Kidnapping part 5

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*Aemond's POV*

Aemond had the longest night of his life, he kept looking for the sun to rise, but it did not appear for an age.

Aemond, being the heir to the throne had always had full control of everything. Knowing the one person he truly loved was in a castle helpless was a new feeling he had never felt, this was the worst torture he could imagine, he would rather be burnt or flayed than have Vyserra in there for one more minute. 

The anger and fight had left him, he no longer cared what happened to Lancel or the people in the castle, all he wanted was Vyserra back and he would do anything to have her.

When the sun rose Aemond knew it would be better for him to stay above the castle, knowing his anger could reappear at any minute he heard Rhaenyra's voice in his head, he must stay away until they had Vyserra.

He watched as a score of soldiers dragged two men to the castle gates, Lord and Lancel Beesbury. A carriage of gold was also on it's way. Two blonde heads were going to the gates too, no doubt Viserys and Rhaenyra. 

Daemon remained in the air too, not one to take orders but knowing he had to, like Aemond, remain away until they had Vyserra safe.


*Vyserra's POV*

Vyserra hadn't slept or ate, she was ruining on nerves as a whole day had passed and no one had come for her. Every footstep outside the door make her almost vomit with fear.

The sun had risen fully when she heard footsteps and her door crashed open, it was the horrible man and a group of five others. "Time to go Princess," he grabbed her by the back of her dress and made her stand and pushed her out of the door.

"Where, where are we going?" she cried. No one answered her.

She was pushed down stair after stair before coming out into a courtyard. She looked above and saw Caraxes and Vhagar in the skies.

There was a large gate at the end of the courtyard, they started pushing her towards it and it opened. She could see the King's Guard at the gate with other soldiers wearing the Targaryen armour. She started crying, happy tears this time.

She saw Lancel and Lord Beesbury being shoved forward and she almost gagged. He looked at her and laughed. "Not so pretty now after a beating Princess." Criston Cole put his finger on his lips, looking at Vyserra, trying to keep her quiet.

"Remember what you promised girly," the disgusting man said and he threw her to the Kings Guard, she fell and Cole picked her up, and took her to her mother, who was standing with more soldiers. She threw herself at her mother, sobbing.

"My girl, my girl, you are safe now, you are going to be OK," Rhaenyra cooed at her, hugging her and stroking her head. Vyserra couldn't hold herself together at all and was sobbing.

Vyserra collapsed onto her knees and Cole picked her up and took her to the tent that was set up, Rhaenyra holding her hand. 

"I need time with Vyserra alone, keep those two out father," Rhaenyra was shocked at how Vyserra looked, and knew she needed to ask hard questions now and it wouldn't be fair to put Vyserra through that in front of the men. Rhaenyra wanted to cry at seeing Vyserra's poor bruised face.

"Get the maester!" she shouted as they made their way to the tent.

Once Vyserra was sat down in the tent on a plush chair Rhaenyra knelt at her knees, holding her face in her hands, "I need to know Vyserra, what they did to you, you can tell me."

Vyserra was still crying, in relief mostly. "They didn't mother, they didn't touch me, just hit me, I managed to bribe them into leaving me alone. I don't know how they believed me but they did," Vyserra let out a small laugh and Rhaenyra hugged her.

"Viserys! Don't stop me from seeing my daughter!" Daemon shouted outside. 

"Will I let him in?" Rhaenyra said and Vyserra nodded.

"Aemond?" Vyserra breathed.

"He's here, he's been in agony, as we all have. But none more than you my dear," Rhaenyra smiled at her and Daemon burst in the tent.

Vyserra was so relieved, but so tired and in so much pain. She just wanted milk of the poppy and to sleep safely.

"My girl," Daemon bent down and held Vyserra. She hugged her dad tightly, always feeling safer when he was with her.

"I'm OK dad, I promise I'm OK," he looked to Rhaenyra who nodded and he let out a sigh of relief.

"But look what they've done to you, I will kill every single one Vyserra," he promised.

Rhaenyra left the tent for a moment to let Daemon have time with his daughter. 

Rhaenyra saw Aemond dismounting Vhagar and running over and she caught him by the arms.

He paled, "Brother she is OK, she has been beaten, she is very emotional but she will be OK, she is just seeing her father."


*Aemond's POV*

Aemond couldn't quite believe it when he saw what only could be Vyserra being thrown out of the castle. He breathed, but was still full of pain and anxiety knowing he wouldn't know what had been done to Vyserra, but she was alive and that's all he could ask for in this moment. 

He tried to remain calm, his inner demons wanted him to start burning the castle now, but he just needed to see Vyserra.

He saw Caraxes was already on the ground, being much smaller than Vhagar it didn't take as long. As soon as Vhagar hit the ground he jumped off and caught his sister. She caught him and looked at him seriously. Aemond felt sick.

"Brother she is OK, she has been beaten, she is very emotional but she will be OK, she is just seeing her father," Aemond knew what she meant by OK.

"You mean it?" he gulped.

She nodded and he started walking forward to the tent. He entered and saw a heartwarming vision of Daemon and Vyserra crying together. Daemon turned and saw Aemond, "I will leave you two for a moment." 

As Daemon moved and he got full sight of Vyserra he felt sick. Her right eye was completely swollen and the left side of her face was purple. Her dress was ripped and her arms were covered in blood. Daemon left, grabbing Aemond's shoulder reassuringly as he left.

Vyserra was still crying and as soon as Daemon had moved he was on his knees in front of her chair with his arms around her, crying. He was trying to be as gentle as possible because she was clearly in pain, he pulled her slowly onto him and they sat and cried for a minute together.

After a moment he looked at her, "I love you, I'm sorry, I should have protected you, I'm sorry," he said through tears. 

"I love you," she said quietly, "Please, don't, this isn't your fault."

Aemond couldn't help but punish himself for what had happened, how could he be the rider of the largest dragon, be heir to the throne and be the most capable fighter and let Vyserra be taken from him like that.

"You look like shit," she said and Aemond laughed through his tears and she smiled. This was the best possible thing she could have said, knowing she was still Vyserra with everything that had happened over the past days gave him so much hope.

"And you are still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he kissed her cheek. "I will have to let the Maester and everyone else in now, OK?" 

"OK, but don't leave."

"I'm not going to leave you, not ever, I promise," he sat her back on the chair and went to call on everyone to come in. As much as he wanted time with Vyserra he needed her checked, as she looked seriously ill and he was worried about her.

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