Chapter 10

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Yn's POV

"So that's what has been going on for the past week?" Yoo-mi asked.

I nodded my head.

"Sounds like your boss is into BDSM since he has that flogger." Hae-soo stated. "But, you said that it was a medium size box so that means that there's more than a flogger in the box."

"How much you wanna bet that he has those restraints?" Jung Jae chuckled out.

Dammit Jung Jae! Now that image is in my head.

"And he saved you from that perverted waiter a few days ago too?" Anupam asked.

"Yes, he did and when he dropped me off, he got really close to if he could sense the fear in my body." I explained.

"Well it's not like he's a werewolf." Yoo-mi pointed out.

"Can werewolves even smell fear?" Jung Jae asked.

"I mean, they're just human dog hybrids and I'm no animal expert but dogs do have very sensitive senses so, yes, that could be true there." Hae-soo explained.

"But after he left, I had gotten a nose bleed." I squeaked out of embarrassment.

"Man, you're like an anime girl." Jung Jae commented. "You know how anime characters get a nose bleed because they're turned on?"

"That could be the case." I whispered out. "Maybe I'm just a live action anime character."

Anupam chuckled.

"You know, there could be a way to get rid of amorous nose bleeds." Anupam stated. "I do suggest exposure therapy."

"Exposure therapy?" We all questioned, except Hae-soo, in sync.

"It's kinda like a face your phobia type of thing." Hae-soo stated. "Yn does something that'll reduce the possibility of an erotic nose bleed happening."

"How though?" I asked.

"You could watch pornography." Anupam suggested.

My face heated up after he suggested that.

"He's right, if you watch porn, it should get you used to the concept of erotic interactions." Hae-soo explained.

"Yeah, that way you wouldn't be a bloody mess when you think about sexual stuff." Jung Jae added in.

"But to watch pornography?" I questioned. "I mean, I've read erotica before online but never once watched actual full on porn, I just don't think it's a woman's thing to do."

"You're overlooking the fact that women can be sexual creatures too." Anupam chuckled out. "There's no rhyme or reason why women can't enjoy erotica just as much as men can."

"He does have a point." Yoo-mi agreed. "Many wrongfully assume that only women are the producers of porn while men are the consumers when in reality, women watch porn for themselves as well."

"And through that process, you might even find out your kink." Anupam declared.

"K-kink?" I stammered out.

"A kink is a sexual preference that you enjoy the most." Anupam explained.

"Like roleplay." Jung Jae added in.

"Or bondage." Hae-soo joined in.




"Impact play."


"You already said that."

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