The Heir

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*Aemond POV*

Aemond had been home from the war for over a month, arriving back early before the troops on his dragon Vhagar. He was already bored as King's Landing prepared for the celebrations that were starting next week, and likely to continue for many weeks. 

He was spending a lot of time with his daughter Visenya who was 6 years old and had a small hatchling dragon. He hadn't even met his daughter until he got home, as he had been at war so long and only was home for a quick wedding and back off to war. Aemond had wed the eldest daughter of House Martell. Comely as she was, it was a wedding purely of duty, as the Prince of Dorne was slow to pledge troops to help the Crown, he did so when he thought his daughter may be Queen of the Realm. Aemond had only spent 3 nights with his wife, who seemed a bit dim but kind enough and eager to please him. What he did like was the scores of Dornish soldiers he took back to war with him. 

Aemond had gotten her pregnant within those 3 days, and nine months later she perished in childbirth. It was a sad situation but Aemond could hardly grieve a women he knew a few days, and he knew his daughter would be well looked after by his mother Queen Alicent. 

Aemond was looking for more excitement in his life, forever chasing something that was intangible to him. A fight, a dragon, and prior to the war it would have been women, but this had gone to the back of the list due to the war. He now knew his mother and father were watching him and waiting for him to pick a bride.

At the last small council meeting, eyes were turned upon him. Lord Corlys Velaryon had  breached the subject, 'Our Prince, have you thought of taking a new bride? It is time to ensure the succession, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate the winning of the war than a royal betrothal'. Aemond knew his game, he had two daughters of age to be wed, but Aemond had no interest in the coy maidens that had been parading around him since he returned from war. He would need more from his future Queen.

Aemond looked at his father, 'I assure you I will be on the lookout'.

'My Prince I have devised a list for you...' Corlys tried.

Aemond held up his had to wave him away and that was enough for Corlys and he stopped his attempt. No doubt his daughters were top of the list. 

'There will be a small intimate celebration tonight when Rhaenyra and Daemon arrive with their flock', Viserys said with a smile, he was a big fan of both his daughter and his brother. 'Just the members of the small council and their family to welcome them back to King's Landing, we have been too long separated, there will again be many dragons in King's Landing'.

Aemond could look forward to this at least. His Uncle Daemon was one of the only individuals who could give him a good fight in the practicing yard when he was younger and he looked forward to trying again. He also looked forward to seeing his niece Vyserra who was just a child when he saw her last. Aegon remembered taking her to ride Vhagar when the boys picked on her for not having her own dragon, and how his heart had swelled with pride for the little girl when she tamed the dragon Silverwing. She was now a woman grown, a solider, a mother and also a widow like him. He was strangely nervous to see her, as he had shown another side to himself that many didn't see which was a lot kinder than his usual show. He reflected on how much has changed since he saw his sister's family. 

Aemond had completely zoned out for the rest of the small council meeting, much of it about the preparations for the celebrations, something which Aemond wasn't interested enough to get involved in when he heard dragons scream. He turned his head to the window, as the rest of the small council had.

His mother had gotten up to rush to the window, 'I can't tell who it is from here'.

Aemond got up and went to the window and saw the familiar dragon, they were still a fair distance away but Aemond could tell but the distinct colouring that it could be no one else, 'that can only be Silverwing and Vyserra, I will go to the dragon pit and meet them'.

'Great idea son, we will welcome her when she gets to the keep', Viserys replied while Aemond was already half way out of the door.

He strode quickly to the stables and nodded at a stable boy, one of his favourite horses, a dark bay may was saddled and ready within 60 seconds. The stable boys knew the Prince didn't like to wait.

He mounted and took off at a full canter towards the dragon pit, where he could see Silverwing making her descent.

A strange excitement set in the Prince's stomach which was unlike him and he immediately hated the feeling. He didn't like feeling a loss of control. He put it down to the intense boredom he had been experiencing and seeing different faces and dragons again. He also admitted that he was looking forward to seeing his niece and her beautiful dragon.

Silverwing had just touched down by the time he galloped into the entrance of the dragon pit. He dismounted and saw the tiny figure of Vyserra on Silverwing.

"Princess," he shouted in greeting as she was quite high up, "let me help you", he put out his arms like a knight may do to help a lady dismount her horse. When she dismounted he was initially shocked.

He had imagined what Vyserra might look like as an adult before. She had been an outstandingly beautiful child, even by Targaryen standards. He had also heard her talked about by those who had seen her more recently who raved about her beauty and named her the most beautiful women in the seven kingdoms but nothing could do her justice. Aemond was almost lost for words. Almost. He would never look stupid in front of anyone, even her. He tried his best to greet her as he would have done without this realisation, as his favourite niece.

"Princess, it's been a long time," he said, putting her down on the ground with care. He realised they had been holding eye contact for longer than might be normal, Silverwing gave a low growl and she looked to the she dragon. He thought he might have seen a small blush rise on her cheeks and he felt something in his stomach buzz. 

The Dragon's Daughter (Aemond Targaryen)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang