Chapter 8

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One Month Later...

          I stood at the hood of my car, adjusting the final pieces of Madison's hair. She smacked at my hands, but I smacked right back. Tonight was the Snow Ball dance and even standing in the middle school's parking lot, Madison wasn't sure if she wanted to go. She'd only gotten this far since Max begged, stating she didn't want to go alone, Lucas insisted he needed her help asking Max to dance and needed Madison on site just in case, and I promised that I wouldn't take endless photos of her. Of course, I paid Lucas and Max to hound her on the same day.

"Would you leave me alone?" Madison groaned.

I stepped back, crossing my arms satisfied.

"Fine. You picked a nice dress by the way," I said, poking the bow around her waist. Madison pulled at the skirt, glancing down at it briefly.

Madison grinned, "thanks! I barely had to tell Nancy what I wanted and she found this so quickly!"

My little sister had begged me to ask Nancy to take her shopping. Apparently my style didn't match what she wanted to look. I wasn't too offended. The dress I chose to wear was evident. The black tulle made Madison fake-gag once she saw it before half-complimenting me. My sister hadn't let Seattle warp her style like I did.

The familiar revving of a car engine roared before skidding to a stop. Max leapt out of Billy's car, barely looking back at her step-brother. Sometimes I wondered if we were actually related as she walked over in red pants and an adorable sweater. It was probably what I would've worn if Snow Ball dances were a thing when I was in eighth grade.

Max ran into my arms, giving me a tight squeeze around my waist. After, she awkwardly turned and waved at Billy. I followed her gaze and the familiar cocky smirk was on his face, eyes on me. I sighed, glancing towards the school. Jonathan Byers appeared, taking pictures of some kids as they walked in.

"Go get your picture from Jonathan. Don't go in until I come over," I instructed them. Watching the girls walk to Will's brother, I bent down at the passenger's window.

"You should've worn that Princess Leia costume," Billy said with a smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't need to traumatize eighth graders by dressing up as a prisoner of Jabba the Hutt. I think this dress will be enough."

"I'm not saying you should wear it for the kids. I'm sure the teachers and parents would appreciate it. I know I'd stick around."

I smiled at Billy's ridiculous flirting. Even after getting drugged by Max and making out with me, Billy hadn't changed much. I just knew he didn't have as much to say when it came to Max and the kids. I didn't know if I was relieved or sad.

Billy cleared his throat, glancing down at his lap. 

"You look really pretty tonight." Looking back at me, he prodded his tongue against his back teeth and his cheeks turned pink. I ran around to the driver's side, my own cheeks heating up at my sudden brazen attitude. Billy peered up at me, confused. I reached into the car, putting my hand on his cheek and kissed his other one. Pulling away, I grinned at him.

"Thank you Billy," I started walking towards the school, "I'll have Max home after the dance."

He didn't answer, but I looked back and Billy was watching me, a genuine smile on his face. A grin broke out on my face as I turned back to the school. The girls were still standing with Jonathan, and I could hear him explaining his camera. They looked genuinely interested. Upon hearing my footsteps, the three turned. Jonathan raised his camera.


I scrunch my nose, uncomfortable, but I struck a dramatic pose. Jonathan looked at the girls and nodded his head to me. Max and Madison giggled, running over and wrapping their arms around both sides of me. The camera flash momentarily blinded me. I kissed both of them on the head.

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