Chapter 14: Lack of Confidence

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Walking out of the hiding place and dressed as a vampire with an elegant face is Vil, but he seems to have tears coming from his face.

Rook is more than relieved, "VIL! Oh, Vil, how I've missed you!"

Vil however, remains silent.

Rook soon notices, "Zut alors! Why are your eyes so puffy?" And dramatically says, "Please, don't cry. You must have been so afraid, all by yourself. I'm surprised I didn't spot you immediately. Where were you hiding?"

"...who time..." Vil softly answers in tears.

"Pardon?" Sebek questions.


"Really? Just on those stairs? I didn't notice you at all..." Deuce says.

Vil sniffles and sobs, "Of course you didn't... Why would you, when I'm just..." He continues to sniffle.

Then Rook says, "Oh, non, fair Vil! A star as bright as you is never 'just' anything!" Rook says.

"What's with the crisis of confidence? It's hard to believe this is the same person who commands such a powerful presence on campus!" Sebek questions.

Son, Cater says, annoyed, "Oi! You done bawlin' yet? Help me show these humans who's boss!"

"I can't... I wouldn't be any use... After all..." Vil says, lack of confidence.


"His lack of confidence is but an act to mask his utter vanity!" Sebek says, shocked.

"Okay, this HAS to be another possession," Trey says.

Then Vil says, "Goodness, did I ever pick the wrong body to possess. Such a beautiful creature is destined to suffer. Everyone's gaze will be riveted on me at all times! People will go crazy over me..."

And cries out, "Ohhh, the horror! How... How can I be so awe-inspiringly stunning?!"

"And I thought the rest of you were bad. This guy's nuts!" Cater says.

The others seem kind of dumbfounded.

"Even the other ghost finds this ridiculous!" Sebek replies.

In tears, Vil says, "It IS nuts, isn't it? These legs are already so long, and yet I wear tall boots to make them look even longer... Oh, I cannot bear it... How my heart aches!"

"Vil. You can cry all you want when life is sad or hard to bear. I wouldn't dream of stopping you. After all, you're strong. You never fail to raise again after shedding some tears. That is what makes you beautiful! For you to abandon your hope would be a terrible tragedy," Rook explains.

But Vil continues to cry, "I just CAN'T be hopeful. If I acted that way, I'd be TOO beautiful, and everyone would go mad with jealousy!"

"Know this, ghost: that body is not where you belong," Rook says.

And grows serious, "Allow me to see my dear Roi du Poison once again."

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