Chapter 19

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           Steve shoved us towards the observation room, but instead of stopping, Robin led us into the laser room. The scientists paused by the surprise and so did we until Robin and Steve pushed us to the end of the machine with frantic words. At the front of the ground, I skidded to a stop, grabbing the railing to stop my momentum. My heart dropped as I looked down. The laser was shooting across a space at least fifteen feet wide over a hundred foot drop. A hand wrapped around mine, yanking me backwards. 

The soldiers were shouting, running after us. Steve knocked down a scientist and barrels, and I remembered the gun in my waistband. I reached for it, knowing there was no way I could shoot it while running. I just felt better with it in my hand. Robin barked for us to follow her into another room full of grey, metal, and whirling.

"Help me!" Steve yells, pushing against the door, doing his best to keep them out.

"Here! Come on, let's go!" Erica barked. I ran to her as the child lifted a grated floorboard. I glanced back at Steve and Robin, holding the door shut. I wasn't going to leave them and get myself to safety. I trusted Dustin not to mess up completely. A surge of adrenaline shot through me, and I lifted my hands, aiming the pistol at the door. Steve and Robin weren't going to be able to hold the soldiers back forever.

"Where the hell did you get that?" Dustin shrieked from inside the air duct.

"It doesn't matter," I answered, "go!"

"Just get out of here!" Steve yelled across the room.

"Come on!"

"No! Just go get some help!" Steve barked, frustrated they weren't leaving.

"What are you doing?" Dustin asked, peeking his head out.

The three of us yelled, "go!"

"I won't forget you."

I growl, spinning around and shoving Dustin's head into the duct. As the grate slammed,  I turned back to the door and raised the gun again. Robin and Steve were flung to the ground as the soldiers stormed in. Machine guns were pointed at us, a few more faced me.

"Whoa, Jess drop it! Don't be dumb!" Robin yelled. I kept the barrel pointed at the twenty guards facing me. My eyes flickered to Steve and Robin, who had guns of their own trailed on their heads. I licked my lower lip before biting down on it. A wave of anger flooded me as I tossed the gun to the side, raising my hands over my head. A small voice in my head yelled at me as to where the stupidity had come from to point at gun at Russian soldiers, but I ignored it. My nostrils flared, as they circled. We were grabbed by two guards each, hauling us out of the room. Scientists and other Russians stared at us when we escorted past.

          Steve was in front of me, hands tied. Even walking with a dozen men circled around us, I twisted my hands, working at the leather belt. The guard next to me noticed what I was doing, and grabbed a hold of the belt. Without warning, Steve was grabbed by his biceps, yanking him towards another door.

"Wait, no. Where are you taking him? No, Steve! Stop," I shouted, fighting against the hands holding me as I was pulled from Robin too, "no, stop!"

A door was opened, and I stumbled inside. Without proper use of my hands, I landed on the ground awkwardly. Ignoring the pain shooting through my hip, I got to my feet. I ran at the closest soldier, punching my hands at his face. He let my fists hit against his neck, before backhanding me. My head slammed against the ground. Stars appeared in front of my closed eyes. I needed a minute before I could stand. The door shut and when I opened my eyes, I was alone.

         I couldn't figure out how long they'd left me in this damn room. I continued to work at the bindings, confident they were coming loose. Of course, I could be wrong. My body was sore and I was starting to consider that I might have a concussion. 

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