The Dragon's Daughter (Aemond...

By nazinadoz

56.3K 1K 44

Story will be set in HOTD with some significant changes. Aemond Targaryen is heir to the throne. Aegon is his... More

Back to King's Landing
The Heir
Warm Welcomes
Family Dinner
Family Dinner Part 2
Family Dinner Part 3
Family Dinner Part 4
Dragon Date
Dragon Date part 2
Ladies Day
A Walk With The Queen
A Walk With The Queen Part 2
The Ball
The Ball Part 2
The Ball Part 3
Gifts Part 2
The Tourney
Kidnapping part 2
Kidnapping part 3
Kidnapping part 4
Kidnapping part 5
Revenge Part 2
Happy Ending


1.5K 25 3
By nazinadoz

TW: Some low violence, sex

*Aemond's POV*

Aemond was in the changing rooms about to get ready for the tourney, when Criston Cole entered the room, looking angry and anxious. 

"What Cole?" Aemond said, expecting a death on the jousting field.

"My Prince, Princess Vyserra..." he stumbled on his words.

Aemond was confused, "What?"

"Lancel Beesbury, has her favour," Criston said.

"What?" Aemond was confused, "Lancel Beesbury has Vyserra's favour?" Aemond said it aloud and fury started building in his stomach, "Are you joking, Cole?"

"No, my Prince I'm not, he is jousting now," Cole said, worried about Aemond. His face had gone paler than usual. 

Aemond grimaced and processed what was said for some seconds. "I'M ENTERING THE LISTS, NOW!" he bellowed, stalking outside, anger guiding him.

Criston tried to cut off his path, "Wait, my Prince," Aemond mounted a horse that was waiting outside for another rider, "My Prince! The Princess, he took it..."

Aemond wasn't listening, he spun the horse around and galloping up to the joust. He had heard the caller announce minutes before than Beesbury was awaiting the next challenger.

As he entered, he looked at Vyserra and Beesbury quickly, the favour he had matched her dress. He shouted at the men on the ground, "We go, NOW!" grabbing the lance out of a mans hand and spurring the horse on at a full gallop. He wasn't even thinking as he jousted, too angry to put thoughts together. 

The first two he missed because he wasn't paying enough attention, on the third he hit Beesbury square in the chest and he hoped it killed him. He jumped off the horse, took the favour from Beesbury that he expected would be his today and saw how much effort Vyserra must have put into it. He tenderly put it into his shirt over his heart, momentarily forgetting how angry he was, which lasted only seconds. He couldn't even look at her in the royal box, swung himself back on the horse and galloped up to Vhagar. He wanted to be as far away as possible.

He flew for hours without thinking, all he felt was anger. When it started getting dark and the anger quelled a little, he started to feel pain that he hadn't felt before. He couldn't believe that Vyserra could do that. He took out the favour and looked at it, thinking of her. He couldn't believe it, she had only ever spoken about Beesbury to mock him, or was she just trying to appease her Prince? Because she couldn't say no to the heir to the throne? There was a stab of pain in his stomach as he thought that she might have faked everything, to be Queen? He didn't know. It didn't make sense to him.

He was still angry when he left Vhagar and got back to the castle. He tried to do his nighttime routine, bathing blood off him he didn't realise he had, but he hand been holding onto Vhagar's reins so tightly that he had cut his hands.

He thought of Vyserra and realised she was just doors away, was she with Beesbury? White hot anger penetrated him again and he was taking the secret tunnels to her rooms, he would kill Beesbury on the spot.

He wrapped on the door three times, hard. Moments later Vyserra opened the door, she looked quite ill compared to how he had seen her before.

He pushed passed her, knocking her back, "Where is he?"

"Aemond, what are you..."

"WHERE IS HE?" he looked at Vyserra, and realised she looked terrified, he didn't care in that moment, he was there to kill Beesbury.

He backed her into the corner, "Where is he Vyserra?" he looked into her eyes, which were full of tears.

"You're scaring me, Aemond," she gasped out, he saw she was shaking and this made him take pause. He wouldn't hurt Vyserra, he just wanted Beesbury.

He started looking around her rooms like a mad man, knocking things over in case he was hiding somewhere.

"Aemond! What the fuck are you doing?" she shouted at him, he ignored her. "Do you really think he's here? What shit stirrer told you today? What did they tell you?"

He rounded on her again, "You gave him your favour, so everything you said about him was lies," he spat at her, "I didn't think you were a liar Vyserra but I know now, and I won't see you again, but I'll kill him first!"

He had her against the wall again, "Where is he? I'll ask one more time," he held her chin. 

It was Vyserra's turn to get angry, she slapped him full force in the face, "You fucking idiot Aemond," she laughed hysterically at him, "he grabbed it off me you fool, he grabbed it from me! I didn't give him shit! The whole royal box saw it, he is being warned by your father for the behaviour! Unless my father kills him first!" she laughed again, half mad, and Aemond just looked at her, "you think I want Beesbury, have you hit your head?" she mocked him, half terrified of him but the blood of the dragon ran in Vyserra it was clear to see, and she wouldn't easily be intimidated by anyone.

Vyserra left the room and went onto her balcony, she started smoking something, she was only in her nightgown, his cock betrayed him and started getting hard. Aemond just watched her trying to make sense of what he had just heard.

He took some deep breaths, what he had heard seemed to good to be true. She was lying he thought. He reasoned with himself, why would she lie? As she said, the royal box had seen it, anyone could verify it, he didn't give anyone time to explain, even Cole was trying to tell him something earlier.

He sat down for a minute and made sure he was calm. His emotions were all over the place, because now he was feeling ecstatic as the anger left his body, if she was telling the truth she hadn't betrayed him. He looked at Vyserra, and touched the cheek she slapped. It hurt, and he was strangely proud of her for it.

He realised her version of events made a lot more sense than the version he had made up in his head. He had just terrified and treated Vyserra like shit for nothing. He remembered the tears and the way he scared her, and guilt rose from his stomach.

He got up and went to the balcony doors, Vyserra was still standing smoking something. He opened the doors and she jumped and he felt like a piece of shit. 

"That's not good for you, you know," Aemond said quietly, about whatever she was smoking.

"Fuck off," she said bitterly.

She was facing away from him, he went to touch her waist and she jumped again and slapped his hand away.

"Vyserra," Aemond said.

"What!" her voice rose, "What do you want Aemond?"

"What you said is true?" 

"Of course it true you idiot, if you let me or anyone else explain earlier before you went off in a tantrum you would know that," Aemond decided to just take whatever abuse she wanted to give him.

She turned around and looked at him in disgust, "Do you actually think that of me? Do you think I'm that stupid? Or cruel?" she had tears in her eyes now, she turned around again and started crying. Aemond went and put his arms around her from behind, she tried to fight him away, scratching his arms until she drew blood, he remained there, she had stopped crying, obviously angry again.

She relented and stopped attacking him. She threw whatever she was smoking off the balcony.

"Come inside," Aemond said quietly, she was cold and was wearing very little, as his dick was reminding him.

She turned and shoved him off and went inside, she went to the bathroom and he sat on her bed. 

When she came out she said, "I hoped you'd be gone," she didn't look at him. He patted the bed beside him and she sat as far away as possible as the bed would let her. 

Aemond wasn't giving up and he hoped that she would forgive him, if he could explain, but he knew it would be difficult for him to speak about how he felt.

He went to her on the bed and put his arms around her, she just stayed still, not hugging him back but not pushing him off.

"Vyserra," he breathed, "I'm sorry, I saw red today. I couldn't control myself when I heard he had your favour. I completely lost it. I flew away to calm down but I couldn't, I didn't want to believe what I heard."

"Well it isn't true, so I hope you're happy now," she said, still angrily. 

"I am happier, but I am not happy that I've upset you."

She stayed silent, he pulled her on to his knee and started playing with her hair, "I can't stand the thought of you with anyone else, I would burn the whole of Kings Landing, the whole of the Seven Kingdoms," he whispered in her ear, "how do I make it up to you? Hm?"

After a while she said, "I want Blackfyre... and Dark Sister."

"OK done," Aemond smiled, "Anything else Princess?"


"OK you can have Vhagar too, I won't ride her again if that's what it takes."

"I will be King," Vyserra said.

"I have a better idea," he put her down on the bed. He kissed her forehead and said, "Give me 2 minutes." He then strode out of the secret door.


*Vyserra's POV*

Vyserra watched Aemond leave the door and wondered what he was doing, thinking about what else she could add on to her mock list. She was exhausted from the days emotions. But she was so glad Aemond was there now and he was trying his best to make it up to her. She realised she was milking it, but she didn't care, she was secretly enjoying him fighting for her after feeling rejected all day.

She tried not to let herself look too happy as she still wanted the attention from him, when he came back with a small box. He jumped onto the bed beside her and she tried not to smile.

"What is it?" she asked.

He opened the box and showed her the tiara inside, Vyserra's stomach flipped but she tried not to get too excited in case it wasn't what she thought it was. She looked at Aemond expectantly.

"It's the Princesses crown," Aemond said, looking for her expression.

"I'm am a Princess," Vyserra said blatantly.

He put it down and pulled him on top of her, straddling him. He was looking for her expression, "The Crown Princess."

Vyserra's heart leapt and she looked down and back at Aemond, wanting him to continue.

He put both hands on her face and made her look at him, Aemond looked nervous. "Today has made it so obvious to me, I don't want to wait... Will you marry me?"

Vyserra hid her face, feeling overwhelmed, she started to cry. She started nodding, struggling to get her words out, "Yes."

Aemond started laughing and so did she, she took her hands away from her face and she kissed him. There was an urgency to the kiss as Vyserra wrapped herself around Aemond. She felt like she was in a dream world, happiness flooded every part of her body.

She could feel him getting even harder and she moaned. Vyserra had had the longest and strangest day she could remember and all she wanted was Aemond to be close to her. She could feel absolute elation and shock. Aemond pulled her even closer and she pressed herself on his cock. Aemond let out a moan and pushed her hair back, kissing down her neck onto the top of her breasts while Vyserra put her hands in his hair. 

Aemond stopped himself, looking back at Vyserra, they were both breathing heavily, "Is this what you want Princess, we can stop, we can wait." 

In answer Vyserra kissed him again, she didn't want to wait, she kissed his neck and up to his ear, biting it gently while Aemond moaned, grinding into her. He lifted her and put her on the bed.


*Aemond POV*

Aemond couldn't control himself, Vyserra had accepted him as her to-be husband and he couldn't be happier. Having her on top of him in just a night dress was too much for him. 

He lay her on the bed and kissed her, she started pulling at his shirt and he took it off hurriedly, the buttons flying everywhere and they both laughed. He pulled her night dress over her head and looked at her, wild with desire. He groaned and went back to kissing her, not sure how long her could last, he thought he could finish just seeing her naked for the first time.

He kissed down her neck, slowly lowering to suck on her nipples, hearing her whimper with pleasure his cock twitched again. He kissed down her stomach and tasted her core. His pleasured moans matched hers as he tried to control himself, pleasuring her was enough to send him over the edge if he didn't take charge of himself. She was so wet for him. He put two fingers inside her and moaned feeling how tight she was as she gasped with pleasure. 

She moaned "Aemond," and he knew she was close to climaxing, he quickly took of his trousers and kissed her, slowly putting himself inside her and they both gasped. He circled her clit with his fingers as he slowly thrust into her. He wanted to make sure she climaxed. He was holding himself on by a thread until he heard her gasp and tighten her grip on him, scratching his back. He spilled himself inside of her at that same moment.

There was a moment were they were both breathing heavily and he kissed her softly. She moaned again and pulled him on top of her in a tight embrace. 

The feeling in Aemond's stomach was something he had never felt before. He truly felt this was the most perfect moment he had ever had and wanted to stay in it forever. He had to admit to himself first what he was feeling, after such a long time believing it wasn't a real emotion. After they had caught their breaths, he whispered in her ear, "I love you."

Vyserra giggled back, "I love you," in his ear nervously.

Aemond kissed her again and they both were laughing happily. Vyserra had gone very shy again and ran to the bathroom to clean up. 

When she came back she jumped into the bed and nestled up by his side. They were both emotionally and physically exhausted. Aemond played with Vyserra's hair and they sleepily kissed each other until they feel asleep in each others arms.

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