Just Another Romance Story

By MindfulWriter1666

3.3K 473 82

Outside of the apartment, I'm just an ordinary intern at a white collar job. Just a woman who gets work done... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 50

39 8 0
By MindfulWriter1666

Ha Jun's POV

"Okay, are you ready?" Ha Jun asked as he set his phone up.

Ho-yeon gave him the thumbs up as he hit 'Record'.

"Hello Ha Jun, this is fans and-goddammit!" Ha Jun yelled as Ho-yeon laughed.

"Take 2." Ho-yeon teased.

"Hello fans...I goo...gee...fucking A!" Ha Jun yelled. "Why is this hard?"

Ha Jun stopped his recording and sighed.

Ho-yeon got up from the chair.

"I'm sorry, it's been a while." Ha Jun apologized.

Ho-yeon chuckled.

"Want me to do it?" Ho-yeon asked.

"Pwease?" Ha Jun asked in a baby voice.

Ho-yeon shook her head as she hit the 'Record' button.

"Hello my beautiful fans, it's your favorite beauty gal here." Ho-yeon began. "So, today, I have something to tell you guys; I'm married." Ho-yeon announced as she raised her hand up showing her wedding ring.

"I know some of you are gonna be like, "I thought she'd never get married" or "I thought she had to be a lesbian or something" but, your possible theories and myths have been debunked, and busted. So, who's the person I'm married to you might wonder? Well, he's a really adorable goofball, whom I've loved for right now a year."

Ho-yeon then turned the camera to Ha Jun, who just smiled and waved.

"Hi everyone, it's me Wi Ha Jun! The goofy k-pop dancer!" Ha Jun introduced as he began to moonwalk to the camera as Ho-yeon laughed.

"Well, this is what we've been wanting to tell you guys since we've decided to be more open about our relationship." Ho-yeon spoke out. "This took a lot of courage to do for both of us, since we were afraid that a lot wouldn't support the relationship between us. If you guys don't then that's on you guys because nothing can change our love for each other." Ho-yeon continued.

Ha Jun jumped into the camera with a pillow stuffed into his shirt.

"Also good news is that we're expecting!" Ha Jun joked.

"Ha Jun take the pillow out from your shirt!" Ho-yeon laughed as she hit the 'Stop' button.

"You think this is good enough?" Ha Jun asked as he took the pillow out from his shirt.

"Yeah, I think this is good enough." Ho-yeon replied as she took a deep breath.

"Well, there's no turning back now." Ha Jun spoke as he pressed 'Upload' to his IG account.

"Now, we wait." Both of them muttered in sync.

Yn's POV

After work was over, I clocked out and made a beeline to the elevator. I was trying to get out of there quick as possible to avoid Dong Wook after how he was. When I left the building, I heard him call out to me. I ignored him and kept walking.

Dong Wook grabbed my arm, but I snatched it away from him and kept walking.

"What is the matter?" Dong Wook asked.

Oh so now you wanna be concerned huh?

"Don't talk to me." I ordered as I continued to walk to the bus stop.

"Stop, I'm dropping you off home." Dong Wook stated.

"I'd rather take my chances with the bus." I replied.

At this point, if I see that same man on the bus...I'm punching him in the dick. 

I saw the bus pull up as I continued to walk.

Dong Wook stood there and watched me get on the bus then sighed.

Dong Wook's POV

"Dammit..." Dong Wook thought to himself.

His phone rang. He pulled it out to see Seong Hee's name on it then answered.

"Yeoboseyo?" Dong Wook began.

"Hey bro, don't forget I'm coming up there to drop Si An off." Seong Hee announced. "Remember he said that he wanted to spend a couple days with you?"

Dong Wook's eyes grew wide.

"Damn, I forgot all about that!" Dong Wook thought to himself.

Dong Wook looked to see his sister's car pull up.

Si An opened the door and ran up to Dong Wook with open arms.

"Samchon!" Si An squealed out as he hugged Dong Wook's legs.

Dong Wook smiled as he picked Si An up and kissed his cheek.

"How's my boy doing?" Dong Wook asked.

"Good." Si An replied as he wrapped his arms around Dong Wook's neck.

Dong Wook was happy to see his loving nephew...but, he was still sad to see you storm off in rage at him being dismissive.

"Ah no..." Love groaned out.

"What's wrong?" Lust asked.

Love clenched their chest in pain.

"Ack! I'd thought I'd never feel this pain before." Love groaned out.

"What is it?" Lust asked.

"It's the feeling of a broken heart." Love claimed.

"Wait, like how Anupam had to deal with? Are you dealing with Octo-heart?" Lust asked.

"No, Lust you should've known by now that Love's biggest weakness is an actual heartbreak." Common Sense stated.

"Common Sense I don't pay attention to no other emotions' weaknesses besides my own." Lust defended.

Common Sense facepalmed as they helped Love up.

"Yeah, their relationship is starting to get rocky." Love stated as they coughed.

"Okay, why don't we go to Ha Jun and Ho-yeon's area, will that heal you?" Lust suggested.

"I guess..." Love replied as they all began to fade away.

Dong Wook sighed as he carried Si An to his car.

"I'm sorry Yn." Dong Wook thought to himself.

Maggie's POV

"What the? What is she doing here!?" Razor Blade yelled as her and the girls were getting ready to jump Karma.

"Hold it, I told her to come here." Maggie defended.

The girls looked at her confused.

"What? Why? Is you and her hooking up?" Big T asked.

"No, I'm going to help Karma." Maggie declared.

"WHHHHAAATTTTT!?" All of them yelled in sync.

"No, y'all don't understand...that red necked sick fuck has impregnated her." Maggie began. "He threatened to have me executed if I were to speak out. I told a female officer but, she said that they need actual evidence of him being abusive towards her." Maggie explained.

"That's...a lot to take in." Tex commented.

Karma sighed.

"I'll go, I know you guys won't help me." Karma spoke in a defeated tone as she began to walk off but Maggie grabbed her hand.

"No, we got you...right?" Maggie asked as she turned her attention to the girls.

The crew looked at each then back at Maggie.

"Fine, we'll do it." Razor Blade declared.

"Under one condition however." Scarlet Letter added in.

"Anything." Karma spoke.

"You'd stop harassing us." Tex replied.

"Please, after this...you guys would become my heroes." Karma commented.

Maggie smiled.

"Then it's settled then." Maggie announced as she stuck her fist out in the middle of them. "We got this?"

Razor Blade stuck her fist out as well in the center.


"We got this!"

"Let's do this!"

Karma smiled as she did the same as well.

"I promise to make it up to you Maggie, I really do promise." Karma assured Maggie.

"So, how are we gonna plan this out?" Big T asked.

"Oh, leave that to me and Razor Blade." Tex chuckled out as she fist bumped Razor Blade.

Maggie chuckled as she began to remember what Anupam had said about sympathy.

"I guess I should start listening to the real ones forreal." Maggie thought to herself.

Yn's POV

When I got home, my nerves were at a huge peak. Gi-gi meowed as if she were asking me if I'm okay. I gave her a weak smile as I scratched her chin.

"Mommy's fine Gi-gi." I spoke in a low tone. "She's just having some dating issues."

When I undressed myself, I flopped down on the bed and sighed. I raised my head up to see the vibrator as a flashback to when Dong Wook caught me in a sex shop began to play. I shook my head to stop the flashback as I got up and threw the vibrator in my closet then slammed the door shut. I slid down the wall and groaned in distressed.

Don't over think it

Don't over think it

Don't over think it

Those words began to play in my head as I hugged my knees and tried my hardest not to cry.

"He's probably with her...right now." Anxiety whispered into my ear.

Sadness appeared up and sat down next to me.

"It's okay to cry." Sadness assured me as they wrapped an arm around me.

I wiped away my tears and tried not to look on the dark side of things.

"C'mon Yn, this is your first serious relationship...don't fuck it up because of your own insecurities and doubts." I thought to myself as I stood up.

"Yeah, that's the spirit." Self Confidence spoke up.

I shall now go celebrate my boost in confidence over a bowl of noodles because sadness sure does make a person hungry.

Dong Wook's POV

Dong Wook thought about calling you to tell you about what happened in the office...but, he thought that you'd probably don't want to hear him out right now. Dong Wook still feels guilty for upsetting you however. He decided to shoot you a text asking if you'd want to go to a restaurant with him sometime this week then turned his phone off.

Dong Wook found Si An on the couch asleep, having to have passed out from eating while watching some cartoons. Dong Wook smiled as he picked Si An up and carried him into the guest bedroom then set him down on the bed.

"Samchon..." Si An spoke in a sleepy voice.

Dong Wook rested down next to him as he kissed his forehead and sighed.

"Goodnight Si An." Dong Wook whispered as Si An buried his face into Dong Wook's chest.

Dong Wook then closed his eyes as he went to sleep.

???'s POV

The mysterious person was looking through a pair of binoculars on a balcony. When they took them off they went back into the apartment.

"He's in the bed asleep with his nephew." The spy reported.

"Excellent." A female voice spoke out as she let out an evil chuckle.

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