Chapter 5

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         Resting my head against my locker shelf, my eyes fell shut and I appreciated the cold metal. The lack of sleep was catching up with me. I should've locked myself in my bedroom and slept. It seemed that's what half the school was doing.

"Good morning, lovely."

I turned my head, keeping my forehead in contact with the metal. Eddie was leaning against the open door, smirk on his face. The typical expression of Eddie Munson. I reached my hand up, lightly tapped my finger on the end of his nose. Dramatically, Eddie's face twisted in offence, slapping his hand onto his chest.

"How rude! I did nothing to you."

I rolled my eyes, lazily snorting in amusement. I finished shoving my binder into its designated space. I turned to Eddie.

"Do you have anything cheap on you?" I asked him, wagging my wallet in the air. Eddie's eyebrows rose, surprised at my blatant question. He tapped his jacket pocket.

"I've got some. Come on."

With little words, I followed Eddie off school property and into the woods. We arrived at an abandoned picnic table, placed in the centre of dead foliage.

"Should I assume you brought this here?" I asked, sliding on the bench carefully. I didn't need splinters in my butt. I wasn't in the mood.

"As surprising as it may sound, my dear, I'm not the first smoker in Hawkins. I was shown this space during my freshman year," Eddie explained, sitting on the table top.

"Wow, your freshman year," I said, "what was that? 1870?"

Eddie turned to me, jutting his jaw to the side, "you're really testing my friendliness, dear girl. I might not share with you anymore."

I pouted at the kidding eyes of the stoner, "no please. Continue to show me your lovely kindness."

Eddie's jaw went back to its normal place, tapping his finger against his chin, "what could you do to make it up to me? You've left such a gaping wound, insulting my friendship."

A smile grew on my face, and to stop myself from rolling my eyes, I poked my tongue out between my teeth. Eddie's eyes moved down to my mouth and he poked my tongue with the tip of his finger. I slipped it back into my mouth, pressing my lips tightly. Eddie and I both looked at each other with smiles on our faces. A look flashed through Eddie's eyes, my heart briefly tightening in my chest. It was similar to how he looked when he saw my Princess Leia costume.

A warmth came over me, suddenly feeling cheeky. Standing in front of the boy, I rested my hands along his jaw. Eddie kept his amused expression, but I saw the alarm in his eyes. As not to scare him anymore, I reconsidered my actions, placing a kiss on his cheek instead. I dropped my hands to his knees.

"Will the good sir now share his special herbs with me?"

Eddie's smile tightened and seemed to pull higher on one side. I bit down on my lower lip, deciding not to mention the blush across his cheeks. Eddie Munson was really pretty.

"I'm going to have to now, but I'll be very choosy as to what I share with you to get a better kiss than that."

As he often did, Eddie commented something I wasn't expecting. Not knowing how to respond to the flirtatious comment, I tapped my hands against his knees before sitting again. I glanced up at Eddie but I didn't last long. He looked at me with an expression that made me want to kiss him. If I did, I had a feeling we wouldn't leave the woods for the rest of the afternoon and I needed to talk to Nancy during our fourth period. Instead of averting my eyes, I moved them to his forehead and held out my hand.

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