Chapter 14: No Need to Be Shy

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The party continues its lively ways, and everyone is still having a good time. Soon, Silver and Lilia are starting to have a chat.

"Silver," Lilia says.

"Hello, Father. Are you done performing?" Silver asks.

"Mmmhmm. I let a ghost take over playing the bass for a spell," Lilia says.

"A ghost who can improvise on your five-string bass? They must be quite the musician," Silver says.

Then Lilia says, "... I'm sorry, Silver."

"Huh?" Silver replies, confused.

"I didn't realize you would worry about me as much as you did," Lilia says.

"Oh, that's what you mean," Silver says. "I know how strong you are, Father, and I'm aware of how inexperienced I am. But I'm always going to worry about you. No matter how strong you are, you're still the only father I have."

"Silver..." Lilia says. He then smiles and says, "What a model son you are. I'm positively verklempt! Who could have ever raised such a wonderful boy?! Oh yes, It was me! And while I'm at it..." Then calls out, "Jamil!"

Soon, Jamil says, "Hm?" turns to see Silver walking over.

Jamil says, "Oh, hello, Silver. Taking a break from the dance floor?"

"Lilia, I didn't make it here unaided. Jamil stuck with me through thick and thin. He's clear headed and has a keen eye for detail. I relied on him so much during our journey," Silver says.

"You're giving me a bit too much credit. I wasn't exactly..." Jamil says.

But Silver says, "Please, Jamil, don't be modest. You amazed me so many times today."

"...Only because you never listen," Jamil replies.

He smiles and says, "I should thank you, actually. Your honesty and strength were a great boon to me today."

And says in thought "Heh. you deserve to hear that much. I'd hate to leave myself in some kind of moral debt."

"How wonderful. You both did so well," Lilia happily says. And wraps his arms around their shoulders, "You boys deserve some hearty praise. Good job!"

"Gee thanks, Dad. You're only a year ahead of me, you know. I'm going to chalk this up to one of your many eccentricities," Jamil replies.

Meanwhile, on the dance floor, some of the students are having a good time. And some decide to have a little break.

Trey says, "You're a great dancer, Rook. It felt like I was tearing it up with a professional."

"Likewise, Trey. Your unique dance steps were most fascinating!" Rook says.

"'Unique' is a kind way of putting it. I could barely keep up with the beat," Trey replies.

Meanwhile, Sebek walks to Mallues and shouts, "My LIIIIIIIEGE!"

Mallues looks to see Sebek, and it looks like he's in tears of joy.

Sebek says, "Your playing is magnificent! No musician living or dead can compare!" and still sobbing.

Rook giggles, "Heh heh heh. Look how delighted Monsieur Crocodile is."

"No kidding. He's got tears running down his face now that he's finally talking to Malleus. And here I was making fun of Deuce for being a crybaby when he was possessed." Trey says.

"Sebek must've been putting on a brave face. He looks beside himself with relief now," Rook says.

Meanwhile, Sebek senses something off, "Hm? Why do I feel like people are staring at me?

Rook and Trey snicker, "Heh heh heh..."

Sebek walks to the boys and asks, "Rook? Trey? Why are you gazing at me with such warm smiles?"

"You did good today, Sebek," Trey answers.

Then Rook says, "Your red-hot passion persisted even in the colorless Spectral Realm. I was highly impressed by your conduct. It was truly incroyable!"

"Where did all this come from?" Sebek asks with a frown, "You do realize you're putting me in the spot!"

Rook giggles, "Heh heh heh. No need to be shy, now."

"You're so honest in your reactions, it makes you fun to tease," Trey says.


"What?" Trey and Rook ask, confused.

Then Sebek says, "Your vast knowledge aids you in solving problems, and your big-picture mindset allows you to look out for others. I've learned much about you today. YOU HAVE MY GRATITUDE, HUMANS!"

"Boy, I wasn't expecting this to hear," Trey says.

"What a forthright young man you are, Sebek," Rook says. "On this fine Halloween eve, when I reflect upon the adventures we shared today... I am honored to have you in your company, Merci!"

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