History Must Repeat Itself

By emily_thestrange

1.8K 57 0

If you kept the storyline of Stranger Things the same but asked an important question... how much trauma coul... More

Author's Note
Act 1 - Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Act 2 - Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Act 3 - Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - The End?

Chapter 12

45 1 0
By emily_thestrange

         I walked down the stairs, yanking my hair out of my face. It was my first day off in a week, and I was excited to lie on the couch, smoke a joint, and watch television until I fall asleep. i already had a rough idea of what movies I was going to watch. Madison was at the table, inhaling the waffles in front of her.

"Did you leave any for me?" I asked, opening the fridge.

Madison made a sound in her throat, "I've got to go. Dustin comes home today and there's a surprise party at the Wheelers. I promised I'd help set it up."

"Do you need a ride over?"

"No, I'm going to ride my bike. Nancy said she'd drive us if we needed to go anywhere."

I nodded, putting the kettle on the stovetop, "call me if you want a ride home. Tell Max and the others too."

It wasn't long until I was alone in the house. I got dressed, but not in anything spectacular. An old band shirt that made me think Eddie was the original owner, and a pair of sleeping shorts. Back in the living room, I realized I'd slept much longer than I originally thought. Starting the dishes to must've appeared while I was getting changed, a pounding on the front door made me jump. 

Billy stood on the other side, arms crossed and visibly upset. I opened the door further, motioning him inside.

"What's up?" I asked, going back to the kitchen, "is everything okay?"

I glanced up at Billy as he sat down at the table, wincing. I paused, turning off the water. I tapped my finger against the sink's edge.

"What happened?"

"Does it even matter? I pissed my dad off and he let me know it just as he does every time."

I nodded, going back to the dishes. I didn't have anything new to say. I've already told Billy everything I thought about the situation. I'd even offered for him and Max to stay here. But Billy refused to run. He was going to take it until he could leave for good. 

Placing the dishes on the drying rack, Billy leaned against the counter beside me, face towards the floor.

"Do you want to watch a movie? We have popcorn. I think there's a couple new movies lying around here that Madison got from the mall. We can just lie on the couch," I glanced up at him, drying my hands. He weakly shrugged.

Not getting a proper response, I opened the fridge and reached in for a bottle of water. As I straightened, Billy stepped up behind me. His hands gripped my hips and his breath warmed my neck.

"Billy, what're you doing?" I asked, my voice barely making it out of my throat. He didn't answer, only placing light kisses along my neck. Subconsciously, I tilted my head to give more access. One hand slipped further onto my stomach, tightening his hold. A gasp flew out of my mouth as Billy spun me. The fridge door slammed shut, Billy pushing my back into it. His face was inches from mine. I felt drunk on his breath. My now empty hands ran up his chest. His hand slid from my stomach to my jaw, gripping it tightly. Billy's lips connected with mine and I couldn't bring myself to pull away.

Flashes of the night months ago, when Billy's rage overtook him and assaulted Steve. The terrifying expression filled my mind. I pushed against Billy's chest, catching my breath. The hand against my face tried to pull me back, but I moved my face away. Billy's pupils were huge, his tongue darting the wet his lip.

"Billy, stop," I sternly whispered.

"Why? I know you want me too," Billy's hand shifted and he began placing his lips against my jaw, "it'll distract me. Please."

My eyelids fluttered closed, but I needed to stop. I couldn't keep the face out of my head. I pushed on Billy's chest again and he stepped away, sighing. His lips tightened, his chest heaving. He was attractive as always. The temptation to grab his shirt front and bring his face back to mine was strong. But that night flashed through my mind, along with the countless girls he slept with stopped my wants quickly.

"Why can't we do something else? We could talk about this."

Billy scoffed, throwing his hands up, "I don't want to talk! I want to fuck. I want to fuck you and forget that my dad handed me my ass yesterday," I opened my mouth to respond, but he kept going, "I know you want me too. We've been so close, playing along the edge. Why don't we just get it over with and satisfy ourselves?"

"That's not who I am, and you know that. I'm not one of the girls who's just going to fall into bed with you. We're friends, and we have been all year. Why isn't that enough?"

Billy stepped up to me, pressing my back against the fridge again. My heart was pounding and I prayed that Billy wouldn't notice.

"We can still be friends," Billy said, pushing hair behind my ear, "but why can't we sleep together? I want you. Please."

I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath. I needed to walk away.

"Billy, please, we're friends. I won't be a notch on your bedpost. Our lives are too intertwined for that."

Billy scoffed, and his warmth moved away. Opening my eyes, it was obvious I'd offended him.

"I'm glad to find out you think so little of me, Jess. That feels really good."

Billy turned, almost stomping towards the front door. My heart dropped. If I let him leave, we'd never be the same and I wasn't sure if I could handle it. I followed after Billy, almost running down the hallway. In one move, I grabbed his hand and yanked him to a stop. Anchoring my other hand around his neck, Billy's eyes were full of hurt. I pressed my lips against his, trying to convey an apology. My other hand met the first, keeping Billy's face to mine. His arms wrapped around my body, hands splayed across my back. I rested kisses across his face then down his neck.

"We shouldn't have sex," I said between kisses, "but stay with me."

Billy ran a hand through my hair, anchoring his fingers against my head, "okay."

         Billy and I stumbled into the living room, hands and lips on the other. We weren't making it upstairs safely. Billy dropped onto the couch, tugging me on his lap. I squealed, not expecting the move. Billy chuckled against my lips, his hands cradling my face. My fingers sunk into his roots and gave a light tug. Billy Hargrove was beautiful, in his own twisted way. The way his eyes sparkled up at me, like I was the most beautiful thing he'd laid his eyes on, made my heart tighten. I squished my lower lip between my teeth, looking into his blue eyes. Billy's mouth gapped as his thumb tugged my lower lip out from its spot. Playfully, I bit down on it and a smile broke across Billy's face. I was barely keeping control.

          I walked through my work day mindlessly, my imagination was still on the day before. Apparently making out on and off all day satisfied him, as Billy never tried for sex again. On top of making out, we watched a few movies and took a nap. Billy left that evening feeling a little emotionally lighter. Nothing felt weird when he left, but I wouldn't see him for a few days. I didn't expect him to call and I couldn't predict his behaviour.

There was a part of me that felt used and manipulated. I had to acknowledge that. Didn't mean I had to admit it out loud.

Resting my finger along the spine of some drawing books, I knew I didn't regret it. Billy wasn't a bad kisser by any means. I also needed the hormonal release. The teenager part of me wanted to talk with someone about it. I couldn't tell Madison. She'd tell Max and every other teenage ear that would listen. I considered calling Nancy, but she was busy with her internship at the local newspaper. It was potentially the most sexist place in Hawkins and Nancy couldn't afford to lose focus. I'd offered to egg the assholes' cars, but it honestly shocked me when she considered it. My last female friend was Robin. I knew she could sort of keep a secret, but this one? And from Steve? I didn't want to put her in that situation. She might combust.

I'd never tell Eddie or Steve that I made out with Billy Hargrove. It wouldn't go over well. Eddie would assume I'd smoked way too much weed or was drunk. Or possessed. Steve's assumption would be Billy was able to corrupt me. But overall, I just couldn't handle the looks. At school, they'd both were on the receiving end of Billy's torment. Both had gotten a black eye from him at least once. And I'd just crossed a line with Billy that I couldn't take back.

A hand rested on my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts. My elderly coworker had arrived to take over. We exchanged pleasantries before I told her about what else needed to be done during the day. Minutes later, I was making my way through the mall. Approaching Scoops Ahoy, I was tempted to walk past and go home. I slowed my pace, looking through the open entryway. I hadn't expected Robin to be staring my way. She grinned widely as her eyes rested on me. Sighing, I entered the store and gave her a half wave. She was the only one in the shop.

"Where's Stevie boy?" I asked, hopping onto the table closest to the counter. Robin pointed back and on cue, Steve walked through the doorway. He wasn't alone however. I dramatically gasped and leapt from the table, wrapping my arms around Dustin's shoulders.

"You're back!" I swung him back and forth, squeezing the poor child.

"I'm back!"

"Why don't I get that kind of reaction when she sees me?" Steve muttered with a pout.

"Join the club," Robin said, hand resting on her hip.

I rolled my eyes, putting my hands on Dustin's shoulders and looking him over. He looked healthy and older, even though he'd barely been gone. I looked at his new yellow and green hat. Same style, squishing down his curls.

"I love the hat! It looks good! But you need to tell me all about camp! What did you do, did you make any friends? Meet any girls?" I pulled Dustin down into the seat beside me. He stayed silent for a moment, pursing his lips and holding back a smile. My jaw dropped, gaze whipping back and forth from my friends to the pre-teen.

"You met a girl? Tell me about her!"

Robin sat across from us, resting her elbows on the table. We listened closely to Dustin's story about 'Suzie', blush across his face. I feel like a proud older sister, scrunching my nose at his obvious crush on the girl. My gaze flickered to Steve briefly. He was already looking at me, the corner of his lips turned up. I felt blush of embarrassment dancing across my cheeks. I turned back to Dustin, clearing my throat.

"Have you been talking to her? Over the phone?"

Dustin's eyes went to Steve and fell silent, mouth hung open. Moving my gaze between them, I knew I was missing out on something. Robin shrugged, not knowing either.


Steve cleared his throat, "you need to go, Jess. We've got a lot to do."

An uncomfortable laugh bubbled up, "what?"

Steve crossed his arms and clenched his jaw, "you have to leave. Right now."

My mouth opened and no sound came out. Robin and Dustin sat with their heads turned away from me, finding more interesting things in the shop. Turning back to Steve, I waited for the smile to break out on his face. But he seemed too serious, his jaw clenching and unclenching. As the silence extended, my heart continued to drop. When the tears began to well up, I stood up.

"Okay then," I muttered. Grabbing my bag, I placed a kiss on Dustin's head and on Robin's cheek, "I'll see you guys later."

Tugging the strap of my bag up my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around myself as I left Scoops Ahoy. I had to breathe through the tears still threatening to fall. I hadn't expected that. I never expected Steve Harrington to speak to me in that tone. Had Steve found out that I'd made out with Billy? I didn't have any hickeys, I made sure before I left for work this morning. The look on Steve's face, unaffected and uncaring, broke my heart and left me confused. 

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