Chapter 14

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          Parking the car, I turned to Madison. She wasn't looking at me, lost in her own thoughts as she tugged at her bracelet. I tucked her hair behind her ear, making Madison glanced at me.

"Are you sure you want to get ice cream here? We can find another spot."

Madison shook her head, "no, I want to see Robin and they have the best ice cream here."

"Okay," I said, "but don't tell Steve what you just said. He might cry that you want to see Robin more than him."

          Walking through the main hallway, I tried to imagine what the mall would look like once September came. The mall would be empty. My shifts would be a lot quieter. Even from the other side of the food court, I could see the Scoops Ahoy sign. I thought back to Steve's attitude towards me this morning. I didn't want to be back here. This was embarrassing.

"Madison! Jess!"

We turned, now facing an out of breath Max and El. Both of them were grinning at my sister and me. El wrapped her arms around my waist briefly. I placed a kiss on her head. I hadn't seen the 'superhero' in a while. Chief Hopper was careful about when and where she went out. I was a little surprised she was here in the first place.

"What are you two doing here? I thought you guys were going to see your mum this weekend?" Max asked.

My sister's mouth was pushed to the side, shaking her head, "that's next weekend."

Self soothing, Madison fiddled with her fingers. Max's mouth dropped open, and El looked at Max with surprise in her eyes.

"Oh crap, I thought it was this weekend," Max grabbed ahold of Madison's hand, "I feel so bad. I would've called you, I swear. I'm so sorry! I thought you guys were out of town."

Relief passed over Madison's face. I told her so. Max never gave me a reason to think she was lying. The girl was genuinely sorry.

"We're going over to Scoops, wanna come?" Madison asked, sounding happier than she had earlier.

"I don't have any money, but we'll come," El said in her usual quiet volume.

I pulled out a five dollar bill, "my dear, I think you forgot I stockpile change meant for ice cream."

Max rolled her eyes, grabbing El's hand as well, dragging them through the crowd. El glanced back at me and mouthed 'thank you'. I winked at the girl. Even if I didn't have the spare change, I'd always spoil El. I knew her story. The girl went through more than anyone ever should in her short life. As we approached the entrance, I placed my hand on Madison's shoulder. I held the bill out to her.

"Can you just get me a single scoop of mint chip in a cup? I'm going to wait out here."

Madison stared at me with her eyebrows dramatically scrunched together, but nodded and took the bill. Max and El both looked confused, Madison whispering to them as they approached the counter. I heard the counter's bell ring and Robin appeared from behind the door. Braiding my drying hair, their voices flooded out into the hallway.

"Steve, come out here and help me get these," Robin instructed. At the familiar sound of the door swinging open, I looked up at the ceiling, forcing myself not to look at the handsome brunette. I was filled with embarrassment.

A body stepped beside me but from the size, I knew it wasn't Steve. I glanced down at El. She watched me with observant eyes as she dug into her ice cream.

I poked her forehead, "what're you thinking about in there?"

El shrugged, "nothing. You look sad."

I shrugged myself, "it's just personal stuff. I don't feel right talking to you guys about it. You're all too young. Sorry."

History Must Repeat Itselfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें