Chapter 34

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Ha Jun's POV

"C'mon Ho-yeon you got this!" Ha Jun cheered as he watched Ho-yeon trying to steady herself.

"Ha Jun, you know good and well that I can't ice skate like you." Ho-yeon quivered out as she slowly stepped into the rink.

Ha Jun chuckled as he grabbed her hand and led her into the rink.

"Okay...okay...everything's cool." Ho-yeon shuddered out as she slowly slid on the ice.

"See? You got this." Ha Jun assured her.

The minute he said that, Ho-yeon was slipping and sliding until Ha Jun caught her.

"Yeah, got this my ass." Ho-yeon scolded.

"Love you too." Ha Jun teased as Ho-yeon smiled.

"Remind me again why we're here on our 8 month anniversary." Ho-yeon sighed.

"Because you mentioned that you never did ice skating before." Ha Jun replied in a smug tone.

Ho-yeon regained her balance as her and Ha Jun began to slowly skate on the ice.

"Okay, so far everything's good." Ha Jun thought to himself.

He stuck his hand into his coat pocket to check to see if the ring box is still in there then smiled when he felt that it was still there.

"Now we wait for the right opportunity." Ha Jun thought as he continued to skate alongside Ho-yeon.

Yn's POV

Jesus Christ, I've never been this nervous before in my life!

So, here I am in Dong Wook's car on our way to his mother's house. I was showing all sorts of signs that I was nervous: Jumpy leg? Check. Fiddling with hands? Check. Sweaty palms? Check.

Dong Wook looked at the corner of his eye to see that I'm a subtle nervous wreck then grabbed my hand to squeeze tight.

Either he has the magic touch, or he just knows how to calm people overall. Either way, I almost immediately calmed down after he began to rub the surface of my hand with his thumb. I looked at him to see him smiling but he still had his eyes on the road then smiled at him.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrated. I looked to see a text from Ha Jun.

Ha Jun: SOS! What do I do leading up to the proposal?

Me: Well, do they play music at the ice park? Like, do they do requests?

Ha Jun: I think so?

Me: What's yours and Ho-yeon's favorite song?

Ha Jun: Angel Baby by Troye Sivan

Me: Ask if they'll play that, that'll set the mood between you two.

Ha Jun: Okay thanks.

I turned off my phone to see that car has stopped. I looked up to see this nice two story house that looked like it belonged to just a normal modern family. Dong Wook stepped out and opened my car door.

When I stepped out, my legs were trembling.

Why am I so nervous? I don't know, maybe because of the fact that I'm meeting my boss's mother! From what I heard, the bosses' moms are usually more intimidating than the boss themselves.

"Oh no, she's gonna take one good look at you and believe that you're not good enough for her son!" Anxiety exclaimed.

"Do you have the right outfit on?"

Just Another Romance StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora