Chapter 39

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          As Steve drove the RV closer to the Creel house, I obsessively made sure Max and the Sinclairs had everything they'd need. I tugged at Max's sweater. "You guys have extra batteries, right? For the walkies and Max's Walkman?"

Max smirked. "Yes, Jess. We're ready."

I rolled my eyes at her, turning to Erica. "You're good?"

The girl rolled her eyes even more dramatically. "Do you want to do my job?"

Lucas sighed, dropping his head. I smiled at his younger sister. Good luck to any boy who tried to tease her.

"No, you'll be fine." I wrapped her in a hug. I was a bit surprised that she reciprocated. She didn't even look disgusted afterwards. I faced Lucas, both of us serious.

"I know she's the one going to the Upside Down, but you be careful too. Got it? Don't be stupid."

Lucas smirked, glancing at Max. "Yes ma'am."

I exchanged a hug with Lucas, cursing that the kid was almost taller than me. When did that happen?

"We're almost there," Steve called back. I grabbed Max's hand and pulled her to the back of the RV. I needed to have a sister to sister talk with her.

"Jess," she started, but I put my finger up.

"No, I'm talking." Max smirked at my attitude. I dropped my voice, trying to keep the conversation private. "You're making a very stupid choice, being the guinea pig for Vecna. I'd rather do it. You've got more to live for. I'm sure Madison would miss you more than me too." I put my hands on Max's cheeks. "But you're doing exactly what I knew you would. So be careful. Don't get brave. Ignore everything Eddie has said the past few days about running away. It's not cowardly. Run like hell and fight back. Find the happy memories inside of you and use them to your advantage. Don't run out of steam too." Max's eyes were welling up and I knew it was in response to mine. "If it comes down to it, and it doesn't look like things are going well, I will make the sacrifice. You do not, got it?"

Max nodded her head, then I did in response. We wrapped our arms around each other.

"I love you, Max Mayfield."

"I love you too," she said into my shirt. I let go and watched her briefly speak to everyone else before climbing out of the RV. I watched the trio out the back window as Steve drove away. A hand wrapped around my shoulder, and turned me into a chest.

"She's going to be fine," Eddie said, lips pressed against my head.

"Kid can't catch a break," I muttered, glancing at him and wiping the tears on my cheek. Still holding me, he glanced behind him quickly.

"What are you-" I didn't finish my sentence as Eddie pressed his lips against mine. My heart pounded in my chest. A damn broke inside me. A rage of emotions flowed between us. One arm still around my shoulders, Eddie rested his other hand on my jaw. A bump in the road reminded me where we were and I pulled my head away from his. Eddie turned my face back to his, his hand resting against my throat with his thumb on my chin.

"I promise to protect you, no matter what happens. Got it? We're getting out of the Upside Down. In five months we'll get out of Hawkins and travel. You can take me to Seattle finally, since you never shut up about it." Eddie smirked. "Of course be back in time for Madison to start sophomore year. We can't miss that."

An airy chuckle fell from my lips. My mouth instinctively tilted to reconnect with his, even though we didn't have time. Instead, I gave him a peck of a kiss. I stepped back, looking up at the chocolate eyed boy.


"I promise," Eddie said with sincerity.

My heart clenched and I decided to take a leap and be vulnerable for a moment. "Do you know what 143 means?" I asked.

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