The Dragon's Daughter (Aemond...

By nazinadoz

56.2K 1K 44

Story will be set in HOTD with some significant changes. Aemond Targaryen is heir to the throne. Aegon is his... More

Back to King's Landing
The Heir
Warm Welcomes
Family Dinner
Family Dinner Part 2
Family Dinner Part 3
Family Dinner Part 4
Dragon Date
Dragon Date part 2
Ladies Day
A Walk With The Queen
A Walk With The Queen Part 2
The Ball
The Ball Part 2
The Ball Part 3
Gifts Part 2
The Tourney
Kidnapping part 2
Kidnapping part 3
Kidnapping part 4
Kidnapping part 5
Revenge Part 2
Happy Ending


1.2K 20 0
By nazinadoz

*Vyserra's POV*

Vyserra was exhausted as everyone flooded around her. They were in the tent where they took turns hugging her. Her brothers, parents, grandfather and Aegon and Helaena. 

The conversation with her brothers and father landed on revenge as soon as they knew she was OK, "Father, you will wait for Silverwing and I, please."

Daemon smiled at her, proud of his daughter. He nodded.

The Maester coughed, "Princess Rhaenyra, I really should see to the Princesses wounds," he said quietly.

"Prince Aemond will stay with me mother," Vyserra said, looking at Aemond who was standing by her chair like a guard.

When everyone had left and only the Maester remained, he knelt down to Vyserra's level and held her hand. The Maester started checking and cleaning Vyserra's face and arms.

"After we are finished here, you must go and rest Princess, you must eat something as well, I will pack milk of the poppy and you should take a large dose and sleep for a full day," the Maester instructed.

Vyserra looked at Aemond, "Are we flying back to King's Landing?"

"No Princess, some cousin of my Mother has a small castle a 5 minute fly from here. We will rest there until your strength is back," Aemond said gently, stroking her hand as she flinched with pain while the Maester was cleaned her. 

"Cole," Aemond barked at the door and Criston popped his head in, "See that the castle nearby has baths and meals prepared for the family, we will arrive soon. I want 50 knights on Vyserra at all times and 4 King's Guard," Cole nodded.

"Princess, do not worry, half of the soldiers are already on their way there. The castle will be fortified, no one can get to you. This isn't going to happen again," Aemond cooed to her.

"I know Aemond, do not worry about me please, I am OK," Vyserra was so tired so thought she might pass out now she felt safe around her father and Aemond. The Maester had finished, "Can we go?"

"Yes Princess, you will heal up just fine, just be gentle on yourself, bathe these creams off when you reach the castle and reapply it," the Maester said, Aemond thanked him.

Aemond picked Vyserra up and she was too weak to fight it off and let him help her onto Vhagar. 

"We won't be long Princess," he breathed in her ear. Vyserra nestled herself into Aemond's torso and Vhagar took flight.


*Aemond's POV*

Aemond held Vyserra close on the short flight. He knew she wasn't feeling good although she wasn't admitting it. He could tell she was in pain too and he wanted to make sure she was looked after properly. 

Aemond was so relieved to have Vyserra back, so glad she was safe and hadn't been permanently injured. He felt her body against his and savored it, thanking the Gods that she was by his side again and vowing that she would never be without protection again. 

Vhagar had hardly hit the clouds when they started the descent. Aemond nudged Vyserra, who he thought had fallen asleep. She opened her eyes as they landed and he picked her up again and took her into the castle, she was asleep in his arms until they reached the door and he whispered her name.

She opened her eyes and groaned, "Come on Princess," he stood her up and started untying her dress at the back. 

She yawned and shimmied out of the dress, "I don't want any servants, please, Aemond, I will bathe myself," he admired her nakedness but didn't feel anything sexual for the first time, he deeply wanted to look after Vyserra and sex was the last thing on his mind.

"No you won't," he lifted her and lowered her slowly into the bath. She sighed. He picked up the bathing cup the servants would have used and started using it to wash her cuts.

"Come in with me," Vyserra said sleepily, "Look at your poor hands, what have you been doing?"

Aemond turned away and got undressed, realising how ill, sore and tired he was too, "Don't worry about me Vyserra," he said quietly.

She put her arms out to him and he got in the large bath with her and she cuddled up next to him, taking his hands and washing them gently. 

"I am worried about you, maybe you should have some milk of the poppy too and we can both rest, have you slept?" 

"No I could not bare sleeping while you were in there," he pulled her closer, "I think Vhagar will need some weeks off, I'm not sure she's ever done that much flying." 

She squeezed his hand, "Is Silverwing OK?"

"I'm sure she's OK now. I owe that dragon my life. I knew something was wrong when we couldn't find you, but she let out a scream to alert the whole of King's Landing that something was wrong, that's how we managed to find you so quickly."

"Thank the Gods," Vyserra breathed, both thinking about how much of a close call it was.

Vyserra and Aemond spent the rest of the bath cuddling and washing each others hair. Vyserra didn't want anyone in the room except for Aemond, as the servants were all strangers and she was still on edge. When she fell asleep against him he lifted her out, wrapping her in a robe and sitting to brush and pleat her hair, something he had done for his niece Jaehaera and his daughter Visenya which he found soothed his anxiety.

They didn't say much, Vyserra was so tired and Aemond wanted her to be comfortable. Once she was rested he would speak to her more but he needed her to feel safe. They took in a small meal for them and Vyserra ate sparingly, as did Aemond. After coxing as much into her as he could he gave her the milk of the poppy and watched her curl up beside him and fall asleep.

The Maester had sent a vial for Aemond but he knew he wouldn't have it. Even with the layers of protection he was sure there was he wasn't able to sleep, anxiously watching Vyserra and awaiting someone coming to take her from her and mistreat her. Aemond couldn't relax as he looked at Vyserra and knew he'd have to get formal plans in place for her protection, he didn't think he'd ever let her out of his sight now.

Rhaenyra knocked lightly on the door hours later, Aemond was still awake, still counting all of his blessings that Vyserra was with him and watching her sleep.

"Is she OK?" Rhaenyra whispered. Aemond nodded. "We are all back now Aemond, the castle is surrounded with troops, the Kings Guard are here in full outside these rooms and trusted knights surround this tower, she is safe."

Rhaenyra knew Aemond's thoughts, because she was feeling just as on edge about Vyserra's safety. He nodded a thank you and she left.

Aemond finally felt like her could try and get some much needed sleep, he shut his eye with Blackfyre in arms distance in case it was needed.

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