Chapter 13: Give Me Your Hand

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Soon enough, the students of Night Raven College and the Ghosts of the world are having a grand time at the Halloween Party. Everyone is dancing, having food and drinks, talking to one another. Everyone is having a wonderful time.

Malleus thinks for a bit and says "Hm. This part remains quite challenging to play. How could I, of all people, struggle so? Nonetheless, it's great fun to play. This is a beautiful piece that's also quite fitting for dancing on Halloween.

Gregory giggles, "Whee hee hee!" and says to Jack, "Dance with me next!"

"You're on. Let's roll!" Jack says eagerly.

He makes it sound like a sparring match," Epel says.

Then Deuce says, "I never imagined I'd dance the night away with ghosts under a disco ball."

"The table's piled high with food, and everybody's boogieing down on the dance floor..." Grim says.

He then smiles and says, "This RULES! I wish tomorrow could be Halloween too!"

But Jack, Deuce, and Epel shout, "JUST LET US HAVE A REGULAR DAY!"

Christopher watches the party with a smile and says, "Ahhh... How many centuries has it been since I laughed this much? I haven't had this much fun on Halloween since I was alive! This party's not over yet! WE DANCE T'IL DAWN!"

Meanwhile, Floyd walks to Leona and says, "Oh hey, Sea Lion. Got a spot on your dance card for me? I hear you can really bust a move. Sharksucker told me all about it."

"Ruggie needs to stop openin' his big mouth..." Leona mutters.

Then says to Floyd, "Floyd, you put me through the wringer today. Now, I'm not the type to hold a grudge. What's done is done, and there's no use gripin' about it. But stay outta my sight."

"Yeah, Floyd! This all started because YOU picked a fight with the ghosts," Ace says with a frown.

But Leona says to Ace, "Same goes for you, Spikey. You always get carried away and shoot your mouth off."

"What?! Pretty sure I'm a victim here!" Ace quickly says.

Then says, "Maaan! Look at Deuce, and Grim, and Briar, and the others, just happily dancing away... I feel like a total chump for rushin' to their rescue."

"Now that you mention it..." Leona says.

He then shows a smug smile on his face and says, "I seem to remember you gettin' a wild glint in your eye and shoutin', 'Hallowenders aren't gonna lose, period!"

That catches Ace off guard, "Huh? Did I say that?"

"You said something that cheesy?" Floyd asks. And soon begins to laugh a bit, "Oh MAN, that's hilarious. What, didja get all hepped up 'cuz you thought Sea Slug was gonna beat you? Ahaha! Crabby gets an attitude sometimes, but who knew he could be so adorable?

Leona laughs a bit as well, "Heh heh heh. I know just what you mean."

Ace becomes frustrated, "Rrgh... I give up. I'm no match for either of these guys, no matter what I do..."

Meanwhile, Ortho, Ruggie, and Riddle are talking among themselves.

"I've never been to such a lively dance party before. I have to be careful with my turns in this crowd," Riddle says.

Then Ortho says, "You're a very good dancer, Riddle Rosehearts!"

"I figured you'd say dancing was too frivolous or somethin'" Ruggie replies.

And Riddle says, "oh, far from it. Social dancing is part of gentlemanly etiquette! I've mastered it, of course. But our journey has hammered home how much more there is for me to learn. Since you both taught me so many new things today... I shall offer to lead you in a dance!

"Really?" Ortho asks, "I've never done ballroom dance before!"

"Upper-crusty dances with set steps aren't really my bag... But once I've sampled every dish here, I may just take you up on that! Mighty as well enjoy the party right?" Ruggie replies.

Riddle questions, "You never fall to answer the siren call of food, do you?"

Then turns to Ortho, "I believe it's just you and me, Ortho. Here, give me your hand." and presents his hand out to Ortho.

"Okay!" Ortho says with glee. "I'm looking forward to getting back to school and going out to play games together... But this whole adventure's been so fun, and now with the dancing, I think my circuits might spark! I'll have to save my memories of this year's Halloween in a folder with the highest possible security."

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