Chapter 41

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Yn's POV

Well, it's February now...and you know what that means?


Erm, actually I don't know if I can say that anymore because I'm dating Dong Wook.

It honestly feels weird for today to be Valentine's Day and I'm not single.

Anyway, I'm on my way to work right now.

I left my building when I heard the sound of high heels clicking the floor.

"Hey toots." I heard a female voice greet me.

I turned around to see Ho-yeon.

"Oh, hey Ho-yeon." I greeted.

"Off to work?" Ho-yeon asked.

I nodded my head as we began to walk down the hallway.

"So, you finally got the pipe huh?" Ho-yeon asked.

My face turned red.

How the hell did she know?

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You're glowing." Ho-yeon replied. "You got that after sex glow."

Admittedly, me and Dong Wook have been at it most of the time for a couple of weeks now.

"Well, it feels bizarre to know that I'm hooking up with my boss." I explained.

"You mean dating? Hooking up and dating are two different things." Ho-yeon pointed out.

"Right, dating." I corrected myself. "Hey, you're in a private relationship right?"

"Yeah, there's people who would want to know your business for the wrong reasons." Ho-yeon began. "Right now, me and Ha Jun aren't ready to tell the public about our relationship just yet. We thought about doing it a few months after we're married."

"That seems fair." I commented. "I think me and Dong Wook are in a private relationship as well."

"Well, of course, because he's your boss and you're one of his workers." Ho-yeon stated. "When it comes to stuff like that, people are gonna spread rumors like fire."

"W-what kind of rumors?" I asked.

"Well, the kind that involves the word, "slut"." Ho-yeon replied.

Oh shit...

"If someone were to find out, you'll be slut shamed for the rest of your life!" Anxiety yelled.

"You'll have to quit your job, move into another state, change your identity, and start a new life!"

I shuddered.

"But, then again, it's nobody's business but yours and your man's." Ho-yeon stated. "You can't stop nosy people when it comes to them being entitled to your business, but you do gotta be careful on who you trust with that information." Ho-yeon advised me.

When we got outside, we parted ways.

"Alright, I'll see you later." Ho-yeon spoke as she walked off.

"Bye Ho-yeon." I spoke back as I waited for the bus.

When I got on the bus, it was crowded as hell! I had to stand up during the bus ride, which sucked since I have on heels.

All of a sudden, I heard grunting and moaning coming from behind me. I turned around and nearly almost screamed.


"Oh my God! You're jerking off on me! He's jerking off on me!" I yelled.

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