Uchiha Brothers: A Naruto Uch...

By MightyBrand3464

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Loosely based on the "What if Naruto was an Uchiha" by Youtuber Nemogz. This my interpretation of the brother... More

Chapter 1: Sacrifice
Chapter 2: Twins
Chapter 3: Itachi's First Day
Chapter 4: Academy Days
Chapter 5: New Friends and Rivals
Chapter 6: Calm before the storm
Chapter: 7 Bloody Twilight
Chapter 8: New Arrangements
Chapter 9: Wandering Ninjas
Chapter 10: The Mysterious Anbu
Chapter 11: Team 7
Chapter 12: Chaos in the Bloody Mist
Chapter 13: Onwards to the Land of Waves
Chapter 14: Sakura's Resolve
Chapter 15: Collision Course
Chapter 17: A Merry Conclusion
Chapter 18: Dawn of a new Era
Chapter 19: A Wild Confrontation
Chapter 20: Lee's Challenge

Chapter 16: Fire vs Ice

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By MightyBrand3464

With Zabuza and Kakashi

"You're a stubborn bastard to slice off you know" Zabuza panted.

"You should know who you were up against Zabuza-san. I'm not like those opponents you killed, you'll be lucky if you somehow get to me" Kakashi replied. Both jonins were locked in a bitter stalemate. While Kakashi's vision have been mostly obstructed by the mist, Zabuza had a difficult time putting a decisive strike against the silver haired jonin.

"We'll see how long that bravado of yours can save you" Zabuza unraveled several hand seals in a rapid motion. Kakashi eyes widen before unraveling his own hand seals in the exact same pattern as Zabuza's.

Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu

Kakashi and Zabuza both simultaneously unleashed a large water dragon. The result was the two jutsus collided in a large splash canceling each other out.

"How the hell you able to copy my move!" Zabuza snarled before his eyes widened at Kakashi's Sharingan.

"You do realize they don't call me the Copy Ninja for a reason? That was quite a powerful Jutsu I would've been toast had I not copied it. Rest assured whatever you dish out, my Sharingan can copy. You should surrender while we can Zabuza I don't want to have put sudden end to you."

"HAHAHA YOU THINK I'M AFRAID OF YOU KAKASHI DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!! I'M JUST GETTING STARTED! To be honest it's an honor fight a legendary opponent like you. I haven't had this much fun in ages!! I will have that bounty!" Zabuza laughs.

Kakashi made some subtle hands seals unveiled a scroll "Very well then if that's how you want to do this Zabuza I'll gladly see it to you that your career as a killer is permanently put to rest" Kakashi said in a serious tone.

"Like you could do any damage to me! Don't underestimate me Kakashi you're not the only one who's had the same experience!!" Zabuza prepared to unleash his blade. Suddenly a pack of dogs appeared underground biting all of Zabuza's limbs leaving him vulnerable.

"GET THOSE DAMN MUTTS OFF OF ME!!" Zabuza growled.

"I told you that you can't defeat me Zabuza. The more you struggle the tighter their grip they have on you. You can't escape from this this Zabuza." Kakashi smirked in victory underneath his mask.

With Naruto and Haku

"You got some nerve attacking the village in broad daylight. Are you in cahoots with Gato's gang." Naruto deflected his kunai.

"I shall say the same thing Uchiha. This is a business that concerns Gato-san and the village, you Konoha shinobi should have stayed out of this" Haku frown, angry that Naruto deflected the senbons so effortlessly.

"You can thank the old man for crashing your party. As a ninja it's our duty to help out someone in need of defending, even those that cannot defend themselves. Seeing the villagers barely scraping by in misery pissed me off beyond imagination. What right does it give you to pick on such a small village? The old man is making an honest living and now you want to kill him for it!" Naruto questioned angrily.

"I'm not the one who make such decisions. Our mission is to simply eliminate him. Although I despite pointless killing, a mission is a mission and I intend to finish it for Zabuza-sama" Haku replied.

"What do you see in him, that guy is nothing but a psychopath who enjoys the suffering of others. Why follow him!" Naruto demanded an answer but found the ice princess narrow her eyes.

"You wouldn't understand if even I told you. It wasn't for Zabuza-sama, I would have perished a long ago. He gave me purpose to live, to serve him in his quest to eliminate Yagura. I'm sure you're well aware of the state our village was in. That tyrant loved nothing more than to watch us suffer. In fear of a potential usurper, he attempted to wipe out anybody with that has a kekkei genkai. As you see here, I possess the ability to use ice based jutsus or "Hyoton" as I hail from the Yuki clan."

"So that explains why your chakra felt so cold."

"Precisely my Demon Mirror Ice Crystal Jutsu acts as a trap to those unfortunate to be caught in my attack. Nobody has ever survived my array of senbons and you won't be any different. Try and dodge them all you want but know you cannot escape here. You're only delaying your inevitable death!" Haku dodged another array of senbons.

"Stand back guys let me handle ice princess" Naruto told dojutsu duo.

"Ice princess I thought that dobe was a boy."

"She's only pretending to be a boy. The only question is why" Naruto said.

"What are you talking about I am a boy?"

Naruto had a deadpan stare at hearing that. "I know what I saw, your body is way too scrawny to be a guy and to give you proof I even felt you when you tried to ambush me!" Naruto blushed at the embarrassing memory where he accidently groped her.

"Y-You remembered that?!!" Haku shouted in a half squeal.

Sasuke gave a deadpan stare in response. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT TEME IT WASN'T INTENTIONAL OKAY!! SHE TRIED TO KILL ME IN MY SLEEP!! I WAS TYING TO AIM FOR HER HAND!!" Naruto waved his hands defensively.

"Whatever just don't tell miss fangirl about it."


"Child's play" Haku smirked before the several shuriken multiplied into hundreds. Haku's eyes widen in surprised as she attempted to dodge all of them.

Fire Style Fireball Jutsu

Naruto blew out a large fireball this time increasing its chakra input resulting in a larger fireball. Haku seeing a large ball of fire approaching fast, use her superior speed to hope into another mirror, but not without some scratches and burns while the massive fireball collided with the mirrors cracking.

"Well you look at that, I guess you aren't so fast after all" Naruto taunted.

"I severely underestimated him. I wasn't expecting a combined attack to happen so quickly, I can't let him live" Haku's robe had cuts all over, her right sleeves burned off as she stayed behind her mirror to catch her breath.

"Not bad Naruto, but she stilled dodged it. We need to combine our attacks to break this ice" Sasuke said as his Sharingan activated again.

"Sasuke-kun your S-Sharingan awakened" Hinata gasped in shock.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke gasped seeing his reflection from the remaining kunai. It was clear as day as he took time to marvel its sheer power.

"Congratulations teme after all that effort, you finally awakened it!" Naruto said with a proud grin as he gave Sasuke a fist pump.

"You're too early to celebrate Uchiha. If you think you have a chance to defeat me, you are sadly mistaken. I've let this carry on way too long it's time I finish you all!" Haku traveled faster than ever as he zipped from mirror to mirror in a zigzag fashion. The genins used their respective dojutsu to analyze the direction Haku was traveling. Sasuke smirked at being able to see Haku better.

"Can you still fight Hinata-chan?" Sasuke asked.

"I have enough to perform one more jutsu. I didn't think I would be forced to use it, t-to be h-honest I-I haven't p-perfected this technique yet so I-I may not be able to d-deflect all of them" Hinata admitted shyly.

"As long as you can distract him long enough so Naruto and I can work this jutsu up. The second you finish stand as far away you can, it's a very powerful jutsu and I don't want you to get caught by the blast" Sasuke explained to the Hyuga, she nodded in confirmation as she stood in between them of them waiting for the exact moment for Haku to attack.

"What are they planning, I can't let them figure it out" Haku appeared behind them and threw another row of senbons.

"Now!" Naruto shouts.

Hinata charged chakra until it became visible around her body. Stretching her hands outward she spun around in a dome of chakra deflecting most of the dozens of senbons being thrown.


The Uchiha brothers marveled at the sheer power as it essentially created a barrier that nothing could enter. They could feel wind blowing against them by the attack before Hinata got to her knees exhausted.

"It's now or never!!"

Fire Style Fireball Jutsu

Wind Style Great Breakthrough

Blazing Inferno Combination Jutsu

Sasuke and Naruto said unison as the two respective jutsu merged into a giant torrent of flames. Any remaining senbons that was thrown were melted immediately under the sheer heat of the fire.

"What is this jutsu!? It's so powerful... There's no way my ice could withstand that!" Haku thought in horror and disbelief as the massive jutsu collided near Haku, destroying all the nearby mirror in a chain reaction.

"I don't believe it he actually stopped my Jutsu!" Haku flew like a missile as she tumbled across the floor. Her mask cracked from the impact.

Naruto wiped the sweat, relieved he was able to destroy the dome of ice. Naruto looked over at the state his comrades was in. Kiba and Shino are thankfully alive, only that they were unconscious. Sasuke was barely able to stand while trying to pick the needles off Hinata's body. Her breathing was shallow, probably from overextending herself still seeing Sasuke comfortable put a smile to his face. It was the only time he truly felt happy.

"You've done good Hinata-chan I'm so proud of you" Sasuke said with a genuine smile to his face before wincing in pain.

"Let me get those needles off ya Sasuke. Don't want you to look like a porcupine" Naruto chuckles as he began picking the needles off of Sasuke.

"Whatever just hurry up and get these off of me" Sasuke grit his teeth in pain from the needles. Once all the senbons we're out, he felt body being able to move now albeit a little stiff.

Naruto's face turned serious "You think Haku's still alive?"

"That blast was pretty strong I'll doubt she could survive that" Sasuke noticed Haku's body several meter away.

"That was an impressive Jutsu, you're the first one who ever broke free from my jutsu, but this battle is from over." Haku's robe was torn off from her right side exposing her bandages that covered her chest.

"Lady don't the word give up mean anything? You already lost! I can feel half of your chakra already depleted!"

"I should be saying the same thing Uchiha the attack seems to have taken quite a toll on you as well" Haku chuckled.

"Perhaps, but you used more chakra. Even if we were to fight eventually, I would win."

"I told you already I cannot for Zabuza-sama. My purpose is to be useful tool, I may be hurt, but I am far from dead" Haku got into a stance.

"You still want to do this, fine be my guest. I've been itching to kick somebody's ass for ruining my day. I'm not letting you out of my sights" Naruto said as two grabbed their kunais and proceeded to charge forward.

With Mikoto and Kurenai

"You're quite stubborn Harribel-san. Even under a great amount of pressure, you still can move." Mikoto chuckled darkly.

"You can't keep me here forever Konoha shinobi! I will find a way to get out!" She grits her teeth in pain as she felt yet another strike.

"I have no doubts Harribel-san, your willpower to live is much greater than most shinobi I've encountered, but for how long can you maintain it!" Mikoto thrusted her katana deeper into Harribel's torso.

"AAAARGHHH!" Harribel cried out as pain enveloped her whole body. She felt tears coming as she tried fight through the pain.

"Surrender! You're making this too hard on yourself! Why do you choose to resist, you're only hurting yourself. I could easily end this pain if you submit and cease this needless fighting" Mikoto whispered to her ear.

"I T-TOLD I HAVE NO INTENTAGGHH!" Harribel felt her wound deepening.

"Kami you're a stubborn girl most would already surrender by now. Before I put an end to your misery explain why Gato sent you here. I thought you preferred your own company so why are doing low mercenary work?" Mikoto asked.

"Don't confuse me for serving that old pervert! I work for nobody but my own!! Gato just happened to have something that I want, so as long as I get paid accordingly, then I have no issues. He sent me to specifically finish off the both of you. He said you giving him a lot of trouble and now we're fighting I realize that now. I made the mistake of underestimating you, but I won't anymore."

"What do you mean?" Mikoto asked before Harribel grabbed the sword that was impaled. Concentrating on her chakra pulled it out of her body. Despite the pain, there is no blood in sight.

Harribel smirks in realization. "I see, the injuries you have inflicted upon me are not real. All of this here isn't real, somehow you have infiltrated my mind as long as I concentrate hard enough, I can break out of it."

"She's figured out the limitations. I really wanted to avoid this bloodshed" Mikoto witnessed the background return to normal. Harribel suddenly woke up as she looked at her surroundings.

"Already Mikoto-san I would've thought she would be down for another minute!!" Kurenai gasp in shock.

"She is a lot stronger than I give her credit for. Be prepared seems we don't have any other option but to engage" Mikoto explained.

"That was a damn good genjutsu you just pulled. It almost felt real. Enough games!! What you have done to me I'll bring it back tenfold!" Harribel grabbed her sword before concentrating chakra again.

"What is she planning to do?" Kurenai asked.

"We're about to find out prepare yourself!" Mikoto blocked Harribel's attack. The two swordswomen began a set of rapid classes using their superior reflexes to counter the other. Mikoto's lighter katana gave her the advantage as she attacked her with rapid strikes.

"You can't block me forever Harribel-san eventually you will have to fight back. Don't tell me you lost your spirit right now, I am disappointed. I was expecting more from the great Silent Shark" Mikoto taunted.

Harribel growled at the insults. "You are starting to become very chatty little Uchiha. All you Uchihas are alike, you rely too much on your eyes and you think you're much superior than everybody else. I personally dealt with some of your kind, all had the same arrogant attitude. Those are type of shinobi I despise with a passion!" Harribel.

Water Style Typhoon Wave

A torrent of water began to surround her, spiraling into a large tendril. Quickly as it formed, quickly it shot at the two kunoichi. Mikoto concentrated chakra into her katana creating a watery cloak.

Water Style Crescent Knife

Like the namesake, she sliced the incoming torrent of water like its hot butter resulting in a huge splash around them.

"Thank you Mikoto-san I almost thought we were going be washed away."

"We would be if I hadn't acted soon. That was a very powerful Jutsu" Mikoto

"There has to be some kind of weakness. She honestly can't be that powerful." Kurenai grits her teeth in frustration.

"It sure seems that way I haven't fought someone tough since last great ninja war. Have I really gotten soft from being a mother" Mikoto voices her own frustrations. No matter how hard she tried she can't seem to stop Harribel. She felt she has gotten weaker as a shinobi. Has she neglected her training that much?

No, it couldn't be, she's an Uchiha for Kami sake. She sure as hell wasn't going to let some tramp like her humiliate her. Her Sharingan glowing she teleported to right behind Harribel.

"You cannot be serious such an obvious attack can't possibly-"

"I told you not to take me lightly Harribel-san. Frankly you're becoming a larger nuisance than I give you credit for. I should have done this from the beginning, I didn't want to use but you left me no choice" Mikoto's sword began to change its shape into a much longer shape, its color changed into an oynx color. Harribel felt the atmosphere suddenly got colder.

"You see Harribel-san I'm not like other Uchihas whose natural talents trump over anything. Just like you I too had work hard to my upmost limits to achieve this power. While I understand your plight, it does not excuse you from the fact you are serving under a corrupt and cowardly crime lord who seeks nothing but power. In fact, it isn't much different from serving under the Mizukage. I heard he runs a large prostitution ring underneath his base and that is that the type of man you really want to be under?" Mikoto questioned.


"You're right I don't know about nothing you, but I know enough that I'll never stoop to your level to be reduced to a mere mercenary for hire. As a kunoichi you should be ashamed of yourself"

"THAT'S IT I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR TALK PREPARE TO DIE!!" Harribel charged forward with her sword pointed towards her vital organs.

Sode no Shirayuki

Mikoto chanted as she thrust her sword down to an imaginary floor before a spiral of ribbons formed around in a path of blizzard.

Harribel managed to dodge the incoming torrent but before her feet got caught in the blizzard.

"What did you do to me."

"Did you really think you could get away from me? You're not as all fast as it seems. Your battle ends here time to-" Mikoto she saw a large torrent of fire heading towards the way of the other member.

"That chakra it's so powerful, is that Naruto..." Mikoto's thoughts began to fill with worry.

"What's the matter Mikoto-san did something happened." Kurenai raised an eyebrow.

With Nauro and Haku

Clashes continued with Naruto and Haku. Despite the obvious exhaustion they felt, they still continued to clash. Everytime Haku used her ice Jutsu, Naruto was right there to counter with his fire jutsu. It was beginning to reach a stalemate and Naruto had to find a way to finish this fight.

"Your persistence is incredible even though both of our chakras have significantly drain you still get in my way. Why do you care so much about Tazuna-san. He does not concern you Konoha shinobi." Haku asked.

"If you think I'm just going to quit and leave the old man on his own then you you're out of your mind. We're called here to protect and if means beating the shit out of bastards like you then I won't stop until the old man can finish his bridge so his people can survive. We Konoha shinobi help those who can't help themselves, it is our duty so try all you want to convince me because it ain't gonna happen!" Naruto unraveled a hand seal.

Multi Shadow Clone Justu

An army of Naruto clones sprang forward three of them blew out a large fireball while the other three blew a gust of wind allowing the fireball increase in size merging into a large torrent of fire.

"There's no way block this I have to get escape from this now!" Haku used her superior speed, but what she didn't count was another two Naruto's descending right above her each of them thew a kunai laced with wind chakra.

Haku attempted to dodge again, but couldn't escape the sharp weapons, cutting her arms. She winced in helpless as the remaining ganged on her pinned her down on the ground.

"You're a tough cookie, but it's safe to say that this fight is over." Naruto said feeling exhausted from burning his reserves.

"H-How did you d-do it? I-I should've been able to see you." Haku turned around, her remaining masked cracked revealing her bloodied face.

"You really think you could easily spot me when you're barely drained. I just used my Jutsu to catch off guard until my shadow clones could get a hold, needless to say it paid off." Naruto smirked, as the clones popped from existence leaving only two.

"Kill me, I've become a useless. There's no way I could serve Zabuza-sama like this." Haku pleaded.

"You can't be serious have you lost your mind!?" Naruto blinked at he heard.

"I'm nothing but broken worthless tool, what's even the point of sparing me you already defeated me so as a shinobi it's only natural you finish me off " Haku answered with strained voice.

"Quit spouting such bullcrap!! You think I would kill you like in cold blood!? Look we may be enemies, but you're by no means worthless!" Naruto shouted.

"You don't understand the full story, you see unlike most of you shinobi I didn't grow up with a father, my mother died when I was too young and I was left to fend for myself in the harsh cold wilderness. I would have perished if it wasn't for Zabuza. I will be honest that I do not agree with his methods on killing, but he has given me purpose, to be his useful tool. I was meant to always be by his side and now I'm worthless."

"There you go again with the worthless crap it's stupid!! You're just as valuable as anybody else and someone who has a pure heart deserves so much better than to be used by a criminal like him. You're not the only person who lost family, I'm sure you heard the Uchiha Massacre. I was there when I saw my own brother murder my dad in cold blood. You know what I did? I didn't let that event define me and you shouldn't either. It's not too late to change your ways and be the better ninja." Naruto held his foot firmly on Haku.

"You're wasting y-your time finish me! Do it!!" Haku yelled out grabbing Naruto arms attempting to thrust the kunai into her neck but before he reacts, he felt himself being knocked with the force of a truck by Harribel. Naruto was sent flying several meters near where Sakura was located.

"W-Why do you stop him Harribel-san I was ready to die." Haku whimpered.

"You were brave out there, but you have done enough. You're too young through your life away." Harribel said coddling the young girl. She felt rage build up as she looked at the boy who harm this precious girl.

"N-Naruto-kun!" Sakura rushed to where Naruto before a furious Harribel appeared.

"Another pesky Uchiha to deal with. Your clan is quite the problematic bunch. I'm afraid I will have to put you down permanently." Harribel aimed his sword.

"N-NO DON'T! LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS" Sakura protested standing in front of Naruto with her arm out and a bamboo stick to her right hand.

"You think that insignificant little stick can match this sword don't make me laugh. Move away little girl before I cut you too." Harribel pointed the sword towards Sakura.

"S-Sakura-chan r-run away now... It's too dangerous here." Naruto pleaded.

"You're crazy if I'm letting you by yourself with her!! I can't live with myself if something happened to you!" Sakura argued.

"And you think by putting a false bravado will help you survive? Pathetic you're just as weak as the other Konoha kunoichi here. You all think this is all a game, when I was your age I killed hundreds of shinobi. All I see here is a scared little girl who has no business doing here. This is my last warning step aside or be prepared to for a quick, gruesome death." Harribel warned.

"I don't care if I die at least, I can die protecting my comrades!!" Sakura said with determination. Naruto was left stunned this was not the same girl who complained about everything. There she was risking her life for his sake and he can't do a damn thing about it!!

"Fine if you wanna play the fool be my guess but I won't show mercy now die!" Harribel leaped towards the pinkette.

Sakura's fear was at an all-time high. Her legs prevented her from moving. She was trapped in fear, too hopeless to do the one thing she was supposed to do and the old man was watching in horror as he tried to cover his face.

"I'm going to die here, I'm actually going to die here!!" Sakura panicked attempted to thrust the staff in front of her for protection.

But before the blade could do its job Mikoto appeared in front of them and took the brunt of the blade.

"KAASAN/SENSEI!!" Naruto and Sakura shouted in horror.

"You again!? I thought I took care of you! You're an annoying pest!!" Harribel seethed with anger.

"A-As if I l-let you attack my students!" Mikoto chuckled coughing blood.

"S-Sensei!!" Sakura broke out her daze attempting to speak to her, but she saw her sensei's body collapsed the ground. The next moment she would describe as utterly terrifying.

"Y-You..." Naruto growled in anger. Sakura could sense some sort of tremendous power exploding out. Visible red chakra began to pour out of his body almost like a layer of blanket. She tried to touch him, but she felt her hand burn like she was touching something hot.

"What the hell is going on here!! What is that red aura?" Tazuna shouts seeing some sort of red outline nearby.

Naruto's whiskers elongated and he began to grow fangs. That red aura seemed to be healing him because his previous injures were disappearing. He quickly jumped baring his fangs out against the attacker. Sakura looked on in horror witnessing this powerful and terrifying new form of Naruto. His Sharingan had one tomoe on his left eye and two tomoe on his right eye. His pupils were skit like a fox. It almost reminded of the old beast from legends.

"What is this chakra it's unlike anything I felt before it almost reminds me of-" Harribel didn't get time to finish before she barely blocked Naruto's claw swipe with her sword. Although she was successful, she felt herself being dragged back at the sheer power.

"This boy isn't normal I have to kill him!" Harribel attempted to cleave him, but he instantly dodged landing a power punch to her torso knocking the wind of her, tumbling just hard as she did to him previously.

"HOW DARE YOU KILL HER YOU BASTARD!! I'LL TEAR YOU APART!!" Naruto's voice was laced with the Kyubi's making his voice sound warped.

"What is this I'm seeing, this is not Naruto. This power if too horrifying to be him!!" Sakura could feel its immense power filled with malice that makes Zabuza's seem tame in comparison.

"What in the hell is that power it's like something foul beyond anything I felt before." Zabuza said in awe of the power.

Kakashi almost thought he was lying until he felt it's massive power so much so that the fog was beginning to dissipate around him.

Naruto sprawled into all fours like a wild animal. In an instant Naruto ran with a rapid swipe this time creating a dent on the sword.

"This shouldn't be possible he's just a child!" Harribel concentrated water chakra into her sword creating another water talon.

"Go ahead and dodge this either way your limbs will be cleaves off." Harribel launched her crescent attack.

Naruto instantly deflected it with an ear-piercing roar sending right back at Harribel. Seeing the incoming projectile heading towards Haku, she grabbed her and jumped out of the way slicing through the river. Harribel focused on the injuries to see Naruto in front of her.

"Grahhhh!!!!" Naruto kicked her several meters splashing across the water.

"Where is this boy getting this power? It's very similar to the Mizukage's could he the Jinchuriki I heard about!?" Harribel got up, she felt previous injury she sustained from Mikoto's genjutsu resurfaced.


Blood was leaking to her outfit turning a previous white to a scarlet stained color. There were previous gashes from the fight that opened up, even now standing up is already painful.

"You gotten overconfident in your own abilities Harribel-san. Have you forgotten that Uchihas possess the most powerful genjutsu. Frankly it's even you can even stand let alone move, but this charade is over." Kurenai stood in front of her. Despite the minor injuries she was relatively fine. She could feel's Naruto's power leaking from a distance.

"Look what you done Harribel because of your actions now let his Kyuubi power out loose. This isn't over, I need to deal with Naruto-kun before he hurts anyone." Kurenai.

"I'll KILL YOU!!" Naruto growled, right when he was about to pounce Sasuke came forward.

"Naruto snap out of it this isn't you!!"

Naruto's expression softened slightly. He seemed very hesitant and just stood on all fours.

"Sasuke you're in the way lemme rip this bastard to shreds!?"

"You're in no shape to fight!! Look at you, already used up your reserves do you really you think can fight when you can't think straight!? What would Kakashi sensei say if he saw you like this?"

I don't care that bastard took my mom, because I was helpless! I can't hesitate!!"


"Please Naruto-kun snap out of this!! I want to real Naruto-kun to come back not this monster!" Sakura appeared.

"S-Sakura-chan." Naruto's was horrified.

"Do it now!" Sasuke called Sakura.

"I'm sorry about this, but this is for your own good." Sakura casted a sleeping genjutsu that immediately caused to collapse. His feral features began receding as the red chakra dissipate.

"I can't believe that actually worked I thought he was going to kill us." Sakura breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't tell anybody what happened it's best they don't." Sasuke warned.

"What was that power it's so dark and evil?" Sakura asked.

"I don't know if I should trust with you this, you better not tell anyone or you're dead meat, I mean it." Sasuke said in a threatening tone.

"I wasn't even planning to tell everyone!! I promise!!" Sakura waved her defensively.

"You know about the story of the Kyubi attack?" Sakura nodded.

"Mine's and Naruto's birthday falls on that day the monster attack. I'm sure everyone about the Kyubi's attack so I'm going to details just know that beast wasn't killed like people." Sasuke spoke cryptically.

"You're making sense, if it can't be killed then how was he able to stop it!?" Sakura was growing frustrated at the cryptic statements. She knew Sasuke was hiding something.

"The only Yondaime could defeat that beast was to seal it somewhere, or as matter in fact someone, guess which that day the Yondaime sealed in."

It suddenly clicked now she understands why the elders look at him with such contempt that they tried to harass him. The names like demon brat made sense now. The fact his birthday happens to fall on the anniversary of the attack where she heard of assassination attempts were made in him. It's the whole reason why he seems so distant from everyone. That dark, malicious chakra that's unlike anything she ever felt before. He was the Jinchuriki she read about.

"Should've known you would get it question is what are going to do about it." Sasuke said in tone that scared her slightly.

"Of course Naruto's still Naruto. Even if he has that monster inside of him that doesn't change the fact he's still Naruto. Sure, he may act like a jerk at times but that doesn't change anything, in fact I'm more sorry that he has to deal with this burden!" Sakura replied cautiously.

Sasuke's smile only showed for a full second before it returned.

"Ohh so the quiet bad boy can smile after all!?" Sakura said with cheeky grin.

"I don't what you're talking about." Sasuke denied.

"Don't deny it, I just saw it with my own eyes!" Sakura giggled.

"You better not tell Naruto!" Sasuke growled with a slight blush causing her to laugh more.

"I paid you you a hefty amount to have kill some random ninja and this I get, some misfit brats that are still alive, my prime mercenary locked in a stalemate, and that other whore I hired who looked she been kick through the shitter. What a disgrace and here I thought you two were the best assassins in the land, looks like I found some useless bitches cause that's what you are!"

The diminutive man that Gato stood nearby hoards go thugs surrounding the end of the bridge.

"Why the fuck are you here." Zabuza growled in disgust."

"Aw and here I thought the ass beating you went through would have at least made you more obedient since I have to clean up the mess myself. You're finished here and frankly I don't give a damn about a bunch of weaklings, that ice girl is barely functioning." Gato kicked the girl causing her body to tumble.

"DON'T YOU DARE TREAT HER LIKE THAT!!" Zabuza yelled with fury.

"You're went too far Gato-san!" Harribel adds.

"Wow should I care, she's useless to me as much as you. Why would you want a broken toy to play with when I have something better." Gato laughed.

"SHE WAS WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY OF YOU FUCKERS!! I TOOK HER IN LIKE MY OWN DAUGHTER AND YOU DON'T GET TO DISRESPECT HER AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!" Zabuza's veins were pulsing at the sheer disrespect with Gato. Sakura and Sasuke could see tears coming from him.

"What did I hurt your feelings Demon of the Mist? HA!! That's so rich coming from you. So much for the big bad demon! What can you do with broken arms like that!! YOU'RE FINISHED KILL THEM ALL MEN I DON'T CARE HOW YOU DO IT!! LEAVE NO TRACE BEHIND!!" Gato ordered with a malicious grin. It was almost sickening for the genins.

"Be ready Sakura keep Naruto close to you?"

"What about Hinata and others?"

"They're fine Hinata is taking care of them. I'm glad she didn't see Naruto's secret. I don't know I could've been able to tell them." Sasuke nodded with relief. Before they could act Harribel stepped in slicing their necks.

"You!!! I haven't forgot about what did to me bitch!!" Gato showed a bandage wrapped around his back.

"I should've killed you on the spot, but I will change that." Harribel pulled her damaged sword.


"Get these damn dogs off me Kakashi!" The assassin ordered.

"Sure thing Zabuza I'm glad we cleared that little misunderstanding." The dogs instantly disappeared before grabbing the sword from a fallen thug.

"Zabuza-san?" Harribel questions.

"Don't worry about me, just stay over there and protect Haku!"

"Come I can take all you bastards!!" Zabuza said with savage grin.

Zabuza sliced his way against Gato's thugs like shiskabob. Sakura covered her eyes to in disgust as the smell of blood permeated.


"You're too late for begging Gato. I'm not like those other clowns who can be easily swayed with money. You shouldn't make the mistake of humiliating Haku. I don't let that kind of disrespect slide.

"Arghh Bastard!!! Gato screamed in pain feeling the sword lodged in his lungs.

The scene ended with Gato being kicked into the water drowning in his blood before the body was washed away.

Sasuke walked back reunited with Kakashi as he carried an unconscious Naruto.

"It's been a such a long day sensei here you can carry Naruto I'm tired." Sasuke said walking back to where Team 8 was currently sitting.

"How are Shino and Kiba are they fine?" Sasuke asked.

"They're doing quite well, they just woken up." Hinata nodded as Kiba and Shino got back up.

"It's been a crazy day from she said, sounds like you guys were in a deep pickle." Kiba said as Akamaru licked his injured arm.

"Where's Naruto-san has he survived?" Shino asked with a hint of concern.

"He's fine, Naruto just needs some rest he's right there with Kakashi.

"And Mikoto sensei?"

Suddenly he remembered why Naruto snapped in the first place.

"Mother!! I almost forgot I'll be right back just head back to the old man's home.

"That was a really scary situation Sakura-chan. I really owe you guys my life. I never seen someone so brave in the face of death!" Tazuna complimented with an astonished expression.

"Thank you sir, although I didn't really do much to help them. All I did stand there while Naruto was hurt." Sakura sighed disappointedly.

"Hey you managed to keep me alive so that's more than enough and from what I've seen you'll become one hell of ninja one day." Tazuna said with a genuine smile.

"That means a lot Tazuna-san." Sakura smiled at the compliment.

"Hello Sakura-chan are alright where are Hinata-chan and the others?" Asked Kurenai who's injured were healed from the ointment.

"I'm fine thankfully and Hinata and the others are with Sasuke-kun. How's Mikoto sensei?" Sakura asked with grace concern.

"I'm fine really" showed a relatively harmless Mikoto.

"How are you standing I thought I impaled you? I saw it with my own eyes." Harribel gasped.

"Oh that was just a genjutsu to fool you. I was ready to counter before Naru intervened speaking of my son where is he?" Asked Mikoto with worry on her face.

"He's fine, Sasuke and I managed to cast a genjutsu to make him sleep so he wouldn't cause anymore rampage.

"You son is indeed powerful he managed to put a dent on my sword. I'll have to repair mine's when I return back." Harribel placed the sword back into its sheath.

"What are you going to do now Harribel-san?" Mikoto asked.

"Probably leave this place I've already grown tired of it. To tell you the truth I don't have any place to go since back home it's still chaotic and I don't Yagura would like a traitor in his midst."

"You don't have to worry about that midget anymore Mei-chan and I already dealt with that. The village is rebuilding itself since then."

"Wait you mean the lava sorceress herself is Mizukage!?" Harribel gasped.

"Just only two months ago I haven't returned to see how she is doing. Maybe it's about I head back. I don't want to put Haku-chan in immediate danger anymore." Zabuza sighed.

"What about your arms? You can't really move them."

"These will be fine I sustained worse I juries like this. With a couple days of recovery, they will be healed. Anyways I guess that's the end of this mess you have pretty impressive brats Kakashi. Keep training them." Zabuza nodded before he and Harribel walked on the water with Haku gently laid on top of Harribel's back.

And so, the big battle was finally over. The group went back to Tazuna's house to recover as they were multiple parties that needed some rest. The bodies of the thugs were dumped into the water to let the fish devour them. As the genins we're resting Sakura has one thing on her mind.

"That power felt so dark... Nothing I've ever felt before and the fact I could see its physical form. It must've have been painful for Naruto to maintain it. Why Naruto-kun of all people have to be the one who suffers." She felt her heartbeat. Despite how scared she felt when she saw that form, she could see his scared reaction when he saw her. Like a child that has been abandoned by its mother.

This trip has been a wakeup up call for her. Not only she got to actually talk to Naruto, but also learn more about him. She just wished he didn't have to go through that darkness alone.

"I promise Naruto I'll get so strong that you guys won't see me as a hindrance. I finally found my conviction and with more training I'll become just as strong as you are. Thanks for believing in me Naruto-kun." Sakura ruffled his hair in affection very relieved the day has been finally over.

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