Just Another Romance Story

By MindfulWriter1666

3.3K 473 82

Outside of the apartment, I'm just an ordinary intern at a white collar job. Just a woman who gets work done... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 53

37 8 0
By MindfulWriter1666

Maggie's POV

Karma sat there and sobbed.

"I don't know what to do anymore." Karma cried out. "If I tell him he's gonna have me abort it, or give it to the system."

Maggie and Tex both were trying their best to console Karma.

"He's gonna find out either way." Big T pointed out.

"If he do, then he's gonna be in trouble because of him sexually abusing an inmate." Maggie pointed out.

"Matter of fact, Karma...do you want to keep this baby? You don't have to if you feel like you're not ready to be a mother." Razor Blade asked in a soft voice.

Karma sniffled as she looked down at her belly.

"My mom would've wanted me to have a kid." Karma spoke. "She'd say that one day, I'd make a great mother."

Maggie smiled.

"You like kids?" Maggie asked.

"Always have and always will." Karma replied with a soft chuckle. 

"Hey, I don't mean to pry but...how did you end up here?" Scarlet Letter asked. "I heard it was 1st Degree Murder."

Karma sighed as she wiped away her tears.

"I...killed my aunt after I caught her trying to molest my little brother." Karma replied.

Maggie felt her heart drop after she said that.

"Yo...what the fuck?" Maggie exclaimed. "Why are you in here? She should be in here!"

"One of my cousins testified against me in court, despite me telling everyone what she did and why I did it." Karma replied. "I guess women get no justice at all."

"Nobody gets justice at all." Maggie stated. "Women are one of the main groups followed by black people, and males. No one gets the same in the end, and I wanna say that's the hypocrisy within equality; everyone is fighting for what's right for them when they don't give the exact same respect and empathy towards others who are wanting the same thing everybody else wants." Maggie preached.

"That's facts." Razor Blade agreed.

"So, what am I gonna do?" Karma asked. "Even if I do the right thing, it's still gonna end up making shit worse."

"Well, doing the right thing doesn't go as you expect it to be. However, it's its own reward." Tex explained.

"And hey, if you think you can't do this alone...I'll find a way to help you." Maggie offered.

"Me too." Razor Blade jumped in.

"Same here." Scarlet Letter added in.

"Y'all are gonna need an enforcer for this." Big T stated as she balled up her fists.

Karma smiled as she felt herself being surrounded by so much support.

Officer Shelby approached them.

"Hey, I need to speak to you two real quick." Officer Shelby announced pointing at Karma and Maggie.

Karma nervously got up as she followed Officer Shelby with Maggie behind them.

Maggie looked at the corner of her eye to see Officer Roy glaring at her like he wants to kill her.

Maggie did not care;

No girl, or any person overall, deserves to be someone's toy.

"You go Maggie, you go girl." Friendship cheered.

Yn's POV

I sighed as I laid down on the bed.

Well, there goes my dream of becoming a writer...and...my...relationship.

I felt tears getting ready to form in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Dong Wook." I croaked out as I buried my face into my pillow.

Dong Wook's POV

"Samchon, are you okay?" Si An asked as he looked to see Dong Wook walk back into the office.

"Samchon's fine Si An." Dong Wook sighed out. "Just got some sad news that's all."

"Where's Ms. Yn?" Si An asked.

When Si An asked that, Dong Wook was trying his hardest not to cry.

"She's...no longer going to come here." Dong Wook spoke in a low tone.

Si An's eyes grew wide as he got up and ran out of the office.

"Si An!" Dong Wook called out as he chased after his toddler nephew.

"Ms. Yn! Ms. Yn where are you!?" Si An squeaked out grabbing everyone in the main room's attention.

Dong Wook caught up to him and picked him up.

"Si An, she's no longer working here." Dong Wook explained again.

"But she has to be here! She has to!" Si An whined as tears began to form in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but Ms. Yn has to work somewhere else now." Dong Wook spoke trying to explain in the best way possible.

Dong Wook guessed that best wasn't enough because Si An began to bawl.

Dong Wook shushed him as Si An buried his face into Dong Wook's neck.

Joo-ryung stood up and walked towards them.

"Mr. Lee..." Joo-ryung began.

"Ms. Kim, now is not the time." Dong Wook dismissed, feeling very distraught.

"I know where Yn is." Joo-ryung announced.

Dong Wook looked at her.

"Where is she?"

Maggie's POV

"And that's what's been going on." Karma finished as she wiped away her tears.

Officer Shelby sighed.

"Are you sure? Because this a serious accusation." Officer Shelby stated.

"Yes! Who else she has gotten knocked up by!" Maggie yelled. "Plus that motherfucker threatened to put me on death row if I were to tell, I told you that!"

Officer Shelby held up her hand.

"Okay, I believe you." Officer Shelby spoke as she turned to Karma. "Alyssa, do you want to keep the baby? Because if you were to have it here, they'll put the baby up for foster care, unless you have a family member that can care for the baby while you serve your time here."

Karma hung her head in sadness.

"I...have no one to turn to." Karma grumbled.

"Then once the baby is born, you have 24 hours to be with the baby before they take it away to give to foster care." Officer Shelby explained.

A tear slipped out of Karma's eye.

"Okay, so what are we gonna do about Officer Roy?" Maggie asked.

"That I'm not sure." Officer Shelby answered truthfully. "That man is untouchable."

Maggie groaned in frustration.

"So...okay, let's make a deal here." Maggie stated.

"Whoa there! Law enforcers don't make deals with inmates." Officer Shelby stated.

"But law enforcers also shouldn't be impregnating inmates nor having sexual relationships with them as well." Maggie clapped back.

Officer Shelby grew silent before she spoke.


"What if...me and a few more inmates have a way to get rid of Officer Roy?" Maggie began.

"If you're talking about ridding him of his existence, don't. Because trust me, as much as I want the man dead...I don't want y'all ladies to receive a harsher sentence." Officer Shelby advised.

"Nah, I think we can come up with a way to get rid of him, without getting blood on our hands." Maggie assured. "However, I do want something in return."

"I knew you were gonna say that." Officer Shelby sighed. "Lemme guess; Freedom?"

"Pretty much." Maggie replied.

"Look, as much as I'm glad you're helping her out and trying to bring justice, but I can't just let you go free because of that." Officer Shelby explained. "Jail just doesn't work like that."

Maggie groaned out.

"However, I can reduce your sentence just a smidge." Officer Shelby bargained.

"Hmmm, well I am supposed to serve a year here." Maggie replied. "How much time will I serve if I do this?"

"Half of your original sentence so...6 months." Officer Shelby replied. "Look, I know I'm not supposed to be doing this...but consider this as a thank you for getting rid of that creep."

"Deal!" Maggie exclaimed as she stuck her hand out for Officer Shelby to shake.

When Maggie and Karma walked out of the office, Karma spoke up.

"I...don't know how to thank you for this." Karma spoke up.

"When the time comes, maybe I'll come to you." Maggie replied. "So, your actual name is Alyssa?"

"Yeah." Karma replied.

"Why you chose the name Karma?" Maggie asked.

"It's a nickname my friend gave to me after I gave an old bully hell for harassing me and him." Karma explained with a chuckle. "Why you have the name Magster?"

Maggie laughed.

"That's just something I came up last minute when I first came here." Maggie explained. "My name's Maggie."

"Like the baby from that cartoon show?" Karma asked.

"Yeah, somewhat." Maggie chuckled out. "It's short for Magnolia."

"Oh, now that's a beautiful name." Karma commented.

"Yeah, that came from the time my pops used to take me to a garden area." Maggie explained. "Magnolias were his favorite flowers."

"Your dad named you that?" Karma asked.

Maggie's feet grew cold.

"Um, well...I named myself that...because you know, so I won't have people call me by my deadname." Maggie tried to explain.

"Deadname? What are yo-ohhhhhhh." Karma exclaimed once she realized what Maggie was hinting at.

"Yeah." Maggie simply replied.

"So, you're a trans woman?" Karma asked. "That's cool."

"Thanks." Maggie chuckled out.

"You know, you're not that bad Magnolia." Karma commented.

"Neither is you, Alyssa." Maggie replied.

All of a sudden, they both heard someone clear their throat.

They both turned around to see Officer Roy.

"Ah shit." Both of them groaned in sync.

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