A Walk With The Queen

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*Vyserra's POV*

All evening after the Ladies Day Vyserra had been trying to relax. She had confided in her closest friends who came with her from Dragon Stone about what Helena had foretold.

She knew Helena had had many visions that had come true, but she was trying not to get overly excited just in case her Aunt happened to be wrong this time. She kept thinking about the time she had spent with Aemond too, she would marry him tomorrow if she could, but it was her desire that he would want to as much as she did.

Her doubts were crippling her and they were that again, he thought of her as a friend and family member, and also that she wasn't a maiden, and Aemond could chose from literally any woman, why would he want her, who already had a child and was widowed?

Vyserra was becoming an anxious mess. The mixture of the excitement of being around Aemond, the prophecy and the thought of her becoming queen and marrying him, along with her doubts were driving her quite mad. She didn't know what to do with herself. On one hand she wanted to brood in her room and hide from everyone, especially Alicent who she knew would be grilling her soon. On the other she wanted to dress up and parade around the castle, hoping to bump into Aemond. She couldn't stop thinking and cringing about the lame goodbye she gave him yesterday.

Vyserra had hidden in her rooms all night. She awoke the next morning early, after falling asleep with milk of the poppy. She had gotten up and had her hair braided. She didn't know what she would do today but she knew she had to leave her rooms. Half-hoping to see Aemond and half-hoping to completely avoid him.

She was eating a light breakfast with her ladies when there was a knock at the door.

"Her grace the Queen," the knight announced and her stomach whirled. She did love her step-grandmother, but she knew she was going to try and interfere.

Vyserra stood up quickly and curtsied to Alicent, Alicent took her and kissed her on both cheeks. "Gifts for you my dear," she gestured at servants coming in with many pieces of clothing, almost all of them green. 

Vyserra hugged Alicent, "Thank you so much!" she breathed, overcome but knowing what Alicent was up to. She had always been kind to Vyserra, but a personal visit and thousands of gold dragons worth of clothes was over the top.

"Anything for you my dear, and you look so beautiful in green, something for the ball tonight!"

"The ball? I didn't realise there was a ball," Vyserra gulped, something she would usually look forward to was making her feel slightly sick. 

"Yes my dear, we spoke about it just yesterday! I hope you aren't ill..." Alicent put her hand to Vyserra's forehead, she knew exactly what was wrong with Vyserra and it was a case of nerves.

"Come and walk with me, I don't think you've had a proper tour of the castle since you were tiny, and there are new things to see."

"Of course Lady Grandmother, I would be delighted," Vyserra had a feeling Alicent might 'run into' a certain Prince in a bid to play matchmaker. She knew she couldn't refuse the Queen anyway so took a deep breath and went with Alicent.

They made small talk around the castle, Alicent checked a few times if she was OK after the news yesterday and reassured her there was no rush. 

Alicent took a right on the hall and they came outside to the sound of swords clattering. All of the men looked around at the same time, there was a chorus of, "Your Grace," while they all bowed, all except one. There was also quite a few impressed looks from men she hadn't met before. Vyserra tried not to look at Aemond too quickly and instead she landed on Lancel Beesbury, "My lady, I hope to see you at the ball later," she nodded politely at Lancel, then looked at Aemond, who stared into her eyes then smirked, she smiled back, willing herself not to go red.

"Beesbury, will you take your creeping eye away from my niece for 30 seconds and duel your Prince?" Aemond shouted. It was a threatening voice, nothing that Vyserra had ever heard before. The hairs on her neck stood up. Lancel looked slightly terrified as he went over to Aemond. They gave time for Vyserra and Alicent to exit the grounds but Alicent lingered to watch.

"He is quite a swordsman," she said, as Aemond floored Beeburys within 10 seconds and had his blade to his neck. Vyserra thought Aemond had probably been way over aggressive as he would have easily overpowered Beesbury on foot. Aemond looked back up to see if Vyserra was watching, he looked pleased with himself. He looked so good that Vyserra wanted to break eye contact immediately, he had a light sheen of sweat on him and some blood splatter on his face. That along with his expression and his eye patch was the most attractive thing Vyserra had ever seen.

Just then Helena had come through the swords yard, she had been trailing behind and reappeared with two puppies in her arms, she let them on the ground and Vyserra was thankful for something to break the tension. She loved dogs and she had never seen this breed before. It wasn't very princess-like to get down near the ground to pat dogs but she didn't care.

"Come Vyserra, let's go and get ready for the ball," the Queen grinned at her, pleased with the exchange between her and Aemond.

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