Her Revenge on her Fake Mate

By Kicojess

711 35 0


The Two Species
Recap on Bonds
Mind link of Mother Memories
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
Mind link of Mother Memories Continues
In the Throne Room
Next 16 years
Life in the Blue Moon pack
Life in the Blue Moon pack
Night Adventure
My Paintings
Meeting of Mates
A Year Later
A Month Later
Another Month Later
Three Months Later
Freeing Father and Grandparents
One Month Later
Three Months Later
The Fairy Kingdom
A month later
Another month later
Sea Green Pack
Dealing with Vlamir
Fast Pregnancy
The Fairy Goddess and the Moon Goddess
The Announcement
Vlamir is Caught
Sunday Week 2

Mind link of Mother Memories Continues

14 1 0
By Kicojess

At the cabin in the Blue Moon pack...

 Catherine explores the cabin. She notices two bedrooms with attached bathrooms, an office (with an alarm system on the door, won't be going in there.), a library (full of books about cooking, instruction for the stove-refrigerator-etc., romance novels, werewolf history, hand-to-hand combat, and a little of everything else.), a kitchen, a living room, an attic that had baby items in it (Catherine thought she was lucky. She found a gem to live in. It had baby items.), and a dining room. Catherine checked the water is worked. She checked the electric, it works. The place was a little bit dusty. She started cleaning everything up. She checked the kitchen looking into cabinets and the cabinets had everything. The pantry was stocked with can goods and boxed goods. The refrigerator was stocked too. She found seeds for vegetables, fruit, and flowers. Catherine was going to make a flower garden and a garden for the fruit and veggies. Catherine thought that the Fairy Goddess was looking out for her. She went back to the small library. She read all the books in an hour. She started with the gardening. She had helped the flowers and other seeds grow. She had apple trees, pear trees, blueberry bushes, strawberries, just about everything you can think of to grow. Catherine got all the baby things from the attic, cleaned them up, and put them in the second room. She took that bed in that room and took it to the attic. She found some pictures of the formal Alpha and the previse Alpha. Catherine thought the previse Alpha was so adorable when he was a child and was a handsome man. Catherine was confused. She just lost Micha but just by looking at the picture of Seth she was attracted to him.

: A couple months later she gave birth to Jade:

She had to do everything. She had to remove the placenta. She took the placenta and cooked it. It was a tradition to eat your placenta after giving birth. It is supposed to provide the extra nutrition for the baby when you breast feed them. Catherine looked at Jade with the biggest smile. At least she has a piece of Micha with her through her daughter.

: Six months later:

>>> Interruption <<<

Hi, guys. It's me Jade. I am going to continue to tell you the story from my memory. At six months old I could, walk, talk, fly, and learn things super-fast. Therefore, I can continue the story from now on from my memory.

>>> Interruption Over <<<

Jade's Memories:

I woke up and climbed out my crib. I began to look and call out for my mother.

"She must be outside," said my wolf, Jasmine. Yelp, I have my wolf at six months old and I can shift into her. From a book I read normal wolves shift when they are older but because I am a hybrid I can shift now. I know, lucky me. I just turned six months old a week ago. I have already read all the books in this cabin. Jasmine and I are bored. Mom keeps us a little busy with teaching us how to use our powers. I like to paint too. I walked to the front door of our cabin. I won't be able to reach the door knob and I don't want to fly so; I drag a stool over to the door and open it up. The fresh air rushes into my face. It feels so good.

"Let me play outside, please, Jade," said Jasmine. We shift and I giggle because it does not hurt me it just tickles me. We are having fun chasing butterflies. "I want to eat one," said Jasmine.

"No, yuck! Plus, they are so beautiful," I say to Jasmine. I begin to look up and see this big black wolf running towards us and skids to a stop right in front of us. He tips his head and looks at us confused. Next thing I know, mom flies down between us and the big wolf glowing a golden color. "Get in the cabin Jade," mom yells ate me. I look past her and see a big brown man in shorts staring at my mother with wide eyes and saying MATE! I slowly back away and hide my scent. Still in my wolf pup form I crawl under the porch. I hear my mother tell the man they can talk on the porch. I hear them walking on the porch and sitting on the swing. This is their conversation.

Catherine: My name is Catherine. I am the Fairy Queen of the Actson kingdom. My best friend who was also my warrior guard killed my mate who is a wolf in a challenge so he could be my mate. I was pregnant then and I ran from him. Jade is a hybrid. She is only six months old. She can shift into her wolf Jasmine because she is a hybrid with fairy powers. I been here for eight months and I'm sorry I am trespassing on your territory. I really didn't know where to go. I guess the Fairy Goddess or the Moon Goddess gave me a second mate.

Seth: My name is Alpha Seth of the Blue Moon pack. My wolfs name is Smack. I am so sorry to hear that happen to you. I never thought I would ever meet my mate or even if I had one. I am way older than you. You sound older than you look. I had to chose a mate. Her name is Parisa. I have a son and his name is Vlamir. This cabin was my parents. You will be safe here. My pack thinks this is someone else territory. They won't bother you two. I was so amazed to see a wolf pup that small. She is adorable. What should we do? I mean, I can't just leave my chosen mate. She will kill me if I do. She loves to have power and boss everyone around. I will not tell anyone about you two. I will come to visit once a week. Do you guys need anything? (Looks at mom with lust in his eyes)

Catherine: I grow must of the food we eat. Although, I hate killing little animals so Jade's wolf can have meat. We read all the books in the library. Jade loves to read. We fairies that are Royals and warriors can learn things fast at a young age. I see how you was looking confused when I said we read all the books. Jade loves to paint. I wouldn't mind your company. I'm not over losing Micha, my mate. So, you can come when you want and I won't get jealous of your chosen mate.

Seth: I'll bring you guys' new books, painting supplies, and some really good meat. I am sure Jade will love. I am so happy I found you before something happen to me. When I hand over the Alpha title to my son in seventeen years when he is 25, I will leave Parisa. This is going to be very hard for me to leave here since I finally found you. We can be with each other after. How does that sound to you? It will give us time to get to know each other.

"Oh, my. He will bring me some good meat. Not the nasty little rabbits and mice." Said Jasmine. We run out from under the porch. Seth looks at us with wide eyes. We jump into his lap and start licking his face. Mom grabs us off of him and tells him she is sorry for the way we were acting. Seth just chuckled and told mom it was alright. He said he knew we were probably excited to get meat, books, and painting supplies. Seth also told me he can train me to fight. I lick his face a little more as I surprised my mother by jumping out of her arms. I run in the cabin to shift and put some old rag clothes. I come back out. Seth looks at me and tells my mom he can bring some pretty dresses for me and other clothes. He looks at me with love like I was his daughter. Mom tells him it is too much and he just tells her we are his family now. I start talking up a storm to him. He looks amazed that a six-month-old basically a baby can talk, walk, and shift. Mom goes in the cabin and brings out one of her books from the fairy kingdom. She gives it to Seth telling him he can read it to learn about the fairies. She told him make sure no one can get a hold of it. He promised my mother he would keep it lucked up and give it back when he is done reading it. He also gave mom the code to the office. Told her she can make it into an art room for me. He is so nice. I just wish I could have met my father. Seth told my mother the code from the front and back doors of the cabin so we don't have to continue to fly out of a window. He gives me and my mother a kiss on the forehead and leaves.

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