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Vyserra awoke early on the day they were returning to King's Landing, it was a decent ride and would take hours, and she wanted to make sure even by the time she landed that she would look perfect. Her re-entrance into King's Landing was important and she didn't want a hair out of place.

Half of her handmaidens would already have arrived in King's Landing ahead of her, but half stayed behind to ensure she was properly prepared. She had amazing new riding leathers made. She loved them, the ones she was used to were more for battle and combat and weren't particularly alluring. Her designer was able to make these more appealing now that she would be riding for leisure and travel without much threat. These new leathers really showed of the curves of her body. She chose dark green for these in which she'd be returning in to honor her family in King's Landing, which suited her greatly.

Her huge amounts of hair had been intricately braided in a beautiful yet practical fashion. Her handmaid had applied a light amount of makeup, something Vyserra hadn't worn properly in years. She admired the affect in the mirror and knew she was ready to go. She family would travel together on their dragons, an intimidating group.

She went out of Dragonstone's main castle and the dragon handlers had Silverwing ready. Her two brothers were already there.

"Sister! Who are you trying to impress today? You almost look female!" shouted Jace from atop Vermax, trying to annoy her as usual.

Vyserra rolled her eyes, but took it as a compliment. "The whole of King's Landing brother, no doubt I'll be more beloved by the people than you, the scruff you are," Vyserra said and went to greet Silverwing and pat her wing, Silverwing looked around at her expectantly. 

Vyserra took a leg up from one of the Dragon handlers, she was tiny in comparison to Silverwing, she then climbed the extra amount aboard. Just that moment her mother and father exited the doors. They were laughing at something. Vyserra admired them for a moment. A relationship like her parents would be a huge achievement, and it was all she really wanted. She knew a love like that was rare to find when high-born. 

Her mother and father waved, all of the dragons were together and there was a lot of growls and hisses, and there was no point trying to shout over them. A few minutes later her mother took to the sky and they all followed. 

Vyserra was watching Dragonstone become a small dot, and wondered when she'd see it again. Then the nervousness set in. She was going into a completely different situation than she was now used to. But, she was also extremely excited to see her extended family, and Aemond...

A few hours of daydreaming later her little brother Joffrey on his little dragon came up and shouted to her 'Our brothers said you and Silverwing are so slow, but I said you could easily beat them to King's Landing, I said they were wrong!'

Vyserra's older brothers were always trying to annoy her, especially since everyone knew her dragon was faster than her brothers. She looked back at them laughing and she took off on Silverwing, she knew they weren't far to King's Landing now and she knew she'd win. She couldn't hear if anyone called her back, and she doubted her mother and father would, she was an extremely competent dragon rider who often flew on her own. 

She saw King's Landing from below, she remembered this view when she was a child, flying on the back of Vhagar with her uncle behind her. She saw the dragon pit and started her descent. 

She was admiring King's Landing, but the lower they got, the more sure she was seeing a Targaryen head riding to the Dragon pit at a fair speed. Lower and lower and she could be sure only her Uncle Aemond would be riding like that, as her Grandfather Viserys was too frail to be riding a horse like that, and she could cross out why it wouldn't be any of her other relatives. It would fit the behaviour of her uncle, who liked fast horses almost as much as dragons. This made Vyserra extremely nervous and she started to do meditative exercises to sort herself out or she would be face to face with her uncle in a hysterical mess.

She gauged Aemond when they were landing, there was no doubt now. She honed in on the black eyepatch and knew she wasn't mistaken. She breathed deeply, she didn't feel like herself at all.

When Silverwing touched down she heard "Princess, let me help you". Her uncle had dismounted his horse and he was awaiting her with her arms outstretched for her to dismount. She jumped down quickly before letting herself hesitate and he caught her.

She looked up at him and they caught eyes with one another. She took in his face, which really hadn't changed so much since she remembered, aside from one huge aspect which was his eye patch. He did look older, He would be around 29 years old and definitely had new lines on his face. The eyepatch drew Vyserra to him. She could feel herself going red, if anything, he was better looking that she remembered. 

"Princess, it's been a long time," he said over the noise of Silverwing's breath, not breaking eye contact.

She could feel her face get even hotter and Silverwing growled at just the right time so she could turn and check the dragon was OK. 

She gave herself exactly 2 seconds to get a grip of herself and turned back to Aemond, she hoped he didn't realise how much of an idiot she was feeling. She turned on her widest smile.

"Uncle, how good it is to see you!" she looked back at him, she couldn't quite meet his face or she knew she would become shy again, she focuses on a point on his upper nose. 

Aemond shocked her by hugging her, it didn't seem a very Aemond to adult thing to do, but she accepted his hug all the same. It wasn't the way a high-born pair of opposite sexes would typically greet one another as it is too familiar, but it was the way he would greet her when she was a child. She enjoyed the hug but inwardly pouted, did he still she her as a little girl? This distracted her from her shyness.

"How was your ride from Dragonstone?" Aemond asked conversationally, he put his hand on her back and guided her toward the stables at the dragon pit.

"Well, thank you, but my brothers were annoying, me so I decided to fly ahead to get rid of them," the dragon keepers had started guided Silverwing into the pit, this is something Vyserra would have usually wanted to be in control of, but she was thoroughly distracted.

Aemond laughed, "that's how I remember them certainly," he wasn't overly fond of his nephews, but he didn't typically enjoy the company of children and he thought he might like them better now they were men, and had proven themselves in battle. "Are you too tired to ride back to the keep? I can get a carriage to take us back?"

"No I am fine to ride thank you, I'm not so old and decrepit that I can't endure half a day on dragon's back yet!" she smiled at him, she emphasised old, as she was still worried he thought her a child. 

"I didn't think so Princess, but you do look much older since I last saw you, I hope those years of battle and motherhood haven't made you old before your time," Aemond teased her, in reality she only looked about 17 years old, less than her 20 years. 

Vyserra laughed, two horses were waiting and she jumped straight onto one of them, who was actually Aemond's mare but she didn't care. She already felt more relaxed around him as the relationship felt a little like before, where he would tease her as a child. 

"Race you then, old man," Vyserra said, turning the mare and galloping up the familiar path to the Red Keep. Aemond hastened to swing his leg over the other mount and spurred it on after his niece.

Vyserra took a deep breath and realised she had hardly been breathing at all. She had goosebumps and a strange unfamiliar feeling in her stomach as she raced back to the Keep.

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