Kidnapping part 3

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*Rhaenyra's POV*

Rhaenyra had let the men go out on the dragons to look for Vyserra, she was brainstorming the logistics around it all. Rhaenyra could keep a clear head, as she knew she had to to save her daughter. She knew Daemon and Aemond would never be able to think clearly in this situation.

Rhaenyra and her father had ordered soldiers from within and outside King's Landing to start marching down the Roseroad into the Reach, she knew Vyserra would be somewhere within the Reach, as this is where all of House Beesbury's castles were.

She had two thousand men at arms marching and riding as hard and fast as they could with more on the way. Larys Strong passed her the information that Lancel and his cronies often stayed and partied at Groveswood Castle, a short ride from King's Landing, and that's where they marched, with Rhaenyra on Syrax. Heleana, Luke, Jace and Aegon were out on their dragons searching.

It came to Rhaenyra's mind that Aemond and Daemon together were not a good pair to be out together, being too quick to temper in a situation like this wasn't good. She wanted to get someone to bring them back but knew it would be futile. 

Rhaenyra's men saw a small path leading off road, which looked recently traveled. She selected a small band of men to go off road to search while she was in the skies. 

Rhaenyra wanted to break down and cry. She could only imagine what might be happening to Vyserra right this second but she wouldn't let herself, she knew she needed to do this for Vyserra.

Her father had joined the troops on the ground, not having a dragon of his own. 

She couldn't quite believe it when the men started shouting from below, she flew overhead and could see a chase ensuing and she flew down and cut of the path of the men who were fleeing.

She stayed atop Syrax who let out a growl. Rhaenyra's men grabbed them and stripped them off their balaclavas. Rhaenyra's heart sung as she saw Lancel Beebury screaming for the men to let him go.

She dismounted her dragon quickly and walked straight up to him, slapping him full force in the face, "Where the FUCK is my daughter, you piece of shit!"

He didn't answer, "Search their things, Vyserra is here!"

"She's not here," Lancel laughed, "you won't find her here, do you think I'm that stupid?"

Rhaenyra laughed hysterically, "Yes I do, do you know what is going to happen to you when my husband and brother get you?"

"Then you'll never get her back!" Lancel laughed back at her manically. 

"There's no one here Princess," the men shouted back at Rhaenyra, she knew Lancel was right. As much as it pained her, she knew she'd have to keep Lancel safe from Aemond and Daemon until Vyserra was back. She would do whatever it took to get her daughter back, even if she had to tread on Daemon and Aemond's toes.


*Aemond's POV* 

Aemond searched and searched to no avail. Daemon remained close by him. It had been hours and they saw nothing. Aemond had been crying periodically when he flew from Daemon, feeling completely out of control and thinking about what Vyserra might be going through. He couldn't imagine her being dead. He thought of her laughter earlier that very morning and his heart broke.

Hours went by before a dragon approached, it was Helena, she took Dreamfyre close and Daemon shouted, "What news?"

 Aemond silently prayed to any God that would listen that it was good news.

"Rhaenyra has Lancel Beesbury," she said, she looked sad.

Hope rose in Aemond, "Vyserra?"

"We still don't know where she is Aemond," Heleana said.

"Where is my wife?" Daemon bellowed and Heleana gave them directions, both men flew off filled with rage.

Aemond couldn't wait to get his hands on Lancel, he would help Daemon flay him. He would do everything to make that mans ending as painful as it could be. 

Him and Daemon dismounted at the same moment, the troop was on the move and his father and sister were there, they dismounted their horses.

"Where is he Rhaenyra?" Aemond said. She didn't answer. "Where is HE?" he shouted.

"Father?" he looked at Viserys, he didn't know why no one was answering him.

Daemon started echoing Aemond. They looked like a pair of mad men and Rhaenyra knew Lancel would not last long.

"The both of you need to listen," Rhaenyra said calmly. She started to speak and they both interrupted her.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE RHAENYRA," Aemond was completely losing control, two of the King's Guard tried to get him to back away and he started beating them both, he couldn't control his anger anymore.

"BROTHER," Rhaenyra shouted at him and approached him, she slapped him hard in the face, "I will come for you too, you fool," she spat at Daemon.

The pain was what Aemond needed and he steadied himself.

"I am her mother!" Rhaenyra shouted at them, "Someone must have some sense here if we want Vyserra back in one piece, I am doing the best I can while you maniacs indulge yourself in anger. Calm yourselves! Or she will be dead before we get her back, is that what you want?"

Aemond and Daemon just looked at Rhaenyra to Viserys.

Viserys coughed and said, "We have Lancel Beesbury hidden, clearly we can't trust either of you near him."

Daemon breathed and took in what was being said, "For what purpose?"

"We need him as a hostage, of course, they have Vyserra in a nearby Groveswood which is ready for a siege. They are his men. If we have Lancel Beesbury we can make terms in return for Vyserra," Rhaenyra said calmly again.

"You must be joking me!" said Daemon, "make terms? Fuck off Rhaenyra, you can't be serious."

"We can do whatever we want when we have Vyserra back, we can burn everything, every seat Beesbury has, we must look reasonable for the men to give her back, if they knew we would do that they'd kill her," said Rhaenyra, it was obvious but the two men had been too angry to realise.

Aemond breathed, there was a real chance he would get Vyserra back. He tried to calm himself, but it wasn't working well. 

Rhaenyra approached Aemond, seeing the look on his face and touched his arm, "We will get her back Aemond, I promise," she gave him a weak smile. 

"Thank the Gods we have you Rhaenyra," Aemond breathed, "What of now, what might they be doing to her now?"

"He has kidnapped her to marry her Aemond," Rhaenyra almost hissed, "we can at least take that as a comfort now that we have him, I'm not sure his soldiers would be stupid enough to hurt someone they think will be their bosses wife."

Aemond felt sick, but he realised now they had Lancel that this was as good a news as he could get.

"WE MARCH," Daemon shouted, Aemond nodded. Him and Aemond went back to mount their dragons. 

A small bit of hope flickered in Aemond, he could get her back. He hoped to God that they hadn't hurt her, he couldn't stand the thought of her being in a castle full of soldiers alone. He cried again when he was above the clouds.

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