of the cave. I guess you can call it the living room. Everyone is in there. I tell them what we are going to do. Make doors for every entrance, exit, and rooms for the cave. I summon all the materials we will need from the dumpster that was full of it. We got to work. The little girl wanted to help so she would give us the supplies that she could carry. I had to stop every now and then because two bad boys wanted to grab my ass. I would chase then around and then they would let me catch them. They would shower me with kisses. We walked out the back cave exit. There was a beautiful waterfall near the exit of the cave. This is where they would shower. So, we built a better place where some of the waterfall waters can go through pips to make a shower stall. After that was done, I looked around and we were in a beautiful meadow. "How about a run my wolf family? Later, I'll take to the sky with you Thunder. For now, you and the others who cannot shift into wolves will watch the kids." I speak. "Sounds good." Everyone says together. Caspian takes off his close and shifts. His wolf is so beautiful. He rubs against me. I feel his fur. It feels like silk. Everyone shifts into their wolf. Jasmine nips at Caspian. "What is your wolfs name." Jasmine asks Caspian. He is shocked that we can talk to each other through our minds with out being marked. "My name is Chase." Caspian wolf says. "Well, Chase, catch me if you can." Jasmine says and runs off. "Oh, it is on little angel." Chase says while running after me. I am way ahead of him. I glace back and see he is struggling to keep up with me. I giggle. It was a stupid move to glace back because I end up tripping on a root coming out of the ground. Wait, the root was coming out of the ground. I look up and there is Thunder using his power to move the root up to trip me. Oh, he is in trouble for that. Next thing I know I am on my back and Chase is on top of me. Jasmine licks his face. Chase licks our back. "You are so beautiful my little angel." Chase says to me. "You are not so bad looking your self my handsome wolf." Jasmine says and Chase growls. "Little angel, you know I look better than any man, fairy, or wolf in this world." Chase says licking me again. "I can your conversations you know." Thunder says landing beside us. "Aww! Is my sexy fairy mate jealous?" Jasmine asks Thunder. Wow! Jasmine even claims my fairy side mate. Thunder looks shocked. "Jasmine, you claiming me? You know I'm suppose to be only Jade's fairy side mate." Thunder says. "Well, the way I see it, the fairy in Jade and I are all as one in Jade. We share everything." Jasmine tells Thunder and Chase. In union Chase and Thunder say, "Sounds good to us." Chase licks me one more time and gets off of me. I then shift into my fairy form. I wrap my arms around Thunder and we both fly to the night sky. Thunder kisses my forehead. We dance in the sky just looking into each other eyes. Wow! My mates are so sweet and sexy. I can't help it I lean in and give Thunder a kiss on his lips. I lick his bottom lip and he opens his mouth. Are tongues dance together. Oh, how I wish we can be together now. After a while we all went back to the cave. I summon some food for us. After all the building and running we, all needed the food. "Little angel you cooked all this?" Caspian says. "Yes, I did. As you saw in my memories Alpha Seth taught me a lot. Alpha Seth was a great mate for my mother after my father died." I say to them. We are sitting in a big circle. Everyone eating and talking to each other. I notice Thunder and his father was mind-linking each other. I could sneak into their link and see what they are talking about but then... "Jade, your father is not dead. Your father and your grandparents are in the prison cells in the fairy kingdom. Oh, and that annoying Beta. Here let me show you what has been happening in the kingdom since your mother disappeared." Thunder says and touches my temples to project the memories into my mind. My father is still alive. Once the memories where done I jumped into Caspian lap and give him a passionate kiss. We explore each other's mouth. Then we release each other. "My father is a live." I say over and over, jumping around all like a crazy person. Then the lady comes and tells me. "Jade, it is three am. I think you guys should be leaving soon. I don't want anything to happen to you or my new mate if you get caught." She says while looking at her second chance mate lovingly. "Oh damn, your right. We have to leave now. I look at my mates. "We will meet here every Wednesday nights. I love you two with all my heart. I hug and kiss them." I grab the two Omega males and go invisible. I fly up and look down at my mate. They looked shocked. I guess confessing how I feel about them shocked them. I laugh and fly to the packhouse. Once my head hit the pillow I was out.

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