Chapter 1

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As Lady Grimm traveled deep into the dark woods, she had a feeling that she was being followed.

"I know you're here," Lady Grimm stated. "Show yourself."

Lady Grimm turned around to see her sworn enemy, Armaros.

"Why have you come here?" Armaros asked.

Lady Grimm took out her scythe as her red irises began to glow.

"To bring honor to my father!"  Lady Grimm yelled as she charged at Armaros. Armaros snarled as he swiped at Lady Grimm, cutting her arm in the process.

"Killing me will never bring you your father's honor." Armaros snarled at Lady Grimm. Lady Grimm swift kicked Armaros, making him fall to the ground. She held her scythe to his neck while staring him down.

"Surrender, cursed one." Lady Grimm commanded. Armaros then started beeping, which confused Lady Grimm.

Wait a minute...

Yn's POV

I shot up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I groaned as I tapped the 'stop' button.

"Another dream for my story." I mumbled as I slipped out of bed.

I guess you don't know who I am, huh? My name is Yn. In the daytime, I'm an intern at a white collar job in Seoul, South Korea. Just a woman who does coffee and errand runs for her superiors. That's in work, outside of work...okay, this maybe weird but I enjoy cosplay. Mainly, gothic attire. My alias name is Lady Grimm and me and my friends would cosplay as our gothic persona and share our stories. Well, they're fanfics but you get the drift.

Anyway, after my shower, I was greeted by my little house meow, Gi-gi.

"Don't worry girl, I haven't forgotten about your food." I chuckled out as she chirped at me. I filled up Gi-gi's food bowl then left the apartment.

While I was in the hallway, I noticed some boxes by the apartment door next to mine.

"Ah, a new neighbor." I thought to myself as I continued to walk down the hallway.

Things went smooth on my way to work; No public transportation complications, no run-ins with strange strangers, and I got in on time.

"Morning Yn!" Joo-ryung greeted.

This is Kim Joo-ryung, the secretary of Seoul-ful Writers, the white collar job I mentioned before. She's a single mother to an angelic 7 year old girl.

"Morning Joo-ryung." I greeted back as I bowed down to her.

"So the mailman came by earlier and I showed off my feminine wiles and he had a nervous look on his face," Joo-ryung explained. "I think he's falling for me."

Oh, I forgot to mention that she's a bit of a...hopeless romantic. She only goes after the mailman because she thought that the vase of flowers, he delivered to the front desk a while back, was a way of him saying that he likes her when in reality they were from her mother for her birthday.

"You're still searching for a stepdad?" I heard a gruff male voice tease. I turned to see Sung-tae.

Heo Sung-tae is the janitor of the place. He may look scary but he's a big sweet heart once you get to know him.

"And you're still cleaning the bathroom stalls?" Joo-ryung clapped back.

Well Joo-ryung thinks otherwise of him. These two argue like an old married couple, it's both annoying at times but most of the time it's funny.

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