A Twisted Halloween II: Spect...

By PinkiePieSweets

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When the gates close and Halloween Ends, all the students return to their dorms to rest. However, strange thi... More

A Twisted Halloween Volume 1: Endless Night
Chapter 1: Sweet Dreams Peeps!
Chapter 2: You Sure You're Awake?
Chapter 3: Bring Me a Shovel!
Chapter 4: Quiet Down!
Chapter 5: The Temerity!
Chapter 6: Something to Share
Chapter 7: HEEELP!
Chapter 8: Cordially Invited
Chapter 9: It's Busted, Dude
Chapter 10: Gonna be a Trainwreck
Chapter 11: Close Your Eyes
Chapter 12: Shaftlands Folklore
Chapter 13: This Can't Be...
A Twisted Halloween Volume 2: Scattered Flight
Chapter 1: Ill-Mannered Ghost
Chapter 2: Something Sparkly!
Chapter 3: I'm Stumped
Chapter 4: Random Singing
Chapter 5: How Many Times?
Chapter 6: Isn't it Important?
Chapter 7: Priceless
Chapter 8: Where Do You Get Off?
Chapter 9: Kiss the Sand
A Twisted Halloween Volume 3: Ghostly Plight
Chapter 1: I've Got You Covered
Chapter 2: Covering Each Other
Chapter 3: So Stubborn
Chapter 4: No Need to Worry
Chapter 5: Own Up to It
Chapter 6: Different Set of Rules
Chapter 7: Is There a Problem?
Chapter 8: Too Stimulating
Chapter 9: Make It Fun for Me
Chapter 10: An Adventure Novel
Chapter 11: O Brother of Mine
Chapter 12: Not Fooling Me
Chapter 14: Look Below Us!
Chapter 15: So Humiliated
Chapter 16: Don't Do That!
Chapter 17: Let's Just Move On
Chapter 18: Bad News Box
Chapter 19: Boop!
Chapter 20: Don't Worry About It
A Twisted Halloween Volume 4: Escalating Flight
Chapter 1: I'd Like to Move On
Chapter 2: Nary a Chaperone
Chapter 3: Burying the Lede
Chapter 4: Just Keep Going
Chapter 5: Kneel Before Me
Chapter 6: SILEEENCE!
Chapter 7: Seize the Initiative
Chapter 8: Rule 124
Chapter 9: A Comfy Bed
Chapter 10: Is This Blackmail?
Chapter 11: Take More Interest
Chapter 12: A Major Influence
Chapter 13: Small-Time Punk
Chapter 14: Lack of Confidence
Chapter 15: "But a Prelude"
Chapter 16: Get Digging
Chapter 17: No Man's Land
Chapter 18: That's Cute
Chapter 19: Serves You Right!
A Twisted Halloween Volume 5: Final Fright
Chapter 1: Wide Open
Chapter 2: In Milord's Presence
Chapter 3: Breach of Etiquette
Chapter 4: Still Merely Human
Chapter 5: Proper Hospitality
Chapter 6: By All Means, Weep
Chapter 7: It Defies All Logic
Chapter 8: Let This One Go
Chapter 9: Totally Hostile
Chapter 10: Spine-Tingling Chills
Chapter 11: Revived Here and Now
Chapter 12: A Whole Lotta Steam
Chapter 13: Give Me Your Hand
Chapter 14: No Need to Be Shy
Chapter 15: Eyes on the Ball!
Chapter 16: I Wasn't Invited?!

Chapter 13: A Regular Student

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By PinkiePieSweets

Soon enough, Sebek, Rook, and Trey fight off the ghosts using their magic and do their best to dodge their attacks.

Sebek says, "I show no mercy to any who stand in my way, living or dead!"

He then fires another magic of his ghosts and strikes them with full force.

The smaller dressed ghost says, "It's like he's gonna blow us away with sheer vigor!"

The larger ghost panics, "Aieee! Retreat! Retreeeeat!"

And with that, the ghosts flee on the spot.

"HMPH. FEEBLE GHOSTS," Sebek angrily says.

"Incidentally, I swiped a mirror fragment off those guys before they fled. Assuming the ghost guards were right, this will help us get to the Halloween party," Trey says.

Then Sebek says, "We should have no more interruptions now. You'd better finish what you were about to say, Rook!"

Rook then shows a small frown and says, "You wish to know why I'm so cool under fire, yes? Well... I believe it's due to an experience I had when I was a child."

"What kind of experience?" Sebek questions.

"It happened on an early fall day when I was six," Rook answers.

And explains, "I inadvertently wandered into the depths of the Sunset Savanna's jungles and found myself stranded.

This shocked Sebek and Trey.

Trey asks, "How did you do something so dangerous 'inadvertently'?!"

Rook continues, "Yes, carelessness can be one's downfall, as it nearly was mine. I had survived for over a month in that jungle, alone and unaided. I couldn't use my magic back then. I had only the clothes on my back. So I broke a rock to use as a makeshift knife, whittled a piece of wood into a shield, and braided blades of grass into a rope. I wore mud to mask my scent, dug holes to hide in, and slept under leaves to camouflage myself. At one point, I got stuck in quicksand and remained stock still for 72 hours. Finally, a warthog ambled by, close enough to grab onto, and I made my escape! There was also a tiger that hunted me obsessively, and I eventually had to fight back. The battle took every ounce of my strength and wits! Each time the sun set, I would mark the date with trembling hands, clinging onto life. October 31 was particularly unforgettable... I'd been stung by a poisonous insect. There I was wracked with fever, flitting in and out of delirium when... I saw a ghost. I called upon the very last of my inner reserves and managed to follow it. I eventually collapsed on a riverbank, where a rescue team found me and saved me from the brink of death! I still vividly recall the way my mother cradled me in her arms, amazed that I'd survived in nothing but a grass skirt..."

"Rook..." Trey replies.

He then smiles and asks, "... Did you just make that whole story up?"

Rook chuckles and questions, "Heh heh heh, who's to say? What do you think?"

"You just can't get enough of these elaborate jokes, can you?" Trey replies.

"You were alone in the jungle?" Sebek asks, shocked.

"See? You've put Sebek on the spot. He has no idea how to reply," Trey says.

Sebek screams, "That makes us brethren!"

"Come again?!" Trey says, confused and stunned.

Then Sebek says, "Silver and I had to survive in the wild together. It was part of Lilia's training!"

"I've got Rook as a clubmate and Lilia as a classmate..." Trey says. Then softly says to himself, "Why am I surrounded by weirdos?"

"They say birds of a feather flock together, you know," Rook says.

That clearly offended Trey, "No, I DON'T know! I'm a regular student from a completely normal family!"

"Of course, your experience sounds far more grueling than ours, Rook. To think you were hardened enough to survive such harsh conditions for an entire month, at the tender age of six... And that is why most other incidents leave you unperturbed?" Sebek says.

He smiles and says, "I, SEBEK, AM STRUCK WITH ADMIRATION!"

Trey sheepishly smiles and says, "Sebek, you probably should take anything Rook says with a grain of salt..."

But then says, "But you're not going to listen to me, are you? There's that tunnel vision again."

Then Rook says, "Actually, there is a different reason as to why I'm so calm right now. Sebek, place your palm on my chest, would you?"

"But why?" Sebek asks, and then says, "I'd rather not."

"Come now, don't be shy!" Rook says.

Rook then grabs Sebeks' wrist and places his hand on his chest.

All while Sebek panics, "Rgh! Quit pulling on me! I wasn't being shy, I was... hm?"

Suddenly, Sebek notices, "Your heart's beating rather fast."

"Indeed. You see, I'm quite tense as well. I've lost my dear Vil and Epel, and I can barely rally my strength. The truth is that I'm beside myself with anxiety." Rook says.

He then lets go of Sebek's wrist and says, "But I am not alone... for the Chevalier des Roses and Monsieur Crocodile are with me! Back then, I was powerless and struggled just to live another day... But now, I have faith that the three of us can overcome any hardship together. That faith is what allows me to remain calm in the face of danger!

"You've recognized my strength to such a degree this whole time?" Sebek asks.


Trey whispers to Rook, "Say, Rook. you're not about to tell me you can manipulate your own heart rate, are you?"

"Why, yes. Do you take issue with my heart of steel, as you describe it?" Rook whispers.

Trey says, "... You know what, I've got nothing to say. Just don't go overboard with our remarkably gullible freshman, okay?"

"But of course! Now, let us proceed onward!" Rook says.

And right when they're about to move forward, the two well dressed ghosts appear again

They both shout, "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"

"Looks like the ghosts are back," Sebek says, not amused.

The small ghost says, "You'd better return our mirror fragment this instant!"

Rook chuckles and says, "Heh heh heh... What a perfect opportunity to demonstrate what a powerful team we make."

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