Chapter 13

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Yn's POV

"Ms. Ln, surprised to see you here." Dong Wook spoke.

"H-hey Mr. Lee, fancy seeing you here." I replied in uneasy tone.

Is there a hole I can crawl into?

"Though, I never pegged you as the type to be in a store like this." Dong Wook added in.

"Yeah, me either." I thought to myself.

"Well, thank you for purchasing my...toy." I thanked as I began to walk out the door. "See you at work."

I began to fast walk out of there but, I feel like that's not gonna undo the fact that my own boss saw me in a sex shop!

"God, you must have some sense of humor." I muttered underneath my breath.

Dong Wook's POV

Dong Wook chuckled as he continued to watch you try to get away from the store as far as possible.

"Wellll, I guess Miss Angel has a hidden sin that she's about to commit." Lust chuckled out. "Just imagine hearing her moan while she uses that, and that's the best vibrator here too."

Dong Wook bit his lip at the thought but then...

"Don't...she's your worker." Self Control stated.

"You've already been through enough sex already." Depression added in.

Dong Wook then shook his head as he took out his phone to dial a number.


"I need you at my apartment, tonight."

Back to Yn's POV

When I got home, the first thing I did was scream into my pillow.

"Fuuuccckkkkk! My own boss saw me in a sex shop!" I muffled out.

Gi-gi looked at me then walked out, letting me have my mental breakdown.

"He probably thinks that I'm a pervert." I thought to myself.

All of a sudden my phone vibrated, making me jump. I looked at the caller ID to see Yoo-mi.

"Hey Yoo-mi, now is not the time." I groaned out.

"What happened? Did someone harass you?" Yoo-mi asked.

"No...just...something embarrassing happened." I admitted.

"What happened!? Girl tell me!" Yoo-mi exclaimed.

Where do I even begin with this?

After explaining the short version of my shameful lust, Yoo-mi just laughed at me.

"Girl! That's nothing! I was expecting you to say that you got your period while you was at work or something." Yoo-mi laughed out.

"Still! I don't know which is more mortifying; That wet dream or my boss seeing me at a sex shop!" I squealed out.

"Okay, the wet dream is all in your head. You literally have no control over that." Yoo-mi stated. "Plus, your boss was in the sex shop as well, so he probably was buying some freaky shit for his girlfriend or something."

"I mean, he does have a wife so maybe it's for her." I pointed out.

"Maybe so, the bottom line is that you shouldn't have to be ashamed of having sexual fantasies  or just being horny overall. It's life and human nature." Yoo-mi preached.

"I guess you're right." I sighed out.

"Now go have fun with your little bullet, I'm about to go work out with Maggie." Yoo-mi announced.

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