Just Another Romance Story

By MindfulWriter1666

3.2K 472 82

Outside of the apartment, I'm just an ordinary intern at a white collar job. Just a woman who gets work done... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 48

45 8 0
By MindfulWriter1666

Yn's POV

"Ho-yeon don't cry, your makeup will run." Yoo-mi advised as Ho-yeon was trying her hardest to fan away her tears.

Yep, today was Ho-yeon's big day. The day she gets married.

"I'm cool...I'm cool." Ho-yeon croaked out.

"Hey, it's your big day darling." Ho-yeon's mom stated. "Don't start crying now...because I'll start crying as well."

"Eomma..." Ho-yeon began.

"You've grown so much my little flower." Ho-yeon's dad stated as he hugged Ho-yeon tight.

"Oh, here! I want you and Ha Jun to have these." Ho-yeon's mom stated as she took out two small ring boxes.

Ho-yeon covered her mouth in shock.

"B-but these are my grandparents' rings." Ho-yeon pointed out.

"I know, they wanted you have them on your wedding day." Ho-yeon's father explained.

Ho-yeon sniffled as she looked up in the sky.

"Thank you." Ho-yeon spoke to the clouds in the sky.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes." Ho-yeon replied as her father stuck his arm out from Ho-yeon to grab.

Me and Yoo-mi went up to the alter and across from us was Jung Jae, Hae-soo, Anupam, Ji-cheol, and Dong Wook. I looked at Dong Wook, who bounced his eyebrows at me. I blushed, thinking about last night's activity.

"To be honest, I sorta knew that they would skinny dip in the hot tub." Lust chuckled out.

"Me too." Love added in.

Here Come The Bride began to play as Ho-yeon began to walk down the aisle with her father escorting her.

I looked at Ha Jun, who had the biggest smile on his face as tears began to slide down his face at the sight of the woman he's gonna spend the rest of his life with.

When Ho-yeon got to the alter, they turned to each other as they held hands.

The minster spoke.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony." The minister began. "The lovers will now exchange vows."

Ha Jun's POV

"Ho-yeon, I vow to be your shoulder to cry on, your ray of sunshine, your light in your darkest days for you are the peanut butter to my jelly." Ha Jun spoke as the crowd chuckled. "I promise to be a loving husband and potential father for my goal is to raise a family with you, the love of my life, the fiery tiger that is you." Ha Jun continued as he sniffled. "I love you."

Ho-yeon looked at Ha Jun with tears in her eyes.

"Ha Jun...I vow to be your number 1 fan in your life. You've given me the reason to love again...and I'm so grateful for that. I promise to return the favor by being a loving wife and possible mother where I can shower you and our future children in unconditional love." Ho-yeon spoke through a cracked voice. "I love you."

After they exchanged rings, the minster began to declare the marriage.

"By the power vested in the Lord, I now pronounce you husband and wi-"

All of a sudden, a male voice yelled out:

"Stop the wedding!"

Everyone turned their heads to the person who shouted that demand. Ha Jun's heart drop at who it was.

"Dad?" Ha Jun began as he looked to see his father, mother, Dal-Rae and Suk-ja.

"They're aren't allowed to get married." Ha Jun's father declared.

The crowd began to murmur as the father walked up to the alter.

"Hyeon-yi, you don't deserve to get married." Ha Jun's father spoke in an angry tone.

Ha Jun's blood began to boil.

"You got some nerve showing up." Ha Jun stated. "Why are you all here?"

"We're here to stop you from fucking up your life." The father replied.

"Oh, you mean like how you did to me growing up?" Ha Jun retorted. "You never supported my dream of becoming a dancer, so you shouldn't even bother showing your face to me."

"And you think that she would?" The father asked referring to Ho-yeon.

"Uh, yes I would and I still do." Ho-yeon replied. "Ha Jun is a great guy."

"Ha Jun? Ha! Is that the name you picked?" The father asked.

"Yes, it's what gives me my own character and it's not a name where I'm reminded of how much of a failure I was to you and mom." Ha Jun explained.

"Son, you were never a failure to me-"

Ha Jun cut his mom off.

"Mom, don't try to comfort me because you've stood by and watched him put me through hell." Ha Jun stated. "You're just as worse as he is."

"He's right..." Dal-Rae spoke.

The father whirled around to her.


"I said he's right!" Dal-Rae yelled out. "I was the only one who cared about Ha Jun and dad you were trying to drive a wedge between me and him because of his love for dancing. Ha Jun, I'm sorry I was never there for you bro." Dal-Rae apologized as she walked up to him.

Suk-ja joined her and hugged Ha Jun's legs.

"Samchon is doing what he likes." Suk-ja stated. "Harabeoji, you're mean!"

"Oh little flower, your samchon is just confused about his sexuality." The father stated.

"No he's not! You're just being a bully to him! Boys can be dancers too!" Suk-ja yelled out.

"For once, I agree with the girl." Ho-yeon added in. "And who are you to tell who Ha Jun can or can't be with? I'm marrying him whether you like it or not." Ho-yeon declared.

"No you won't!" The father yelled as he grabbed Ho-yeon by the arm, trying to pull her away from the alter.

This pissed Ha Jun off as he punched his papa dearest in the face.

"Don't you touch her!" Ha Jun yelled out.

Next thing everyone knows;

Ha Jun was going toe to toe with his dad

His mom was shouting and screaming at Ho-yeon and Dal-Rae

Suk-ja was crying while yelling "Stop! Stop!"

Anupam's POV

Everyone was panicking. Anupam hurried over to separate Ha Jun away from his dad while Dong Wook and Jung Jae did the same with Ha Jun's mother.

"Anupam! No!" Love exclaimed.

The minute Anupam came in contact with Ha Jun, he saw darkness as flashbacks to Ha Jun's years of being abused by his father began to play. It was too much for Anupam but he tried to stay strong long enough to drag Ha Jun away from his father.

"No son of mine will become a faggot!"

"You're a disgrace to this family!"

"Boys don't dance! I didn't raise another girl!"

Anupam then felt his heart rate increase as his vision began to grow blurry.

"What's happening to him?" Lust asked.

"I think he's experiencing some sort of heart attack." Love exclaimed.

Anupam then saw nothing but pitch black as he collapsed to the ground.

Yn's POV

Security finally came in and escorted the father away.

"You're nothing you hear me! Nothing! You're not my son anymore!" The father yelled as he was being dragged away.

Ha Jun was standing there panting.

He looked at his mother, who ripped away from Dong Wook and Jung Jae's grips and stormed off, following his dad.

Jesus Christ man...is this some dramatic TV show?

"Ho-yeon are you okay?" Yoo-mi asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." Ho-yeon replied in a hoarse voice. Her throat had gone dry after the yelling and cussing.

"Ha Jun...I'm really sorry man." Dal-Rae apologized.

Ha Jun sighed.

"Just go." Ha Jun ordered.

Dal-Rae didn't even put up a fight as she picked Suk-ja and walked out.

Suk-ja cried as she reached out for Ha Jun.

Ha Jun gave her a weak smile as he shot her the finger hearts.

"Samchon loves you." Ha Jun mouthed out.

Just when I thought things can only get bad, I looked over to see Anupam on the floor.

"Anupam?" I began.

Ji-cheol went over to him to check his pulse then he pressed an ear against his chest.

"Someone call an ambulance." Ji-cheol ordered.

Hae-soo pulled out his phone to dial for help.

I hurried over to Anupam and tried to shake him awake.

"Anupam? Anupam wake up!" I yelled. "Please!"

When an ambulance came, Anupam was rushed to a nearby hospital.

We were all sitting in the hospital waiting room, worried sick about Anupam.

When the doctor came out, we all stood up.

"What was it? What happened to him?" Ji-cheol asked.

"Well, this maybe a rare case, but your friend has collapsed due to Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy." The doctor declared.

"Wait, what is that?" Lust asked.

"It's commonly known as Broken Heart Syndrome and it's cause by emotional and/or physical stress." Common Sense explained. "It's very similar to a heart attack, so I'm surprised the doctor didn't say he collapsed due to a stress inducing heart attack." Common Sense continued.

"Takotsubo? Isn't that something in another language?" Lust asked. 

"It's Japanese for 'Octopus pot', which is how the left side of the heart is shaped." Common Sense stated. 

"So basically, he's hospitalized for an octopus messing with his heart?" Lust asked.

Common Sense and Love both facepalmed.

"How long does he have to be here?" I asked.

"Well, it'll be a couple of days." The doctor replied.

All of our eyes grew wide.

"But we go back to Seoul today!" Jung Jae exclaimed.

"I'm really sorry." The doctor apologized.

We all sighed.

"How is he gonna get home from here?" Hae-soo asked.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." I replied.

"The better question is: what was the specific trigger that caused it?" Ji-cheol asked.

"That we don't know since there's other unknown triggers that can cause takotsubo." The doctor explained. "But thank goodness that takotsubo for him wasn't so severe, or reoccurring, to where it would've been fatal."

Yeah, thank God for that.

"Well, you tell us when he will be released and maybe one of us can come here to pick him up." Ji-cheol suggested.

"I'll do it." Hae-soo declared.

"Okay." Ji-cheol stated.

"I'm...really sorry everyone. This is all my fault." Ha Jun groaned out.

"No, it wasn't." I assured him. "Your father was the one at fault for crashing the wedding."

"But, maybe he is ri-"

"Don't you dare say it." Ho-yeon ordered. "Listen, I didn't marry you because I felt sorry, but because I love you for you. You're more of a man than your father is himself and you're gonna become a great father if I were to be expecting, okay?" Ho-yeon lectured.

Ha Jun smiled as he pressed his forehead against hers.

Ji-cheol's POV

When we were on the plane, Yoo-mi was sitting next to Ji-cheol.

Ji-cheol sighed as he began to drift off to sleep.

"Hey, wakey wakey." Common Sense chuckled as Ji-cheol opened his eyes.

He found himself laying in the chaise lounge right next to Common Sense and Jealously.

"Wh-where am I?" Ji-cheol asked.

"Relax, this is your inner state of mind." Common Sense assured him.

"Why am I here?" Ji-cheol asked.

"You're here because of me." Jealously stated.

"Who are you?" Ji-cheol asked.



"What Jealously is saying is that we're here to talk to you about your relationship with Yoo-mi." Common Sense informed.

Ji-cheol took 5 seconds to realize.

"Oh...I'm guessing you two are here to bash me about me being jealous of Maggie being with Yoo-mi?" Ji-cheol asked.

"Not bash, but to guide you." Common Sense corrected. "You like her don't you?"

"Yes." Ji-cheol replied.

"You want to make her happy?" Common Sense asked.

"Most def!" Ji-cheol replied.

"Well...the only way to make her happy is this: just let her go." Common Sense stated.

"R-really? That's it?" Ji-cheol asked.

"Hey, you don't want me to be that devil in your ear anymore do you?" Jealously asked.

"No." Ji-cheol sighed out.

"I know you value your relationships and it's time you value her relationship with Maggie as well." Common Sense began. "If you value your friendship with the two ladies, then you should also respect their relationship, because if she's happy, you're happy." Common Sense explained.

Ji-cheol smiled.

"Yeah, you're right." Ji-cheol admitted. "I mean, she's not my property or anything, and she's her own person, so what's the point in trying to tie her down like that? I honestly do hope that Maggie does treat her well and that Yoo-mi would do the same." Ji-cheol rambled.

"Well, I guess it's my time to go." Jealous announced as they faded away. "Deuces!"

"Well, Ji-cheol our time is up." Common Sense stated. "May you wake up feeling like a new person."

"I will." Ji-cheol chuckled as everything began to fade away.

When Ji-cheol wake up to see that we've landed in Seoul. He watched as Yoo-mi got out of her seat to grab her luggage then smiled.

"She'll be fine." Ji-cheol thought to himself as he got up.

Yn's POV

After what happened yesterday, I feel like things have both went good and bad. I mean, I don't have trigger moments of that bus incident, Ha Jun and Ho-yeon are happily married, but Dong Wook got a bruise on his cheek, Jung Jae had some bald spots, and the hospital in Jeju Island decided to transfer Anupam to the hospital in Seoul, courtesy of Hae-soo. At least we don't have to worry about Anupam being stuck on an exotic island.

I sighed as stared at the sweater dress that I pulled out of the dryer.

"Am I ready to wear this again?" I thought to myself.

It's been weeks since that incident...so, I see no harm in wearing it again.

When I stepped out, I heard a horn honk. I looked up to see...Dong Wook's car?

Oh yeah that's right, I forgot he offered to take me to work himself.

When I got into the car, Dong Wook smiled at me.

"You look lovely today." Dong Wook complimented.

I smiled.

"Yes, yes I do." I replied as I pecked his cheek.

Dong Wook chuckled as he drove off.

Dong Wook's POV

Dong Wook was happy to see you smiling once again as he began to reflect back on how you were in the beginning.

It was two years ago. Dong Wook was his stoic, uptight self as he sat in his office. He was happy that his father gave him the company in his will, but a company wasn't gonna fill the empty void in his heart since Dong Wook has been divorced for some time. He looked at the ring and at the photo of his wedding day with him and In-na then sighed.

Dong Wook then heard a knock on the door.

"You may enter." Dong Wook announced.

The door slowly opened to reveal you.

You were bunched up and slowly making your way to his desk.

Dong Wook eyed you up and down to examine your nervous state.

"May I help you miss?" Dong Wook asked.

"H-hi, I'm Yn Ln...I'm the one who applied to be an intern here." You stated in a quiet voice.

"Ah, please take a seat." Dong Wook ordered as you sat down.

During the interview, you were fiddling with your thumbs, but you tried your hardest to keep a professional demeanor.

After the interview was over with, Dong Wook informed you that you've been hired. You smiled so big that it brought sunlight into the room as you left the room, feeling happy.

You've proved yourself to be a hard worker when it came to being an intern, which Dong Wook was impressed about. One day, he overheard your conversation with Joo-ryung.

"I'm glad you're working here." Joo-ryung stated. "I swear it feels like I'm the only female here."

"Well, I've heard about this company and I do enjoy writing so..." You spoke in a meek tone.

"Oh, are you planning to become a writer?" Joo-ryung asked.

"Well, yes, but I feel like I'm not cut out to be one." You replied. "At this rate, I'm just better off being an intern."

Dong Wook cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh, you'll become a writer one day, you will." Dong Wook thought to himself as he walked off.

When Dong Wook pulled up to the building, he opened the door for you.

"Thank you." You thanked as you got out the car and both of you began to walk into the building.

During the elevator ride, you couldn't keep your hands off his cheeks...the ones on his face, of course.

"Mind explaining why you're touching my cheeks?" Dong Wook asked.

"You have nice cheeks." You complimented as you continued to poke his cheeks.

Dong Wook retaliated by squeezing your face with one hand.

"Okay, okay, I give up!" You muffled out.

"Okay, but let me get my kiss first." Dong Wook teased as he puckered up.

Just before you two could kiss, the elevator dinged.

Dong Wook quickly pulled away as you both fixed yourself as the elevator door opened.

However, as soon as the elevator door opened...Dong Wook felt his heart drop at what was there in front of him.

Or actually...who was there in front of him.

"Hello Dong Wook."


November 12th, 2022 

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