Remnant of Void & Flame (Honk...

By BraveArmament

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She had made a contract, one that binds her across time and space to a power beyond her comprehension. Now, s... More

Volume I - Prologue
Volume I - Chapter I
Volume I - Chapter III
Volume I - Chapter IV
Volume I - Chapter V
Volume I - Chapter VI
Volume I - Chapter VII
Volume I - Chapter VIII
Volume I - Chapter IX
Volume I - Interlude (Weiss I)
Volume I - Chapter X
Volume I - Chapter XI
Volume I - Chapter XII
Volume I - Epilogue
??? - Elegy of The Withered Blossom (I)
Side Story - Echo (I)
Side Story - Echo (II)

Volume I - Chapter II

786 30 0
By BraveArmament

He had been leading the defense of the city for almost a week now, ever since the first wave of Grimm had appeared out of nowhere. He had fought tooth and nail to keep them at bay, and had managed to do so thanks to the help of his fellow Huntsmen.

They were able to hold out without much of a problem. The city's defenses were holding strong, and they had been steadily pushing the Grimm back. Even the Southern Front had been retaken with minimal losses. But then something happened. For some reason he couldn't understand, the Grimm managed to breach the Northern Gate.

He could understand if it's only a couple of avian-type flying over the wall like before, but certainly not an entire damn horde of them! Beowulf, Creep, King Taijitu, even Deathstalker! There was at least a couple thousand of the blasted things, if not more! And it happened so quickly, no one had time to react before it was too late!

So what. The hell. Happened!?

"Team ASHN confirmed the loss of sector N-16." Spoke one of the operators in a calm and level voice, though there was a hint of panic hidden just beneath the surface. "They are requesting permission to retreat."

"We lost sector N-3 and N-4!" Exclaimed another operator as he continue to type away on his keyboard frantically. "Team VRDT, Team SNNW, Squad 9, 11 and 12 are falling back!"

"Bunker N-4 has been breached!" Shouted yet another operator as he looked up from his console with a look of horror on his face. "They are requesting reinforcements!"

"Damnit!" Denver Garrwood, Acting Commander of the Evergreen City Defense Force, slammed his fist onto the table. "Have the Northern Garrison retreat to the secondary defense line! Team GLDN are to deploy along with Squad 16 to 21 to Bunker N-4 immediately!"

He turned towards one of the nearby AR displays, where a map of the city was being displayed. Red dots representing the Grimm could be seen swarming various parts of the city like ants. The situation looked dire, there was no denying that fact. It was particularly bad around the area of surrounding the breach. While it was clear that the Grimm were suffering heavy casualties, it was also evident that they outnumbered the defenders by a large margin.

He cursed under his breath as he considered their options. There wasn't much they could do at this point. The city's defenses had been breached, and there was no way to stop the Grimm from flooding in now. Even if they were able to hold them off for now, it would only be a matter of time before they completely overrun the city.

Frustration and anger bubbled up inside of him, threatening to explode. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Losing his cool now would not do anyone any good. He needed to think, needed to find a way out of this mess.

He closed his eyes and took another deep breath, trying to center himself. He could feel the eyes of the other people in the room on him, could feel their fear and worry. They were all counting on him, he couldn't let them down.

He considered his options for a moment before coming to a decision. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try.

"Patch me through to Huntress Goodwitch!" He ordered as he turned towards one of the nearby operators. "And someone get me Atlas back on the line! Now!"


She gave a light chuckle as she watched Oobleck and Port playfully argue with each other, the students around them laughing along good-naturedly. It was good to see them try to lighten the mood, even if the students were understandably on edge. She knew that they all needed a break from the stress, if only for a little while.

"I'm telling you, it's a real hoot!" Professor Peter cried out as he waved his arms excitedly, a wide grin on his face. "You just can't beat that feeling of being weightless for even just a few seconds."

"No offense Professor," A student spoke up, her brow furrowed in confusion. "but I don't see how that could possibly be enjoyable."

"Oh but you're missing the point, my dear!" Peter exclaimed, barely containing his excitement. "It's not about the destination but rather the journey! The thrill is like nothing else I've ever experienced!"

She turned her attention to Amber as the young woman began telling a story, her voice filled with mirth and amusement. She couldn't help but smile at the scene before her; despite everything that was happening, they were still managing to enjoy themselves and have fun.

"So there I was, surrounded by a dozen Ursa with nothing but my trusty knife to defend myself." Amber began, her eyes shining with excitement. "I knew that I didn't stand a chance against them, but I also knew that I had to try something."

"What did you do?" One of the students asked eagerly, hanging on every word.

"Well," Amber continued, her voice taking on a mischievous tone. "I did the only thing I could think of! I ran towards the nearest Ursa and jumped onto its back."

There was a collective gasp from the students as they imagined the scene in their heads. Celestia herself couldn't help but smile at their reaction; she had to admit, it was quite an amusing story.

"I know, it sounds crazy." Amber admitted with a sheepish grin. "But I figured that if I could ju-"

It was moments like this that made her proud to be a part of Beacon Academy. Even in the darkest of times, they always managed to find some semblance of happiness.

Unfortunately, their moment of levity quickly came to an end; their laughter died down as they heard the sound of someone crying in the distance. It was a heart-wrenching sound that tore at her very soul. She didn't have to see it to understand what it means.

'Another one died then...'

She closed her eyes and tried to drown out the voice. A futile effort, but one that she tried nonetheless. It was just another reminder of how fragile life truly was. She knew all too well the pain of losing someone dear to her, and she would do anything to spare her students from that same fate.

"We're going to die, aren't we professor?" A voice ripped her from her thoughts, and she slowly opened her eyes to see one of her students looking at her. The young man's eyes were calm yet filled with resignation, and she could see the unshed tears glittering in their blue depths. "We're all going to die here."

She could feel her heart breaking at the raw emotion in the young man's voice. She wanted to tell him that everything was going to be alright, that they were going to make it through this. But she knew better than anyone that those words would be nothing but a lie. And to lie to them now would be the cruelest thing she could do.

"I don't know." She replied honestly, unable to bring herself to offer false hope. "But I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make sure that everyone here makes it out alive."

It was a feeble promise, and she knew it. But it was all she could offer them in this dark hour. All she could do now was hope that it would be enough to see them through the night.


She had always been proud of her ability to stay calm in every situation. She knew how important it was to remain composed, especially in combat. But right now, the pressure seemed unbearable, and she felt herself teetering dangerously close to losing her composure. With everything happening at once, it was hard to believe that things weren't already worse than they appeared.

"-ve bullhead had been sent to pick you up. Gather your team and make your way to the landing pad. You are to lead the attack and close the breach with your semblance." The voice on the other end was as calm as ever, but she could hear the undertones of urgency. "15 Atlesian Gunships have been loaded with ordinance and are standing by for launch. They will act as your escort and provide you with cover fire as you make your approach."

"With all due respect, Commander." She began in a level voice, although those who paid enough attention would notice that she was clearly upset. "We don't have enough forces to mount an assault. There are too many of them, we'll be overwhelmed before we even get close."

"I'm afraid we don't have choice in the matter, Huntress." Denver replied firmly. "We need to close that breach as quickly as possible before they overwhelm us."

"And how exactly do you expect me to do that!?" She demanded heatedly. "Even if we could get close, there's no guarantee that it would work! It's far too risky!"

"Yet it is still better than doing nothing." The commander replied, his voice laced with frustration. "You're our best hope at closing the breach and stopping the Grimm from overrunning the city."

She was about to argue further, but she was cut off by the sound of someone else coming on the line.

"Commander Garrwood," A familiar voice spoke up, one that she recognized immediately. "This is Specialist Schnee of Atlas. Apologies for the interruption, but I'm afraid we have another problem. Our sensors have detected several Grimm horde approaching from both the west and the south."

"How many?" Denver asked, a hint of dread in his voice.

"At least three, maybe four times the size of the one currently attacking the city." Winter replied grimly. "Most of them are coming from the west. It is possible that they might be led by one of the Ancients, if not both..."

There was a moment of silence as everyone processed this new information. She could feel her heart sinking in her chest as she realized just how dire their situation truly was.

"I will bring four of our warship with me and thin out the horde to the west. Two warship will go to the south to do the same. Hopefully, by the time they arrived, their numbers will have been significantly reduced." Winter continued after a moment. "Unfortunately, it means that I can only spare a single warship to aid you in the north."

"Then that would have to be enough." Denver said, his voice firm despite the fear that was evident in it. "We'll close the breach and get back to you as soon as we can. Good luck, Specialist."

"To you as well, Commander." Winter replied before the line went dead, leaving her and Commander Denver in an uncomfortable silence.

"Huntress Goodwitch," Commander Denver said after a long moment, his voice grave as he looked at her. "You have your order."


The soft sound of clacking heels tore Celestia from her thoughts and she slowly turn her eyes to see the Glynda walking down the hallway, her movements brisk and efficient. She could see the barely suppressed anger in the other woman's stance, and she knew immediately that something was wrong. She watched silently as Glynda paused for a moment, before looking back at her with an unreadable expression. It was clear that she wanted to say something, but in the end, she merely shook her head and continue on her walk. With one last look at the students, she reluctantly tore herself away from them and followed after the Headmistress.

She trailed behind the woman as they made their way down the hallway, making sure to keep a safe distance so as not to be noticed. The blonde continued walking until she reached one of the observation room, and Celestia quickened her pace until she was standing just outside the door. She peered inside to see the Headmistress pacing back and forth in front of one of the windows, her hands clenched into fists at her sides.

"Hey," She called out softly, not wanting to startle Glynda but also knowing that she needed answers. "What's wrong?"

Glynda stopped her pacing at the sound of her voice, but her expression remained unchanged. She turned around, her eyes empty. "They're sending us out."

"Wait, what? Again?" The young professor asked, taken aback by the sudden development. "Why!? It's too soon! We barely got any rest at all!"

"There is another two horde approaching, most likely led by the Ancients." The headmistress sighed heavily. It was clear that she was tired and whatever happen in the briefing room only made it worse. "Atlas have gone ahead to engage them in their warship, but they won't be able to do much beside stalling for time. That and maybe thinning the horde a bit."

"How long do we have?" Celestia asked, her heart heavy with dread. She already suspected the answer, but she had to ask regardless if only to be certain.

"Based on their calculation, the Grimm will be here in around two to three hours. Unless we fix that breach, then it'll be over for us once the horde arrived."

"We can still evacua-"

"The last airship responsible for the evacuation had departed 4 hours ago and the rest will not be here for at least another 8 hours." Glynda cut her off, her voice heavy with resignation. "The Grimm will be here long before that."

"What about the students?" Celestia asked softly. At this point, she knew there was no point in trying to convince the blonde otherwise; they both know that there would not be any evacuations for them. The only thing they could hope for was a miraculous victory.

"We both know that civilians will always take priority." The headmistress replied tiredly before she turned back to look out the window, her head bowed in sorrow.

"Glynda," She began quietly, her voice soft as she walked over to the blonde. She lightly laid a small hand on Glynda's shoulders and let out a quiet sigh. "You know this is going to be a suicide mission."

"I know..." The blonde finally said, her voice little more than a whisper. "I know..."

The two women stood in silence for a long time, each lost in their own thoughts. The air was heavy with dread and foreboding, the only sound being the quiet breathing of the two occupants.

"I'll go and tell the others." Celestia said softly as she gazed at the haggard looking woman in front of her. Glynda merely nodded, her eyes closed in resignation.

Celestia gave her a brief squeeze on the shoulder before turning and walking away, leaving the other woman alone with her thoughts. She almost made it out of the room before she heard Glynda's voice, so soft and full of regret that she nearly missed it.

"... I'm sorry."


She surveyed the battlefield from her perch on top of the clocktower, the putrid stench of blood and guts filling the air as she survey the damage the Grimm had inflicted upon the city.

Buildings were ablaze, their once towering structures now reduced to little more than smoldering ruins. The sounds of battle echoed throughout the city, accompanied by blinding flashes of light as hundreds of rounds rained down upon the creatures of Grimm.

She gazes upon the destruction around her, the casualty count mounting by the second as the Grimm continue their unrelenting assault. She can see the fear in the eyes of her allies, can feel their despair as they become surrounded on all sides. They are fighting valiantly, but it is clear that they are losing.

She knew that she could help them, that she could turn the tide of battle in their favor with but a thought. But she also know that her power is still unstable, that she could unintentionally hurt or even kill her allies if she is not careful.

'... or worse'

It is a risk she rather not take, but she realize that she may not have a choice. She knew for a fact that if she does not act now, then the city will fall. And she simply cannot allow that to happen.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, preparing herself for what she is about to do.

No more doubt, no more hesitation...

She reaches out and called upon the power that lied dormant within her body, the Honkai energy responding eagerly to her call. It flowed through her veins like molten lava, the heat searing her from the inside out. She gritted her teeth and fought against the pain, using all of her willpower to keep herself in check as several glowing red lines begin to appear on her skin.

The air itself began to tremble as the Honkai energy continued to surge within her. She could feel it struggling to break free, could feel its chaotic nature threatening to consume her. A single drop of sweat trickled down her forehead as she continued to fight against it, her entire body trembling under the immense strain.

And then, when she is just about to lose herself, she heard a voice. A voice that was calm and serene, like a gentle breeze blowing through a field of flowers. It was soothing, comforting... familiar.

'Kiana, when you wake up, you'll find that everything has changed'

She could remember her vividly, every detail as clear as day. Her flowing red hair, her amber eyes... so full of conviction. She was strong and brave, always standing up for what she believed in.

'But don't give up... don't you ever, ever give up'

Most importantly, she was kind, perhaps too kind for her own good. To believe in her, to treat her with such compassion, even after learning the truth about her. She gave her the strength to continue fighting, to push herself further than she ever thought possible.

'My journey ends here, but Kiana... yours is just beginning'

And she reminds her of the promise she once made. Himeko might be gone now, but their memories will gives her the strength to continue fighting. To never give up, no matter how difficult things might become.

'Let us change this imperfect world into the one we want'

She will keep fighting, not just for the both of them, but for everyone she left behind.

Until the day their dream becomes a reality.


Amidst the darkness and destruction, a new legend was born.

She appeared like burning star in sky, a ray of hope in the endless night. Clad in a blazing inferno of hope and courage, she descended upon the battlefield like an angel of salvation, her very presence radiating hope and illuminating a path towards the future. She was the light in the darkness, the hope in despair.

And when she vanished without a trace come the next morning, the whole world could do nothing else but grant her a single name in her honor.

The Radiant Blaze.


Author's Note: It is official... I regret ever applying for Architectural Course... Anyway, here you go... I admit, the chapter is not as good as I would like it to be, especially the ending, but then again, I think it is still quite passable. Really, really sorry for taking so long to update by the way. Between moving house and all these d*mned assignments. Well, you know how it is... I'll try to settle for an update every 4-5 days. No promise though, we'll just see how it goes. On a side note, it appears that I have made a mistake. I thought Professor Peach full name is Celestia Peach as that is what shows up on google when I search for her name. Turns out she is a fan-made character and her canon name is Thumbelina Peach. Guess I better start asking for permission to use her in the story... Stupid me...

Disclaimer: Honkai Impact 3rd belongs to miHoYo; RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.

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