Chapter 4: Just Keep Going

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Soon Jack, Jamil, and Silver fight off the ghost, which isn't that long.

The ghost cries out, "Such impertinence! How could you do this to me?!" and runs away in fear.

"Tch. That ghost sure beat a hasty retreat," Jack says, disappointed.

Jamil looks around and says, "Okay, there are no more enemies around. Tell us the rest of the story, Silver!"

"Oh, about my life in the woods? It's really not that interesting..." Silver says. "Wait. Jamil... Are you trying to get to know me better, like you were with the hero tale? You must think Jack won't be comfortable working with us otherwise. Another example of Scarabian foresight... Your thoughtfulness has amazed me yet again."

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just keep going," Jamil replies.

Soon, Silver explains, "It happened when my father was gone on a two-week trip. I believe I was 10 at the time. He had warned me against drying meat by leaving it hanging from a tree near the field, but I nodded off before I could take it down. When I awoke the next morning, something had torn through the meat and left these large claw marks."

"Claw marks? So you mean..." Jack says, suspecting what creature it is.

"Yes, a bear," Silver answers.

Then continues, "Once the bear had a taste for meat, she came by my cabin every day to rummage for food. At first she only came by at night, but day by day she started coming early and growing bolder. First she broke the fence around my crops, then she wrecked the shed. Eventually, I found claw marks on my cabin door."

Jamil and Jack gulp to hear the part of the story about the bar closing in on the cabin.

"A threat drawing slowly but steadily closer... just imagining it gives me goosebumps," Jamil says.

"And you'd been left to fend for yourself, right? That's scary stuff," Jack says.

Suddenly, they hear rustling in the brushes that catch the group's attention.

"What's that sound?!" Jamil asks.

Soon they hear the rustling sounds again.

Jack says, "Ghosts shouldn't make noises when they move. Could it be something else? Like..."

"A bear?!" Jamil asks, and sounds frightened.

Jack turns around to see what's the source of the noise and says, "...Oh, my bad. It was actually just my tail brushing against some bushes."

Jamil shouts in anger, "Don't scare me like that!"

Then Silver says, "Back then, I was as frightened as you are now. I kept watch outside, and soon enough, the bear and I came face to face. And then..."

"Yes...?!" Jack and Jamil asks, waiting in suspense.

"We became friends," Silver says.

"Huh?" Jack and Jamil say, shocked and baffled.

Then Silver says, "The bear was looking for food to feed her young. She seemed famished and fretful. I guess some bears just aren't very good at catching fish. So I took her out foraging. We went into the hills where there were fruit trees, and to the river with large fish populations. The bear was overjoyed. She started bringing her cub by to visit. And over time, they became my training partners. I wonder how they're doing these days..."

"So, uh... Is this Silver's idea of an extended joke or something?" Jack asks, confused.

"I wish I knew, Jack. It's impossible to tell if he's being serious or kidding around," Jamil answers.

Then Jack says, "I was expecting some heart-pounding tale of how he single handedly fought off a vicious beast..."

"If that story's true, he pulled off an even greater fear than fending off some wild beast," Jamil says.

"Point taken," Jack replies.

Then Jamil says, "The off-kitter pacing of your stories reminds me of Kalim."

"Really? I'm honored to be compared to someone so amiable. Kalim often wakes up when I doze off in class too..." Silver says.

But suddenly, Silver notices something, "What's that?"

The boys remain silent, and Jamil hears strange sounds, "I hear talking. It's coming from behind that thicket!"

The boys secretly peek through the thickets to see two well dressed ghosts walking around.

One says, "Huzzah! We've discovered a mirror fragment!"

Then the second ghost shushes his friend, "Shhh. We don't want those living people to find us!"

"Oh, right. They gave us a sound beating before. Gracious, we really must be careful," The first ghost says.

"They're still going after the fragments!" Jack says, and plans to attack.

But Jamil stops him, "Wait. Are you seriously planning to charge them again? You nearly gave me a heart attack last time. What were you thinking, going after a ghost like that? You can only be reckless for so long."

"Ah... sorry," Jack replies.

"I seem to recall you jumping out at ghosts back in the canyon, Jamil," Silver points out.

Then Jamil says, "...Yes, well, things are different now."

Then says, "Look. They're scared of us at the moment. We'll be here all day if we try to take on that many. Here's how we can thin their numbers..."

And with that, Jamil tells Silver and Jack of the plan he has to scare off the ghosts.

Sometime later, the ghosts have gathered a good amount of mirror fragments.

The first ghost says, "Now THAT is a solid number of fragments! We'll surely be able to attend the Halloween party now..."

Suddenly, they hear rustling in the bushes.

The second ghost turns his head and asks, "Hm? What's that noise?"

Then they hear the noise again.

"What?! Is it the living people from before?!" The first ghost asks, scared.

The second ghost looks around in concern, "I don't see anyone... Something's wrong?"

Soon, the rustlings in the bushes come closer and closer.

Then Jamil and Silver jump out with scary faces and show off their claws as they shout, "BOO!"

The ghosts scream, "AHHH! MONSTERS!"

Then the ghosts begin to run away.

Then Silver says, "They're running scared! Now to seal the deal!"

A Twisted Halloween II: Spectral SoireeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz