Chapter 9

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Dong Wook's POV

Dong Wook was in his office pondering. He was still thinking about you and what you said yesterday.

"I may not be an excellent writer or become an excellent writer like you, but I'm not giving up on becoming what I dream to be."

Dong Wook chuckled to himself.

"Ms. Ln is so cute when she has her outbursts of confidence." Dong Wook thought to himself.

Dong Wook then looked to see his package on the chair in the corner of the room and walked over to it.

"Hmm, I forgot to take this home with me." Dong Wook thought as he examined the package and noticed that it was opened some and his flogger was hanging out.

"Wait, the only person who's been in here was..." Dong Wook thought then it dawned upon him that you were the one who saw it. 

His face turned a bit red with embarrassment but then he picked up the flogger and felt his heart beginning to race.

"You've been a bad girl Ms. Ln." Dong Wook muttered as he lightly dragged the flogger across your scantily clad body.

You shuddered at the feeling of the flogger slithering from your stomach up to your chest.

"P-please Dong Wook, I'll be a good girl." You whimpered out as you tugged at the handcuffs that were restraining your wrists and ankles.

"First of all, it's sir to you." Dong Wook began. "Second, it's about time you learn about obedience. Start counting."


Dong Wook snapped out of his fantasy and put the flogger up in the package.

"Don't get too attached to'll wind up even more hurt." Self control warned.

"Let him, he's never gonna find the right girl anyway." Depression assured.

Dong Wook sighed as he walked out of his office and saw you talking to Joo-ryung at her desk.

"Such an innocent little kitten." Dong Wook thought to himself.

Ha Jun's POV

Ha Jun was at the park with Ho-yeon when he saw his fans approach him.

"Babe, you know the drill." Ha Jun told Ho-yeon.

Ho-yeon sighed as she got up and hid behind the tree before his fans approached them.

"Omg! Ha Jun, we're your biggest fans!" One girl squealed out.

"Can we get a selfie with you?" The other girl asked.

"Sure, anything for my biggest fans." Ha Jun replied with a chuckle.

They all huddle in as the girl took her phone out.

"1,2,3!" The girl spoke as she took the photo.

"Thanks Ha Jun." The girls said in sync as they bowed to him then ran off.

Ha Jun smiled as Ho-yeon came from behind the tree.

"Ha Jun, we need to talk." Ho-yeon spoke in a serious tone.

Ha Jun frowned as they both began to walk down the pathway.

"Ha Jun, why do we have to keep our relationship a secret?" Ho-yeon asked.

"Well, you know I don't want fans to be angry and antagonize you." Ha Jun replied.

"Ha Jun, you know I can handle criticism." Ho-yeon pointed out. "What's the worse they could say?"

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