𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙄𝙄...


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After the Battle of Earth, 28-year-old Aaron O'Connor had retired from the Avengers along with Bobbi Morse as... More

OC Bio
The "New" Captain America
Meeting The Flag Smashers
Another One
Reluctant Alliance
High & Low
The World Is Watching
Getting It Back
Fixer Upper
Comeback Kid
Invited To The Cookout
Exposed & Framed
What In The Multiverse Hell?
Catching Some Multiverse Men I
Catching Some Multiverse Men II
Catching Some Multiverse Men III
Catching Some Multiverse Men IV
No Good Deed...
...Goes Unpunished
Power & Responsiblilty
Setting Up Shop
Liberty Feud I
Liberty Feud II
Déjà Vu
Being Reasonable
Same, But Different
Illuminati Confirmed
Stopping A Witch
Going Back Home
Guardians of the Multiverse I
Guardians of the Multiverse II
What happened in each episode of What If...?
Hectic Christmas
The Bros
Safe House
How NOT To Rescue Someone
Chaotic Pursuit
Meeting The Family
Saving The Holidays
Girls Night
Time To Go To Work
Rockefeller Rumble
Back In Time For Christmas
Peculiar Sightings
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Battle of Los Angeles
Outside Help
Underwater Rescue
Surface Attack
The Black Panther Lives
Oceanic Offensive
Subatomic Screw-Up
Who is the Conqueror?
Electrifying Mishaps

Grief Counseling

310 13 0

The group arrive at the building where the memorial would be held. They entered a boiler room.

The girl pointed to a room and left.

Zemo: Karli's in there.

Aaron and Sam head towards the door. Suddenly, John grabbed Zemo and pushed him against the wall.

John: (to Aaron and Sam) Hey. You got 10 minutes. Then we're doing things my way.

John cuffed Zemo to a pipe.

Zemo: (to John) Aggressive...but I get it.

Aaron and Sam walked into the room and stood near a window where they saw the funeral from above as Karli began her speech.

Karli: I don't remember my mother or my father. Same goes for siblings, grandparents, cousins. What I do remember is being alone. Worse than being hungry or cold or scared. I was alone, until Mama Donya. Like a lot of you here, Mama Donya saved me. She clothed me, fed me, loved me...

Karli looked up and saw Aaron and Sam watching from an open window. She looked around frantically before continuing.

Karli: She taught that we have to do for each other, because they won't. We know who they are. They impose struggle and hardship on us. They labeled us as criminals for pushing back. But the struggle is what brings us all together, people who have nothing in common. For we are, after all, simply one world and one people...So live accordingly.

Short timeskip

After everyone payed their respects, Karli was alone when Sam and Aaron approached her.

Karli: Saw you two back there.

She turned to face them.

Aaron: It's just us two. We just wanna talk.

Karli: Bold of you...But, then again, you were one of the only true heroes.

Aaron simply nods in response.

Sam: Sorry for your loss.

Karli: Don't condescend me, I'm not a child.

Aaron: No one is condescending anyone. I know how it feels to lose someone close to you, I've been there.

Karli: No, you don't. Not like this.

Sam: It doesn't have to be a war, Karli.

Karli: They started a war as soon as they kicked us out of our new homes and onto the street. People all around the world need me, millions of them.

Aaron: Look, neither of us can speak for millions, but we both understand you, especially me. I understand your frustration, your...helplessness, I've felt that multiple times.

Karli: So you want me to stop because people are getting hurt, right? But, Aaron, Sam, what if I'm making the world a better place?

Aaron: Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all.

Karli: (chuckles) King T'Chaka? You're either brilliant or just hopelessly optimistic.

Aaron: What, can't I be both?

Karli: No.


John was getting impatient as he paced back and forth.

John: No, no, no, no, no, no, this is a bad idea.

Bucky: It hasn't been 10 minutes, John, just sit tight.

John: Don't do that. Don't patronize me.

Bucky: They know what they're doing.

John looked at a clock before heading for the door.

John: I'm going in.

Bucky put his hand on John's chest to stop him. John put his head down and took a few steps back before looking up to glare at Bucky.

John: This is all really easy for you, isn't it? All that Serum running through your veins. Barnes, your partners need backup in there...Do you really want their blood on your hands?

Bucky stayed silent.


Sam: (to Karli) There's a guy we know who knows more about Super Soldiers than anyone else on the planet, but he says...you're a supremacist.

Karli: Me?

Aaron: Yep.

Karli: That's...ridiculous, everything I do is to end supremacy. These corporations and the beasts who run them, they're the supremacists.

Sam: So, let me ask you...You have more Serum, right?

Karli: So?

Sam: Are you gonna increase your army? You're killing innocent people.

Karli: They're not innocent. They're roadblocks in my journey, and I'm gonna kill them if I had to.

Aaron & Sam: Wow.

Karli: No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that, you tricked me into sounding like...

Aaron: Like what?

Karli: (sighs) (to Sam) The people I'm fighting are trying to take your home, Sam. (turn to Aaron) And I thought you were supposed to be a hero, Aaron. Why are you both here instead of stopping them?

Sam: My sister is waiting for that exact same answer.

Aaron: If there's one thing my fiancée taught me, it's that there are two sides of a story. You look at both of them, then make up your mind. Look, we're not your enemies, we're not trying to make ourselves to be your enemies...I agree with your fight. Hell, we both do...but we just don't agree with how you're fighting it. (gestures to Donya's body) And we're pretty sure that she wouldn't, either.

Karli looked at Donya's body and gave it some thought, but...

John: Karli Morgenthau, you're under arrest.

Aaron: John, what the hell?

Karli looked at Sam and Aaron with a look of betrayal on her face.

Karli: So this is what that was?

Sam: No, Karli, wait...

Karli: Trick me until your backup arrived?

John: (to Aaron and Sam) I gave you two enough time to talk.

Aaron: No, wait!

When John approached Karli, she punched him towards Sam, sending them both back, before running.

Aaron immediately ran after her when he saw Karli leap upwards to the staircase. Aaron ran up the stairs as Bucky jumped up and chased her up the stairs as well.

Karli leapt off a balcony into a room and kept running as Aaron and Bucky did the same. He saw several people standing between him and Karli, so he shot a grappling hook into the ceiling and swung over them while Bucky pushed through the people.

But Karli was gone as Aaron, Sam, and Buck met up.

Bucky: We lost her.

Sam: This place is a maze.

Aaron: Yeah, one that she's more familiar with than we are.


Karli went into the boiler room and walked until she saw Zemo aiming a gun at her and shooting her. Luckily, Karli ducked under the shots and ran the other way.

But she didn't see table in front of her, as she fell over it and dropped a bag that contained vials of the Super Soldier Serum. Karli peeked out and saw them, but a couple of shots from Zemo forced her to get back into cover

Zemo saw the vials on the floor.

Zemo: (to Karli) Is this what I think it is?

He got no response as he knelt down and picked a vial up and stood back up as he began inspecting it.

He then threw the vial into the ground, smashing it. He began stepping on the rest of the vials, destroying them one by one.

Karli took this as a chance to escape and took it.

Suddenly, John threw the shield at Zemo's head, knocking him out. But he noticed something on the floor.

Zemo didn't destroy all the vials. There was still one left.

John went towards it and picked it up.

???: Walker.

He quickly pocketed the vial and turned to see Aaron, Sam, and Bucky enter the room.

Aaron: You seen Karli anywhere?

John: (shakes his head) No.

Aaron nods before walking up towards John and shoving him back.

Aaron: You just couldn't wait, huh?! We had her!

Sam and Lemar jumped in and held Aaron back.

Sam: Hey, easy.

Aaron: (to John) All you had to do was wait one more minute, was that too much to ask?!

Lemar: Hey, calm down. We'll get her.

Aaron: That's not the point, we would've had her if Walker's fake ass just kept it in his pants! Get off me!

He shrugs Sam and Lemar's arms off him and glared at John before walking away.


Sam, Aaron, Bucky, and Zemo were back in Zemo's apartment as he lied down on a couch with a wet towel over his eyes.

Sam had sent a message to Sharon, telling her to keep an eye on John with the satellites that she had access to.

Zemo: (to Sam) Were you ever offered it?

Sam: What?

Zemo: The Serum.

Sam: No.

Zemo: If you had been, hypothetically that is, would you have taken it?

Sam: No.

Zemo: No hesitation, that's impressive. (turns to Aaron) What about you, Aaron? If you had never acquired your abilities, and you had been offered the Serum, would you take it?

Aaron: If you had asked my 14-year-old self, he probably would've said yes. As for my 28-year-old self...I wouldn't need to.

Zemo: Impressive. (takes the towel off his head) Sam, Aaron, you can't hold out hope for Karli, no matter what you saw in her. She's gone. And we can't allow she and her acolytes to become yet another faction of gods amongst real people. Super Soldiers cannot be allowed to exist.

Sam: Isn't that how gods talk?

Aaron: And if that's how you feel, what about Bucky?

No response from Zemo.

Aaron: Blood isn't always the solution.

Just then, Bucky entered the living room and went straight for the bar.

Bucky: Something's not right about Walker.

Aaron: (sarcastically) Oh really? How'd you figure that out?

Bucky: Well, I know crazy when I see one...because I am crazy.

Sam: Can't argue with that.

Bucky: Shouldn't have given him the shield.

Sam: I didn't give him the shield.

Bucky: Well, Steve definitely didn't.

Suddenly, the door burst open as John and Lemar entered the apartment.

John: Alright, that's it, let's go. I'm now ordering you to turn him over.

Sam: Hey, slow your roll. Let's be clear, shield or no shield, the only thing you're running in here us your mouth.

Aaron: We had Karli, but you overstepped. Zemo's been more helpful than your dumb ass, and we're gonna need all hands on deck for whatever's coming next.

John: Is that how you want this conversation to go, Sam, Aaron? (chuckles) Yeah. Should I put down the shield, make it fair?

John goes to put the shield on a wall.

Aaron: You just gave yourself a handicap, Walker.

Just then, a spear flew into the room embedded itself on the wall next to John's head.

They turn to see several members of the Dora Milaje enter the room.

Ayo: (to Bucky) (in Xhosa) Even if he is a means to your end, time's up. (in English) Release him to us now.

John: Hi, John Walker, Captain America.

He puts his hand out to shake, but Ayo left him hanging.

John: Well, let's uhh...let's put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this through, huh?

Aaron: (smirks) Hey, John. I'd back away if I were you. You'd have a better chance beating Thanos than you do with the Dora Milaje

John: The Dora Milaje don't have jurisdiction here...

Ayo: The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction where the Dora Milaje find themselves to be.

John: Okay. Look, I think we got off at the wrong foot...

He put his hand on Ayo's shoulder, but she immediately hit him in the face with her spear as she sent John to the floor. John grabbed the shield as the rest of the Dora Milaje began fighting him.

He was getting his ass whooped.

Lemar tried to help John, but he was held back with a Dora.

Sam: (to Aaron and Bucky) We should do something.

Bucky: Looking strong, John!

Aaron: Keep it up, you got it!

Sam: Bucky, Aaron...

Bucky sighed as he stopped Ayo from striking John.

Bucky: Ayo.

Ayo was not having it, as she began swinging at Bucky.

Bucky: Ayo, let's talk about this.

Sam: (to Aaron) Aaron...

Aaron: I actually like my head to remain attached to my body, thanks.

Sam glared at Aaron, causing him to sigh before taking out his batons and engaging.

Unbeknownst to them, Zemo used this as a distraction to enter the bathroom.

Sam was immobilized.

John couldn't move, since there's a spear holding his shielded arm.

Aaron was disarmed quickly and sent to the ground as a spear was holding his pant leg to the floor, pinning him.

Meanwhile, Ayo managed to make Bucky's metal arm fall off, shocking him.

Ayo: (in Xhosa) You've lost, James.

She walked away and opened the bathroom door.

John removed his arm and reached for the shield, but the Dora removed the spear, making it fall to the ground before kicking it up to her arm.

Ayo: He is gone. Leave it.

The Dora gave the shield to John, who just sat on the floor in disbelief.

Bucky picked up his metal arm and put it back on.

Sam: Did you know they could do that?

Bucky: No.

A Dora removed the spear that pinned Aaron as he slowly got up and went to the bathroom to see how Zemo escaped.

Lemar: (to John) You alright, man?

John: They weren't even Super Soldiers.

Lemar helped John get up as they walked out.

Aaron: Shit. Bucky, Sam.

Bucky and Sam went to Aaron as the trio saw a hole on the floor.

Sam: I can't believe he pulled an El Chapo.

Bucky: I can. Come on.

Sam and Aaron follow Bucky.

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