Chapter 23

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       Jonathan drove us back to the mall and we chose our groups. Originally, I was put with Madison, but I reminded them I had a gun. If I wasn't dedicated to a specific spot, I'd be free to move around and be a distraction or get anyone affected by the Mind Flayer or the "Flayed" as the kids were calling them, who trying to stop us. 

Carrying easily a hundred pieces of explosives to the mall's second floor, we set everything up. Lucas had even grabbed enough lighters for everyone. I was never going to judge his taste in soda again. Or at least for a while.

We settled into the store entrances' nooks once the fireworks were set. On the glass ceiling, we could hear the Mind Flayer's footsteps. My muscles froze as I heard the scuff of a boot below. A single set of human footsteps. Taking the gun from my pants, I stepped towards the bannister.

"Jess," Robin whispered, but I waved at her to shut up. My heart dropped. I didn't lean far to see the familiar curly blonde hair. Billy bent down and something thudded against the ground. A small hand rolled into my vision. My eyes fell shut in a moment of defeat, stepping back to the others.

"Billy has El. They're downstairs," I whispered, "I'm going down and see if I can get her or distract Billy at least."

"Are you going to shoot Billy?" Madison asked, knowing my answer.

I bit my lower lip, "I'm going to try-"

Steve slapped his hand over my mouth, pulling me against him. I turned as the glass creaked above us. The mall fell cold. My spine tightened as a headache made its undesired appearance. I'd never realized stress was an inducer.

Glass shattered. The long legs of the Mind Flayer descended into the food court. When its head disappeared from view, Steve removed his hand. Robin and Steve picked up fireworks. Everyone around the floor was preparing themselves.

From down the hall, Lucas stepped to the bannister and threw a firework, "flay this, you ugly piece of shit!"

The Mind Flayer stumbled, his attention moving away from Billy and El.

"Hey asshole! Over here!" Steve yelled. Madison and I had our own. We angled ourselves further down the bannister. Madison threw a firework that connected with the Mind Flayer's forehead. The Mind Flayer's growl sent shivers down my spine, but I heard a human cry of pain. I ran up to the bannister, much closer to the creature than I wanted to be, looking down at Billy and El. I couldn't see El, but Billy was now sprawled on his back. Our eyes met and from here, fear was evident in his eyes. He didn't look possessed. It was Billy looking back at me, and it was Billy crying out as the next firework hit the Mind Flayer. It was the worst thing I could imagine. Billy was being affected by what we inflicted on the Mind Flayer.

"Jess, shoot it!" Lucas yelled, catching my attention. I took a few steps back, turned off the safety and aimed the gun. I aimed at what should be the monster's spine but hesitated. I couldn't pull the trigger, knowing Billy would feel it.


I didn't know who said my name, but I shook my head.

"Dustin! We're out of time!"

Steve was yelling into the walkie as Robin and Madison threw their last fireworks. The rest of the group was in the same predicament. Steve turned to me, lowering the walkie. The fireworks were gone. 

And we didn't do any serious damage to the Mind Flayer.

"I'm going down there," I told Steve, not raising my voice. Clicking the safety back into place, I broke into a jog towards the escalator.

"Jess, stop," a hand wrapped around my wrist, "you can't go down there. Half way down the escalator and you're exposed. That thing can get you."

I yanked my hand back, not able to get away, "Steve, I can't let El be down there by herself in front of that thing. She's probably terrified."

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