Her Revenge on her Fake Mate

By Kicojess

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The Two Species
Recap on Bonds
Mind link of Mother Memories
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
In the Throne Room
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Next 16 years
Life in the Blue Moon pack
Night Adventure
My Paintings
Meeting of Mates
A Year Later
A Month Later
Another Month Later
Three Months Later
Freeing Father and Grandparents
One Month Later
Three Months Later
The Fairy Kingdom
A month later
Another month later
Sea Green Pack
Dealing with Vlamir
Fast Pregnancy
The Fairy Goddess and the Moon Goddess
The Announcement
Vlamir is Caught
Sunday Week 2

Life in the Blue Moon pack

33 1 0
By Kicojess

"Mate, Mine!" Vlamir says. He stares into my eyes with a lot of lust. While I am staring back into his I begin to think. There is no way he is my mate I know who my fairy mate is and who my wolf mate is. Unless, like my mother the Moon Goddess gave me two wolf mates but why would she pair me with him? I have despised him every since Seth told me how evil he is like his mother. He starts to get up and I back up when he starts walking towards me. He grabs my waist and pulls me to his bare chest. The top of my head reaches right below his chin. Although he has a sexy six pack of abs, wide muscular shoulders I still feel the need to vomit to from him touching me and talking to me. "You smell so good mate. We will have to mate now. So, no other un-mated wolves will mess with you. I won't be able to mark you yet because mother hates you for some reason. When I become Alpha in a year, I will mark you. What is your name? I wish I could mark you now. Until I can I will help you with your servant chores when I can. We can secretly go out and I will prepare picnic for us. You are just to sexy and precious to give up." Vlamir says. "My name is Jazz. I'm not sure you are my mate. I won't know until I am 18. I think then we should mate if we are mates. Plus, I am 16. It is werewolf law to wait until a mate is of age to mate and I get my wolf." I say to him. They don't know I got my wolf at six months old. "It's okay baby. We don't go by that law in this pack. The counsel never comes here. Plus, I know you are my mate. Lay down for me like a good girl and spread those beautiful thighs for me. I will be gentle since this has to be your first time." Vlamir says while he pulls out a condom, pushes his shorts down, and puts the condom on his long thick erect cock. Yelp, it's big. I gulp down my saliva. I don't want to lose my virginity to this man because I am not sure if the Moon Goddess did pair him with me or not. Seth has told me Vlamir gets pleasure from controlling and lying to women to get what he wants. He has me backing up to the mat on the ground he lightly pushes me on it. I'm still naked from getting out of the shower. "You mate with me and I will bring you a mattress and better bedding for you." Vlamir says. Humm! What options do I have. I could say the spell to get out of these cuff bracelets, kill Vlamir, run away, kidnap my fairy and wolf mate, find an island for us to live on, and forget about everything else going on in this world. But, but Patches told me great things are to come if I can just hold on. I guess I have no choice but to sacrifice myself for the greater good. So, I lay down and use the sheet as a pillow spreading my legs for Vlamir. He licks his lips and gets on his knees. He holds my thighs open while he gets close to the entrance of my pussy. I am not turned on at all so my pussy is dry. He grabs his erect cock and gentle pushes it inside me. I feel a small stinging sensation for a small bit. I can feel and smell the blood coming out of me. "Oh, damn, you so tight baby. You feel so good." Vlamir says while grunting and groaning. He starts thrusting faster into me. Looking at me because I am not even making a sound of being pleasured. "Baby, don't this feel good to you?" He asked. NO! I wanted to say but I lie. "Yes, just a little but it hurts. I'm trying to fight the pain. Your so long, thick, and so hard." Smirking with the ugliest grin he says. "Oh, the pain will go away soon. I want to have you screaming my name. I want to hear every groan and moan." I cringe. Looks like I am going to have to fake pleasure with him for a few years until I know if he could be a second wolf mate of mine. So, he starts thrusting faster and faster. He raises my legs over his shoulders. He pounds and thrusts get harder and faster. I am fake moaning and calling out his name like it feels good to me. He yells, "Yes, that's it. Oh, my good girl. Here comes my seed baby. I wish I didn't have to use this damn condom. AHHHHH!" After he nutted, he pulled his shorts up over his limp cock that still has the condom on it. He grins at me and walk towards the door.

>>> Interruption <<<

Salene watches this scene unfold. She is very mad that her wolves are acting like this. She paces around to think of a punishment for all the high-ranking wolves who are going against her rules and laws for wolves. She stops pacing. Salene says some magic worlds. Her body starts to glow, then that glow shoots out of her and into the all wolves in the world below. Now, all the high-ranking wolves, no matter male or female, will forever be mate less. Their mates will become second chance mates to wolves that their mates had died before meeting them. Salene wishes she could just kill these wolves. They will never change their ways. They still will be able to have pups with other she-wolves or males and that is nothing she can stop, therefore that defiant gene will be passed down to the pups. Ugh! Salene hates that she is a GOD and they too have to obey rules and laws. She never knew that these wolves were acting like this. She only kept watch over Seth in this pack because he had a pure soul. She thought since he had a pure soul his pack would be obeying the rules and laws.

>>> Interruption Over <<<

Just when he gets close to the door it opens to a wide-eyed Patches. While walking past Patches, he smiles at her and zips his shorts. Once outside the door he turns and says to us... "Patches will never tell anyone about this. You will never tell anyone when I am together with Jazz. Jazz, I will bring you a mattress and bedding tonight." Patches looks at the blood on the mat in horror. Vlamir is out of sight. Patches runs to me and holds me. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I failed the Moon Goddess. I was supposed to protect you. What did he say to you?" Patches says with tears running down her cheeks. "It is okay Patches. It really didn't hurt. It felt nasty to me. I feel dirty. I have to make sacrifices to get through everything that will happen so I can fill my fate in the future. I am upset I had to give him my virginity instead of my fairy and wolf mates. He told me I was his mate. He said I should mate with him so no other un-mated wolves would try and mate with me. Vlamir said this pack doesn't go by the age limit to mate." I say to Patches. My mouth starts to water. I run to the toilet and throw up. Patches holds my hair and rubs my back. She just starts rambling things off. "In this pack they break a lot of laws. All members of the pack are supposed to be treated equally. Omega's females have it the worse. They are forced to mate with un-mated wolves. Some Omegas have done well to get away from the males. Some Omegas males are forced to mate with females and sometimes the males too. Some females and males enjoy it and don't complain about it. We call them the pack whores. Omegas are only aloud things that are thrown into certain dumpsters out back. They can take anything from the food dumpster, the toiletries dumpsters, and bedding dumpsters. They are not aloud to take anything from the clothing dumpsters or the furniture dumpsters. So, Omegas can only use half used soaps, shampoo that's almost gone, toothpaste/toothbrushes that has been used, and so on. It's sad. Females have to clean off pads for when they have their periods or if the older wolves throw out diapers. They have to figure a way to keep them on since Omegas are not aloud to wear underwear or a bra. I don't see why some of these wolves just won't band together and kill Parisa and Vlamir. They are so scared to go to the counsel to tell them what the hell is going on in this hell of a pack. I will be sure to get you new stuff to use. After all you are my Fairy Queen even if I don't have the fairy genes." I thought she was not going to stop talking. She hands me a new bar of soap and shampoo with a few towels and a robe. "Thanks so much Patches. If it's okay I will take another quick shower." I say. "Yes dear, take a quick shower. I will wait out on this half of the room for you. Then I will give you a tour of the castle. It should be close to dinner time then. You will start working there. I'm sure you know how to cook since you're a fast learner. You will have to play dumb here when around the higher-ranking wolves. Sadly, you, a 16-year-old is the smartest person in this pack. I love how you gave Vlamir a fake name." Patches says giggling. I take my shower and then put on the ugly servant dress. We walk up the stairs. At the top there are two doors. The one on the right goes out to the back of the pack house where the dumpsters are. Patches show me all of them. Then we walk back in and go to the door that was on the left from where we came up. We start walking around the packhouse while she pointed to doors and telling me what was behind each door. Ugh! She didn't have to tell me what room was Parisa's or Vlamir. For some reason they just give my nose a stinky smell like a skunk. I could smell a fate smell of Seth outside his office door. A tear rolls down my cheek. I miss him and mom so much. Patches sees my tear and hugs me. She knows how hurt I am. At this moment I swore to the Fairy Goddess and the Moon Goddess that I will get my revenge on everyone who has done me wrong and my mother. I will have no mercy for them. I will go against my peaceful fairy side. We walk into the kitchen. There are two female Omegas and two male Omegas. Patches gets their attention. It doesn't look like the two male Omegas give a rat's ass about me and Patches they keep working. "Everyone this is Jazz. She will be helping in the kitchen and with other chores around the packhouse. I will warn you all now. If any of you harm Jazz, I will put a curse on you and your entire family. I don't care what Parisa said on how to treat her. If I am to be honest everyone in this pack should know I am more powerful than Parisa and Vlamir. I just restrain myself from losing control. I do as Parisa and Vlamir says because Alpha's Seth's father saved my family years ago. Jazz will you be okay here for now I have some things to get prepared?" Patches hugs me and leaves before I can say I will be fine. 

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